View Full Version : MPAs in NJ??
03-24-2009, 04:11 PM
IMO, this is just the begining. Without getting too political, Obama has overturned Bush's "relaxation of EA, EIS and ESA guidelines. The NEPA as we know it has to be rewritten, because the NEPA relies on the EA, EIS and ESA for guidelines.
Yes, it is something we need to keep an eye on. I have know this for years, telling people about it and they just turn thier cheek. Well, it coming, get ready.
Have we learned nothing from the OBX issue?:rolleyes:
03-24-2009, 04:23 PM
IMO, this is just the begining. Without getting too political, Obama has overturned Bush's "relaxation of EA, EIS and ESA guidelines. The NEPA as we know it has to be rewritten, because the NEPA relies on the EA, EIS and ESA for guidelines.
Yes, it is something we need to keep an eye on. I have know this for years, telling people about it and they just turn thier cheek. Well, it coming, get ready.
Have we learned nothing from the OBX issue?:rolleyes:
I learned the golden rules from reading up on that. Those
who have the gold, make the rules. :2flip:
01-15-2010, 11:36 AM
This time they added 2 National seashores in the Carolinas to the list. Where will it end?
CONTACT: Cyndy Holda, 252-473-2111, ext. 148
North Carolina?s Two National Seashores among the 21 National Park Units
Being Considered by NOAA?s Marine Protected Areas Status
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration?s (NOAA) National
Marine Protected Areas Center, in cooperation with the Department of the
Interior (DOI) has created a first ever inventory of the nation?s marine
protected areas. This unique, comprehensive inventory catalogs and
classifies marine protected areas within US waters. Thirty-two sites,
including twenty-one units of the National Park System and several national
wildlife refuges, have been nominated to join the national system of Marine
Protected Areas (MPAs). Cape Hatteras and Cape Lookout National Seashores
are among the national seashores listed in the Federal Register last week.
Developed in response to Executive Order 13158 on Marine Protected Areas,
the final framework for the national system was published on November 19,
2008. Comments on the nominations to the national system are due February
22, 2010. For more information, check NOAA website at: ( or
submit comments to: ( .
02-09-2013, 12:06 PM
This is no joke my friends. Look what is happening on the west coast.
And it continues....thanks for raising the awareness, Finadict....way back when folks didn't think it was possible.....:HappyWave:
As submitted by Finchaser, thanks!
New No-Fishing Zones Coming to Northern California?
The proposed expansion of the Cordell Bank and Gulf of Farallones National Marine Sanctuaries set off alarms in the fishing community when the federal government published a map of the area that also contained all the marine protected areas (MPA) established under the Marine Life Protection Act.
According to the Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA), anglers have been bracing themselves against the extension of these MPAs in state waters, into federal waters outside 3 miles.
The National Marine Sanctuary system was established with the support of many fishing organizations because they wanted to protect critical fishing grounds from oil drilling and other industrial uses that could degrade the habitat our fished species depend on. Over time, however, anglers have witnessed a kind of "mission creep," with Sanctuary staff seeking authority to make their own fishing regulations.
An example of this was the establishment of no-fishing zones around the Channel Islands. Indeed the Gulf of the Farallones management plan contains outlines of a system of marine protected areas within its boundaries.
One well-known charter skipper said that NOAA Sanctuaries' regular support for efforts and proposals which either create or expand no-fishing zones and MPAs is indicative of an agency which is ignoring both the recreational and commercial fishing community. "There may be no current agenda items related to no-fishing zones at the time that boundary expansion is being considered, but it is certain that such agenda items will come up in the future and NOAA Sanctuaries has an unwavering history of ignoring fishermen during battles over closing areas to fishing," the captain noted.
Recreational fishermen can find out more about the proposed plan to expand (more than double) the existing National Marine Sanctuaries in Northern California by visiting ( IP5QkTa2vD68CReVypTIUfJLY6Pt8XZ9JhXm-zL3FGMMknubVpWgoKxUwkdcVFkzGapO-N5ty6U4wc5OwIzP8MkQ_flvw0jkZzBzgbeb6z04YlhFyUeu95a pbY) where you can also submit your own public comment.
