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07-01-2015, 08:30 PM
Recreational Fishing Alliance Contact: Jim Donofrio / 888-564-6732

For Immediate Release June 30, 2015

RFA Encourages Anglers to Comment on EPA Ethanol Increase

New Gretna, NJ - The EPA has announced its plan to increase ethanol volume requirements which will push the total ethanol volumes to record highs. Industry projections estimate that as soon as next year the so-called "blend wall" will break. This means more and more ethanol will be on the market, and ethanol-free fuel will be harder to find. This is a significant danger for marine engines which are not designed or legally allowed to run on higher blends of ethanol, like E15. Anglers and boat owners should be concerned about the potential damage that E15 can cause to engines and fuel system components.
The government has opened a public comment period until July 27th. RFA is encouraging its members to weigh-in on this pending regulation through the following action campaign created by the National Marine Manufacturers Association, the lead industry group that has been working on the ethanol issue. To oppose this proposal, please click here (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Lm1Hlg6bcBnCG9zHLv-1gcetbAJke7o0VjKSmlaEeN0EGv5cnLsre6PSrSCIuapjkAuoZ DWYmVwW4NHVWMjI36C6YRLPpGwB0JQfveMA0uTK9zVjB1x7TIo dyyBAB6sMK8qiiqm2pNzNACmFtTtqGsbj8crZI46YG5e38c0k5 TsYl5HMXRtFi3d55SdMSP4A4tHdsr8u3M_j9wOSPMNmBfEF98t hz9nV&c=RKjDrai7nr7ZmNShbCSB7OvafhEYKvHUvRgw30mLrzGmImi2 Bqb1RA==&ch=M3OOk9J0UeLqf_T4kcyykz-thsINPWpsj0wKHhCyYilGz9KDLlxwLg==) and submit your comments to the EPA. It is critical that all boat owners speak up and oppose the government's increasing mandate.

About Recreational Fishing Alliance

The Recreational Fishing Alliance is a national, grassroots political action organization representing recreational fishermen and the recreational fishing industry on marine fisheries issues. The RFA Mission is to safeguard the rights of saltwater anglers, protect marine, boat and tackle industry jobs, and ensure the long-term sustainability of our Nation's saltwater fisheries. For more information, call 888-JOIN-RFA or visit www.joinrfa.org (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Lm1Hlg6bcBnCG9zHLv-1gcetbAJke7o0VjKSmlaEeN0EGv5cnLsrewzBX1SANknNBwCeS i-8TyKyq-BBVUBu_E-oKUhWq2N7QK8MXw1laHOGlOvp-bL5dNbmlMg2TaRhaUkexg9DhdtW9ApGodkfr9SyFeaAe3sOKor GZOGzBvY=&c=RKjDrai7nr7ZmNShbCSB7OvafhEYKvHUvRgw30mLrzGmImi2 Bqb1RA==&ch=M3OOk9J0UeLqf_T4kcyykz-thsINPWpsj0wKHhCyYilGz9KDLlxwLg==).

https://imgssl.constantcontact.com/ui/images1/btn_fbk_160_a.png (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Lm1Hlg6bcBnCG9zHLv-1gcetbAJke7o0VjKSmlaEeN0EGv5cnLsre58khg4ugFSPRAaLh Xa7kIurPCAhnA4cSzfQ9-5L8JFUPJtOgEfik3sBk5pkjG-Lph7x0ec4dR783r4OLRpolG1S3JdZ3hKrI-UPUdYXApJ8M1EKBr0T_yCtrrVoz13ON2nqYJDwAzhsySg53Oa-kNmyXm2ooesttw==&c=RKjDrai7nr7ZmNShbCSB7OvafhEYKvHUvRgw30mLrzGmImi2 Bqb1RA==&ch=M3OOk9J0UeLqf_T4kcyykz-thsINPWpsj0wKHhCyYilGz9KDLlxwLg==) https://imgssl.constantcontact.com/ui/images1/btn_twit_160.png (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Lm1Hlg6bcBnCG9zHLv-1gcetbAJke7o0VjKSmlaEeN0EGv5cnLsre3qYaHITWzUK9icVK u9AvWbeMOYfqERwnOzoABTvWGlRRF_ig77YGeDfvrxA9uaB30_ f46eogA9fcSd-r6i1rZYcECPnYu5jkii12JPDlFv__4CpVnx6qLvfG7Idk8Nuaw ==&c=RKjDrai7nr7ZmNShbCSB7OvafhEYKvHUvRgw30mLrzGmImi2 Bqb1RA==&ch=M3OOk9J0UeLqf_T4kcyykz-thsINPWpsj0wKHhCyYilGz9KDLlxwLg==)

07-01-2015, 08:42 PM
That was pretty easy and quick. done. thanks for posting.

07-04-2015, 01:22 PM
Did it, thank you finchaser.

J Barbosa
07-06-2015, 11:14 AM
Done, sent it out to some boater friends as well.