View Full Version : Fishing Industry dying

08-09-2012, 08:41 PM
This was on NJ.com, great article detailing how things have unfolded with the economy and increasing size limits.

Hurt by reeling economy and catch limits, fishing's fortunes sinking in N.J.

Published: Wednesday, August 08, 2012, 10:10 AM

This is about the big one that got away.

Not a fish, but fishing, a sport and an economic engine in decline.
In recent years, the sport of saltwater fishing in New Jersey has lost more than one of every 10 jobs lost industry-wide, nearly $200 million in sales and $109 million in contributions to the state?€™s gross domestic product, according to the most recent economic data from the National Marine Fisheries Service. And since 2007, the industry has continued to lose ground here, according to a Star-Ledger analysis of federal data tracking anglers and the trips they take off of New Jersey?€™s shores.

For a morning fishing excursion a few weeks ago, the Sea Hunter out of Atlantic Highlands was less than half full, with 32 anglers on board at $42 a head. Capt. Rob Semkewyc said that was a good day for him. Factoring expenses, such as bait, marine fuel, dock fees and two deck hands, he estimates he made about $10 an hour for the 4.5-hour cruise.
"It?€™s tough living on the water," Semkewyc said. "Every year it gets tougher."

Experts point to the recession and an increase in gas prices for curbing the number of fishermen chartering boats and pleasure craft. Anglers also say restrictive catch limits make the sport less appealing for many.

"That?€™s a major part of the New Jersey tourism industry ?€” it trickles down to restaurants and hotels," said Thomas Fote, legislative operations manager for the Jersey Coast Anglers?€™ Association, a cooperative of more than 75 saltwater fishing clubs. "Five years ago, you couldn?€™t get a space in a marina. There?€™s a lot of empty spaces in the marinas nowadays."
Fote said the boat and tackle industries have not been doing as much business lately. Participation in fishing tournaments has also dropped, he said.
"I look at peoples?€™ backyards and their boats are still sitting there," he said. "They haven?€™t put their boats in the water the last couple of years."

Economic data for the past few years is not yet available, but federal fishing data shows people are taking fewer trips every year in New Jersey, with a 27 percent decrease in saltwater excursions from 2006 to 2011, a loss of about 1.9 million trips.

http://brightcove01.brightcove.com/21/260701700001/260701700001_1775803926001_vs-5021acdfaea7b0e48286781c-782203292001.jpg?pubId=260701700001 (http://javascript<strong></strong>:void(0))

Half full party boats at Atlantic Highlands reflects a decline in the recreational fishing industryFrom 2006 to 2009 the sport fishing industry has lost more than one in every ten jobs, nearly $200 million in sales and $109 million in contributions to the state's gross domestic product, according to the National Marine Fisheries Service. The cause for the decline is likely a combination of rising gas prices, economic recession and restrictions on catch size and limits. During the summer months, most boats in the Atlantic Highlands are targeting summer flounder, also known as fluke. Currently, fluke must measure a minimum of 17.5 inches and anglers are limited to five keeper fish. While many fish are being caught, the majority are 'short' fish. Disappointed anglers looking to take home a meal are forced to throw back a lot of these undersized fish. (Video by Andre Malok / The Star-Ledger)Watch video (http://javascript<strong></strong>:void(0))
The decline in the number of anglers is slightly less steep, indicating people are still fishing but taking fewer trips, said Brandon Muffley, chief of the Bureau of Marine Fisheries in New Jersey?€™s Department of Environmental Sciences.
Other activities such as hunting and freshwater fishing have suffered as well, he said. "General outdoor activities like that have declined over the past five to 10 years."
There has been about a 26 percent decrease in the number of anglers from out of state who are fishing in New Jersey?€™s coastal waters. These anglers most often come from Pennsylvania or New York and have made up more than 40 percent of all the anglers fishing here in the past, according to federal fisheries estimates.
Over the past three decades, saltwater fishing trips trended upward until about six years ago, according to the federal data. New Jersey leads the Atlantic Coast in sports fishing catches of summer flounder, bluefish, black sea bass and weakfish, Muffley said.
The drop-off in fishing trips is sharpest among the party and charter boats that take anglers out into deeper waters for a chance at larger fish. While the number of people fishing from shore or on private or rental boats has increased over the years, the for-hire industry has experienced a steady decline in business.
The number of party boats sailing from the Atlantic Highlands Marina has dropped from nine to seven in recent years. Semkewyc said some party boat captains have left the industry altogether, looking for more gainful employment elsewhere.
Semkewyc and his father went into business together in 1993, buying the Sea Hunter and launching it as a party boat. Since then, fishing trips on boats such as his operating in New Jersey have decreased by 60 percent.
Like many in the industry, Semkewyc blames his woes on catch limits put in place the same year he started the business. The limits were instituted to protect several different species that had been overfished. Because of the limits, live release rates for summer flounder climbed from a low of 12 percent in 1985 to 92 percent last year, according to federal fisheries estimates.
"The success rate per angler is one-quarter what it was back in 1992 when the stocks collapsed," Fote said. "We now force the people to discard more fish than they take home.
Muffley said restrictions have been easing over the past few years as the fishing stock rebuilds.
Anglers on Semkewyc?€™s morning fishing trip caught 16 "keepers" above the minimum size limit. They also tossed back an estimated 80 "shorts" that did not meet the requirement.
Ralph Sibona of Lakewood was the only one to catch the limit on Semkewyc?€™s boat, but he had to throw back 16 fish from his position on the starboard side of the stern.
"Today was a very good day," he said.
Fifteen feet away on the port side, Kevin Brown of Roselle had a different sort of luck. He caught only two fish ?€” both about 15 inches ?€” and had to throw them back. He toyed briefly with the idea of paying another $42 for another trip in the afternoon.
"I might be lucky, but I don?€™t want to take a chance," he said, adding that he spent $70 for the morning outing. "I?€™m going to go home and get some fish out of my freezer and enjoy that."
The half-dozen anglers fishing from a nearby pier also had a bad day. They too fish for fluke, but all they managed to catch were a couple of handfuls of baitfish.
"I love being on the piers, it doesn?€™t cost me," said Rocco Galante of Jackson.
Galante is retired with a fixed income, living off of Social Security.
"I?€™d like to be on a boat ?€” anybody does ?€” but if you ain?€™t got the money you don?€™t do it," he said. "It?€™s a lot cheaper to come here."