"The RFA submitted a comment questioning why the map originally posted by the Sanctuaries on their website contained the MLPA maps," said Jim Martin, RFA's West Coast Regional Director. "If this is all about protecting the coast from oil drilling, why were they referencing all the new marine reserves?"
According to Martin, within 24 hours of RFA submitting questions, a new map was posted without the MPAs.
"Poof, just like that," Martin said. "I wished it were so easy to get rid of them in reality - and that's what has us worried about this proposed expansion."
Josh Russo, President of the Waterman's Alliance, a statewide divers' advocacy group, pointed out that the sanctuaries have a regular process by which they can propose new regulations, or expand their boundaries, but in this case they aren't following their own rules. "If these sanctuaries can circumvent their own established procedure, folks in other areas of the country ought to be concerned that similar moves will be made in other states as well."
That's why the RFA is asking our members, across the nation, to weigh in with a brief comment opposing the sanctuary expansion until there are written guarantees for our continued access to public fisheries. Oppose this "land grab" and demand guarantees for fisheries within the Sanctuary boundaries.
There are two public meetings in Northern California coming up in February where you can comment in person and ask questions about the plan.
Pt. Arena, CA
DATE: February 12, 2013
LOCATION: Point Arena High School
ADDRESS: 185 Lake Street, Point Arena, CA 95468
TIME: 6 p.m.
Gualala, CA
DATE: February 13, 2013
LOCATION: Gualala Community Center
ADDRESS: 47950 Center St., Gualala, CA
TIME: 6 p.m.
02-09-2013, 12:08 PM
Here is a letter that has been written...very easy to C&P and send......please do it if you can find the time.....thanks!
"If you can't make it to one of these public hearings, we strongly urge RFA members to take 3 minutes and submit public comment online," Martin said. Public comment must be received by March 1 and can be submitted electronically via the Federal e-Rulemaking Portal ( bEoBtns6udrUACoUOkWr_8r7gjeGbvIWsTpD09pVcsaGnjpCSi d11xbRQLYy1rA-DPWH1Hl5xvIQDgt_B_08QCmTvGoT7bspog9lcBqQ==).
1. To mail in your comments, send to:
Maria Brown, Sanctuary Superintendent
Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary
991Marine Drive, The Presidio
San Francisco, CA 94129
2. You can also use the sample letter below by copying and pasting into the comments section at!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NOS-2012-0228 ( bEoBtns6udrUACoUOkWr_8r7gjeGbvIWsTpD09pVcsaGnjpCSi d11xbRQLYy1rA-DPWH1Hl5xvIQDgt_B_08QCmTvGoT7bspog9lcBqQ==)
Dear Ms. Brown,
I am writing to oppose the expansion of the Gulf of Farallones and Cordell Banks National Marine Sanctuaries. I do not support additional no-fishing zones.
The Sanctuaries need to guarantee in writing that they will not be proposing, implementing or promulgating fishing regulations within the boundaries of the Sanctuary, including marine protected areas. Until then, we will have a constant battle between the fishing community and the Sanctuaries, rather than a partnership. The Sanctuary does not have staff with the biological expertise, nor the experience with existing fishery management required to get involved with fishery management.
I question whether the Sanctuary has the authority to more than double its size on its own, citing Section 304(e) of the National Marine Sanctuary Act. If it does, what is the limit to Sanctuary authorities?
I question whether simply expanding the Sanctuary will have any effect, one way or another, on the ocean "upwellings" in the area, the "protection" of which is the stated purpose of the expansion.
I request that the public comment period be extended to allow the Pacific Fisheries Management Council to consider the expansion and comment.
(Your Name and address)
09-06-2013, 11:50 AM
I wasn't sure where to post this, so if it needs to be moved, feel free.
