View Full Version : EEZ fishing write your Representatives save the bass

02-29-2016, 04:45 PM
On February 2, 2016, Representative Lee Zeldin sponsored Bill HR 3070, and its title is "The EEZ Clarification Act". The purpose of the letter is to inform you that the Jersey Coast Anglers Association (JCAA) is strongly opposed to this legislation. Let me explain:
The JCAA is an association of approximately 75 fishing clubs that has fought hard to protect the stocks of striped bass, especially when the stocks of this fishery were decimated during the 1970's and early 1980's. The JCAA was chiefly responsible for making striped bass a no-sale or game fish in New Jersey, so that it could not be harvested by commercial anglers or sold in our state. This designation helped the coastal stocks of striped bass to recover significantly.
Due to their decline, fishing for stripers in the Economic Exclusion Zone (EEZ) that is in federal waters, was prohibited by federal regulations. This was done so that the EEZ could provide a sanctuary for striped bass and to help ensure that the stocks would attain and remain at healthy levels. Opening up this EEZ to the harvesting of striped bass would threaten the stocks of this fishery to a level that we would not want to see again repeated.
In recent years our striped bass stocks have once again been decreasing and in 2015 both commercial and recreational anglers were forced by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) to reduce their harvest by 25%. Therefore, it does not make sense that while the ASMFC is trying keep the stocks of striped bass healthy, the EEZ would be opened to allow more striped bass to be harvested. Opening the EEZ in this area would also set a bad precedent in that other states might seek to open areas of the EEZ off their coasts.
Please do not allow HR 3070 to become law.

03-01-2016, 08:14 AM
I'm confused. I thought the jcaa were the guys that pushed for 3 stripers in NJ while the other states have stronger limits. So now they are the ones worried about the 3 mile limit fishing?

03-01-2016, 08:39 AM
FC is right. NJ isn't the only state where they are trying to expand the EEZ. I think they are trying to do it in MD, and in NY/RI for Block Island.


03-01-2016, 08:45 AM
You folks should know that all they need is one state to pass and it becomes a precedent. That's why it's so important to fight it. Please send letters to your representatives.

03-01-2016, 08:50 AM
I did some checking. Was introduced on July 2015. Here is a way to track it.

03-01-2016, 10:37 AM
Bush made Striped bass and Redfish a game fish and therefore can not be targeted in federal waters this assh_le is asking to have that over turned in the above mentioned area

AS far as the JCAA they want 3 bass but want federal waters to stay off limits they go with the flow as there fluke tournament is coming up before they know it and need boats

03-01-2016, 11:36 AM
You folks should know that all they need is one state to pass and it becomes a precedent. That's why it's so important to fight it. Please send letters to your representatives.

Agreed. Once you let one state fish in the eez they will all want to do it.