View Full Version : I stepped outside my normal routine the other night,,,

06-15-2015, 10:59 PM
well,I got done slinging wood the other night and I did something I know I should not have done.
I went outside of my routine and I have learned that when I do that problems show up.
I normally put all my gear in it's place before I leave the waters edge.
well,this night I did not do that.
I walked to the car and then put everything on top of the car.
I put my pliers away,I put my lipper away and I put my rod/bag away.
what I didn't put away was the plug I had on the line.
I left it on and put that on top too.
Well,I got in and hit the road.
as I got on the highway,I heard a roll and thump down the back of the car.
I thought what was that and then it hit me,i left the plug up there.

I thought it had to be in a million pieces by now and was not going to go back for it.
when I got to the next exit,i got off and went back around.
as I made my way back,I saw a motorcycle pulled over and a guy was looking under it,maybe he ran over it.
I got off and went around to get back on where it fell.
I roll up slow on the wide shoulder and there it was in the3 middle of the ramp.
I got out and picked it up.
to my surprise it was indeed run over but, very much intact.
the lip was bent straight down with several nicks in it,the tail treble was mangled and one of the points was broken off a halfinch or so.
it had a few dents on the side that was on the pavement but,over all it was still very solid and fixable.
I took my file and filed the nicks out pretty much then a lightly sanded the surface with fine grit and all it need to back in action is a fresh coat of epoxy.
glad I went back as I was not going to at first but,my motto of "never leave a plug behind" overwhelmed me so I went back and all is well!


06-15-2015, 11:00 PM
heres one more.


06-16-2015, 07:25 AM
Seems you got the luck o the Irish, Roddy.....;)
I hate losing things.....I recently mis-placed my good pair of waders, have been fishing in leaky waders the last few times out...:bucktooth:
Next thing you need to do is catch a 20 on that plug....it has mojo now......:fishing:
Good story....glad to hear it turned out well for ya.....:thumbsup: :HappyWave:

06-16-2015, 07:49 AM
My momma always said its better to be lucky than good. cool beans.

06-16-2015, 08:32 AM
fish it that way- might be the plug gods giving you a new way LOL!

J Barbosa
06-16-2015, 08:59 AM
Great story...seems like the Devcon epoxy is good stuff! You use the regular 2-ton?

06-16-2015, 09:07 AM
Great story. May that plug bring you many more.

06-16-2015, 10:19 PM
Seems you got the luck o the Irish, Roddy.....;)
I hate losing things.....I recently mis-placed my good pair of waders, have been fishing in leaky waders the last few times out...:bucktooth:
Next thing you need to do is catch a 20 on that plug....it has mojo now......:fishing:
Good story....glad to hear it turned out well for ya.....:thumbsup: :HappyWave:

well I am part Scottish but,my wife is nearly full blood irish,maybe that's where the luck came from.
I almost didn't go back 'cause I figured it had to be destroyed but, I could not leave it without checking.
it turned out good so,I am happy.


06-16-2015, 10:20 PM
fish it that way- might be the plug gods giving you a new way LOL!
it could have been but, I already fixed it up,looks good as new now.will show later.

06-16-2015, 10:22 PM
Great story...seems like the Devcon epoxy is good stuff! You use the regular 2-ton?
oh yes it indeed is,very strong stuff and yes,thats all I use as it is very predictable and I can find it when I want it.
would recommend it to anyone to make lure with.

06-16-2015, 10:23 PM
will have to see,hope so.
it has been in my bag and out of my bag,now it will be in the box in my car.

06-29-2015, 01:14 AM
here she is all fixed up.
ready for the rips again!