I have been telling everyone the Marine Protected Areas (MPA) were coming. This is yet another attempt to limit our access to the fisheries and resources. If you do not belong to an organization fighting for your access rights, we need your support today.
Please click on the link to see where in your state MPA's have been proposed. I am working on counter measures here in DE. (
4 years ago Finaddict had the foresight to warn us about this.
Many anglers believed it could never happen on the East Coast.....
The latest issue of the RFA electronic newsletter, sent in by Finchaser, details such MPAs on the East Coast,
2. and Mass.....
(pages 17-23)
**Is there anyone out there who still doubts some enviro groups will propose MPAs in NJ in the near future?
Would appreciate any further thoughts or opinions.......
09-06-2013, 01:35 PM
I think that due to the sheer nature of the environmental groups, they are very well organized and committed. Hard to find that level of committment among fishermen so in the future I think they could be successful in getting these mpas in NJ. My .02
09-08-2013, 10:10 AM
We already have them:
09-08-2013, 02:08 PM
njdiver thanks for posting. I went to the link at the top and this is what it said.
"As New Jersey’s first Marine Conservation Zone, the Sedge Islands/Island Beach State Park Marine Conservation Zone was designed to reduce the environmental impacts of personal watercraft and better manage wildlife, recreation and traditional uses of the area. "
When I look at that map and the restrictions there is puzzles me. I fish down there a lot and am telling you the PWCs ride in there all the time. I don't see any marine police busting them. If the language above says they are restricted how come nothing is done about it?
As far as fishing I don't think there should be restrictions there it has some of the best night fishing on the Island.
04-08-2014, 09:56 AM
This is no joke my friends.
Nice call FA. Way back in 2009 the alarms were being sounded and no one thought it would happen in NJ. (
04-08-2014, 04:17 PM
Nice call FA. Way back in 2009 the alarms were being sounded and no one thought it would happen in NJ. (
That absolutely sucks.
05-20-2014, 02:12 PM
They are so serious about more MPAs they are forming more committees. The latest
from noaa
Seeking New Members for the Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Federal Advisory Committee (FAC)
NOAA is seeking nominations to fill ten (10) vacancies on the MPA FAC for 2014. The Committee advises the Departments of Commerce and the Interior on the development and implementation of a national system of marine protected areas to connect and strengthen the nation's MPA programs. In particular, nominations for representatives of ocean industries, commercial and recreational fishing, Tribal and/or Pacific Islanders, State coastal or ocean agencies, natural and social science, cultural resource management, non-consumptive uses and conservation interests are sought by May 30, 2014.
Nominations should provide:
(1) The nominee's full name, title, institutional affiliation, and contact information;
(2) The nominee's area(s) of expertise;
(3) A short description of his/her qualifications relative to the kinds of advice being solicited, and
(4) A resume or CV not to exceed four pages in length.
Nominations may choose to include letters of support (no more than three) describing the nominee's qualifications and interest in serving on the Committee. Self-nominations are accepted, and emailed nominations are preferred
05-20-2014, 06:30 PM
Obama su_ks
03-07-2016, 11:20 PM
Back in 2009 the OP was ranting about MPAs. Some thought he was delusional, would never happen.
Well there might just be one in your neighborhood this year. (
03-08-2016, 10:12 AM
That SUCKS! I could see them doing it with the tip of Cape May too on the back side. There are a lot of marshes there that need to be "protected". SMH!:2flip:
03-08-2016, 10:13 AM
Obama su_ks
:clapping::clapping: Yessir what the heck has he done to move this country forward except put us more in debt?
03-08-2016, 11:03 AM
If this passes will they be able to stop fishing cold? If so that's scarey.
03-09-2016, 04:13 AM
These folks are sneaky. Once something like that comes into place you will never be able to reverse it. Wolves in sheeps clothing. You have been warned.
03-09-2016, 08:44 AM
03-10-2016, 11:58 AM
That can't be good in the long run.