08-09-2012, 09:49 PM
This was a well writtten article. They were spot on describing the industry. I know a lot of folks who are hurting.

08-13-2012, 08:17 PM
This is so true. I found this by a Montauk Captain. Capt Gene Kelly. Half the boats there are idle now except for weekends. Very tough.


When the boat next to you isn’t sailing that’s a recession and when you aren’t sailing that’s a depression and right now things are pretty depressing for the Montauk charter fleet. Friday and Saturday are always the busiest days (Sunday traffic scares a lot of people) and when I made my early morning check this past weekend there were a couple of boats still tied up that shouldn’t have been. And this is August, normally the busiest month when most of the established boats would normally be sailing every day unless they were blown out. And now, most are lucky to get in four to five trips a week.

I run a charter service and most of my calls come after potential clients have gotten tired of calling boats only to find out they are booked. Back in the early spring I was getting inqueries which is very unusual so I thought that this would be a better year than last year, which was a pretty poor one. But I guess as all the poor economic news developed, people started to change their minds about how they were going to spend their $$$.

Now most of my calls are from individuals looking to join in with others on a shared charter, which we used to call a “splits” until they became extinct. Years ago when I started out splits were very common and all the old timers remember Tuma’s Tackle Shop where Mrs. Tuma would coordinate things. You’d hang around in front of the shop until she would call you and give you six anglers to take out. Nowadays there is no central booking agency where that can be done. All the charterboats are getting calls from singles or doubles that want to join up with some others on a trip, and undoubtedly every day at least one trip could be put together.

As I always say when I hear guys moaning and groaning about the business; “It could be worse, I could own a boat”.
As for the fishing, you could check back with last weeks report. It’s pretty much the same. There are a good amount of makos around and if you go sharking you will probably catch - and release - one. Tuna fishing is nothing to get excited about

On an overnighter you will probably catch a couple of yellowfin and maybe a bigeye, but what is considered a good catch these days would have been considered a poor one a couple of years ago.

Inshore striper fishing is still tough and Southwest Ledge isn’t looking as good as it was. Bottom fishing is good for porgies and sea bass and OK for fluke.

I’m trying to get a forum up and running. It only deals with Montauk. If you fish here, check it out at http://www.montauksportfishing.com/mtkforum.html and contribute.

08-13-2012, 08:25 PM
Very true, I agree. Just go to the Atlantic Highlands or Belmar marinas any weekday. It's a weekday, I know, but a lot of people have off in the summer time. And they aren't going fishing because some of the boats don't have patrons to go out with and break even. Sad times we are living in.

08-06-2015, 03:43 PM
Another good article on the decline of the party boat industry. They showcase some great vintage photos. Including the miss point pleasant.
Is the party over? N.J. party boats fight for survival

08-07-2015, 12:17 PM
Wow those are some old party boat photos thanks for sharing.

08-29-2015, 02:22 PM

08-29-2015, 06:12 PM
Wow what a bummer

08-30-2015, 10:53 AM
In 10 years with all these restrictive regulations and closures I wonder how red lobster will get its fish.

08-30-2015, 03:35 PM
they don't want recreational fisherman

08-30-2015, 04:45 PM
In 10 years with all these restrictive regulations and closures I wonder how red lobster will get its fish.
It will be all tilapia and swai. Yum yum.

08-30-2015, 10:52 PM
they don't want recreational fisherman
Yes this is happening all along the eastern seaboard. I have friends who live in massachusetts who say the federal government has put a lot of fishermen out of business. I can imagine a day in the not too distant future where the only commercial fishermen will be huge factory operations.

08-31-2015, 08:23 AM
Obama administration has been pushing fish shares since day one when he put Dr. Lubichinco who has been replaced by her then assistant in charge of NOAA

08-31-2015, 09:50 AM
It will be all tilapia and swai. Yum yum.

If that day ever happens I will stop eating fish. Did any of you folks ever see the conditions for raising tilapia and swai? Bassically they raise them in polluted river systems. People pee and poo in that water! They raise fish in the same water. Then ship to the us when they harvest them. They should call tilapia the miracle poo fish because it survives in the nastiest waters available. If you dont believe me check it on youtube or facebook.

09-01-2015, 08:30 AM
I would not want anyone in my family to be involved in party, charter boat, or commercial fishing. The future does not look too good.

09-03-2017, 10:44 AM
With the regulations being the way they are more and more pb's are being sold. See this every year, how come the congressmen are not helping?

09-11-2017, 11:37 PM
If that day ever happens I will stop eating fish. Did any of you folks ever see the conditions for raising tilapia and swai? Bassically they raise them in polluted river systems. People pee and poo in that water! They raise fish in the same water. Then ship to the us when they harvest them. They should call tilapia the miracle poo fish because it survives in the nastiest waters available. If you dont believe me check it on youtube or facebook.


check this out

09-12-2017, 11:38 PM
sooooooo nasty.