03-10-2016, 05:24 PM
Recreational Fishing Alliance
Contact: Jim Donofrio / 888-564-6732
For Immediate Release March 10, 2016
New Gretna, NJ - An effort is underway by the Navesink Marine Heritage Association to have Sandy Hook Bay, Raritan Bay, the Shrewsbury and Navesink rivers and their tributaries declared a "National Marine Sanctuary." According to the proponents, if it is enacted by federal authorities it would add more than 12,500 acres of public-use parkland to eastern Monmouth County, while extending the federal National Park philosophy "in perpetuity" to these local waters.
The idea might sound good, but past experience with Marine Sanctuaries in California, Florida and other coastal areas has ultimately resulted in loss of access for recreational fishermen and having one in such a highly populated area that is also home to some of the best inshore fishing on the coast would lead to just such overzealous regulatory actions.
"This action is a solution looking for a problem," says Jim Donofrio, executive director of the Recreational Fishing Alliance. "The proponents of the NMS claim they want the areas protected and preserved, but New Jersey already has some of the most progressive environmental and development laws of any state so little is to be gained by a listing. What an NMS designation does is open the Pandora's Box of denying public access and recreational fishing is usually the first to lose."
"RFA has dealt with the broken promises of no further restrictions touted by the promoters of marine protected areas for two decades," Donofrio continued. "California, the Dry Tortugas, Biscayne Bay and Stellwagon Bank off Massachusetts just to name a few. The real goal behind the high minded idealism always ends up being reduced access. That's why we are asking fishermen to attend the hearings next week to voice their concerns and to just say no!"
Public hearings on the proposed National Marine Sanctuary initiative in Sandy Hook Bay, the Navesink and the Shrewsbury will be held at 2 p.m. on Sunday, March 13 at the Keyport Yacht Club in Keyport, and at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 16 at the Red Bank Library, 84 West Front Street in Red Bank. Click on the facebook link below to let us know if will be attending the hearings
About Recreational Fishing Alliance
The Recreational Fishing Alliance is a national, grassroots political action organization representing recreational fishermen and the recreational fishing industry on marine fisheries issues.
The RFA Mission is to safeguard the rights of saltwater anglers, protect marine, boat and tackle industry jobs, and ensure the long-term sustainability of our Nation's saltwater fisheries. For more information, call 888-JOIN-RFA or visit ( kWp7Jc0AD9qMHfY0a99NQ=&c=DZov1xAKby1tyPp1JcN7-69BA5XgHcZVbbf7s_zh0RKStjOPtQbVFQ==&ch=rSk4mC4rdaOf8fFj3Axmpn8jbemASbm235T46NyuVJxXyxf 5tznARg==).
Once again the JCAA does nothing
03-10-2016, 05:29 PM
The bold print in your post says the jcaa does nothing. Is that because they are mostly boat guys? I would think something like this would affect us all in the long run.
03-10-2016, 05:49 PM
The idea might sound good, but past experience with Marine Sanctuaries in California, Florida and other coastal areas has ultimately resulted in loss of access for recreational fishermen and having one in such a highly populated area that is also home to some of the best inshore fishing on the coast would lead to just such overzealous regulatory actions.
Hes right. Don't give the feds control of everything they always screw it up and lie and do not make good on their promises. It's been at least 6 years since they found lead in old bridge and Laurence harbor. All they did was put fencing around it and say no trespassing. Never trust the feds. Never.
03-10-2016, 07:28 PM
The bold print in your post says the jcaa does nothing. Is that because they are mostly boat guys? I would think something like this would affect us all in the long run.
No the JCAA represents all fishing clubs in the State of NJ
Sandy Hook is also on the agenda to close
03-10-2016, 08:30 PM
No the JCAA represents all fishing clubs in the State of NJ
Sandy Hook is also on the agenda to close
Well they don't represent me! I never heard of them are they like a super pac?
03-11-2016, 09:00 AM
Well they don't represent me! I never heard of them are they like a super pac?
Look here:
12-16-2016, 11:56 AM
Marine sanctuary proposal quietly recedes
The Two River Times | Marine Sanctuary Proposal Quietly Recedes
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