View Full Version : The Ultimate spot burn

03-09-2016, 09:33 PM
I like Brian Donohue and his reporting style. Still, this is ridiculous. :kooky:
http://www.nj.com/entertainment/index.ssf/2016/03/why_a_nuclear_power_plant_is_new_jerseys_hottest_f .html
It's not really a secret, but - All that's left is for him to write a new follow up article telling the best times to get fish and where the best holes and outflow spots are.

03-09-2016, 10:22 PM
That sucks ballz.

03-10-2016, 07:58 AM
[A well kept secret among locals for years, the spot has become more popular — and frustratingly crowded — as word has spread on the internet. On my visit, fishermen were of few words, reluctant to attract any more competition. To non-anglers, the idea of pulling fish from the outflow of a nuclear power plant may seem like a joke from the Simpsons. (http://simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/Blinky)
But most local and visiting fisherman scoff at any health concerns.
The state Department of Environmental Protection puts no additional restrictions on fishing the creek than it does on other similar waterways. A DEP spokesman said routine tests of fish from the area have never shown elevated levels of radioactivity.
"The lure of it being the warm water discharge, you know the water's going to be warmer here before anywhere else, so guys kind of flock here," said Werner Nitschman as he reeled in a white plastic lure while steam rose visibly from the water's surface.

"You can get some odd species, guys catch weird stuff down here," Nitschman said. "You know, stuff you don't typically see other places because of the temperature changes."
Like all fishermen, Nitschmann was not eager to discuss the spot for fear of attracting more anglers to a spot already overcrowded on March weekends before waters in other creeks, rivers and bays begin to warm.]

IMO this article is stupid and pointless. As said it's really not a secret. Any fishing addict knows. He doesn't even mention that it's technically closed in the winter though people fish it anyway. The first and last sentences highlighted should have given him some clues. Sorry Brian have to give you a big fail on this one.

03-10-2016, 08:03 AM
Watch when home land security steps in bye bye
Also he doesn't say its illegal to target bass there from 12/31 till 3/1

Social media and internet chest pounders will help destroy these fish even faster
Next will be the Raritan bay snot slingers with there small hooks gut hooking small bass

03-10-2016, 08:15 AM
IMO this article is stupid and pointless. As said it's really not a secret. Any fishing addict knows. He doesn't even mention that it's technically closed in the winter though people fish it anyway. The first and last sentences highlighted should have given him some clues. Sorry Brian have to give you a big fail on this one.

Watch when home land security steps in bye bye
Also he doesn't say its illegal to target bass there from 12/31 till 3/1

Yeah I thought reporters were supposed to do basic fact checking. He sure missed the obvious on this one.

03-11-2016, 10:40 AM
He responded about spot burning, maybe someone sent him the link to this thread?

"Brian Donohue (http://cloud.siteencore.com/v1/loading.html#rotftwetu=aHR0cCUzQS8vd3d3Lm5qLmNvbS9 zaG9yZS9ibG9ncy9maXNoaW5nLw%3D%3D&ibothsahtrtd=aHR0cCUzQS8vY29ubmVjdC5uai5jb20vdXNlc i9CcmlhbiUyNTIwRG9ub2h1ZS9pbmRleC5odG1s&shtlp=aHR0cCUzQS8vd3d3Lm5qLmNvbS9lbnRlcnRhaW5tZW50 L2luZGV4LnNzZi8yMDE2LzAzL3doeV9hX251Y2xlYXJfcG93ZX JfcGxhbnRfaXNfbmV3X2plcnNleXNfaG90dGVzdF9mLmh0bWw% 3D&otisu=aHR0cCUzQS8vd3d3LnNpdGVlbmNvcmUuY29tL0FkdmFu Y2VOZXQvTkovTkpTdXJ2ZXkyL2luZGV4Lmh0bWw%3D&x=-3&y=-3&w=1030&h=796&t=14577105712171&tokenID=CXUV7KLTX5XWDIKRQ5BDBS8LIH917TFG&s=c2l0ZWVuY29yZS5jb20%3D) As a longtime fisherman, I'm very sensitive to what we call "spot burn." It's part of the reason I haven't written about this in my previous 22 years a journalist in NJ. But your comment gives me a chance to address this issue and say why I thought any impact my story would have would be negligible because 1) it's hardly a secret spot - it's right on the highway 2) Information about the spot is already all over the internet, including podcasts and radio shows and 3) This current spell of 70 degree weather we're experiencing as I type this is going to warm up all the other creeks to the point where you won't need to go here and 4) It's all about to be moot because the plant is closing. "

03-11-2016, 10:49 AM
He responded about spot burning, maybe someone sent him the link to this thread?

"Brian Donohue (http://cloud.siteencore.com/v1/loading.html#rotftwetu=aHR0cCUzQS8vd3d3Lm5qLmNvbS9 zaG9yZS9ibG9ncy9maXNoaW5nLw%3D%3D&ibothsahtrtd=aHR0cCUzQS8vY29ubmVjdC5uai5jb20vdXNlc i9CcmlhbiUyNTIwRG9ub2h1ZS9pbmRleC5odG1s&shtlp=aHR0cCUzQS8vd3d3Lm5qLmNvbS9lbnRlcnRhaW5tZW50 L2luZGV4LnNzZi8yMDE2LzAzL3doeV9hX251Y2xlYXJfcG93ZX JfcGxhbnRfaXNfbmV3X2plcnNleXNfaG90dGVzdF9mLmh0bWw% 3D&otisu=aHR0cCUzQS8vd3d3LnNpdGVlbmNvcmUuY29tL0FkdmFu Y2VOZXQvTkovTkpTdXJ2ZXkyL2luZGV4Lmh0bWw%3D&x=-3&y=-3&w=1030&h=796&t=14577105712171&tokenID=CXUV7KLTX5XWDIKRQ5BDBS8LIH917TFG&s=c2l0ZWVuY29yZS5jb20%3D) It's all about to be moot because the plant is closing. "

The plant isn't closing until 2019. So it's not going to be moot for 3 years. Still give you a big fail on this Brian. Even though it's well known, you aren't a local. You don't see the trash and abuse the area gets when word of a good bite gets out. All his article does, is add to that trash and disrespect when more guys come in from places like "upper BumF*ck, new york"

03-11-2016, 06:39 PM
I agree. He tried to minimize the effect of his story. "Oh MY story didn't bring those folks in" It's the internet! It's like beating a dead horse. Anyone who fishes hard knows that place. Just makes no sense to keep publicizing it over and over. Fnm I live in the area and feel for the people who live on the roads along the right side. Guys peeing in the bushes of residential property, taking dumps in peoples backyards, and empty bottles and cans all over. That's the real tragedy of this all, not the fact that it will be closed down in a few years.

03-12-2016, 05:28 AM
This is something I can relate to. A guy in a national fishing magazine did an article on the Canal. It's well known there are a lot of good fish taken here. He, however, decided to write an extensive article detailing best times, tides, parking spots, and the hottest artificials and techniques.
There is nothing secret about fishing the Canal. It's been mentioned hundreds of times on the internet, facebook, various blogs. However he wrote that article at the height of the tourist season and fishing traffic doubled for 8 weeks after. It was so bad that I had to stop fishing there for awhile. Mention his name to most of the canal regulars and we will spit on the ground while cursing him.

03-13-2016, 05:38 AM
^^^^ Similar conditions in Ct. I fish some of the rivers here. Sometimes the stripers school up in the winter and the season is not closed. Articles have been written. The reg enforcement is pretty strict so that takes care of some of the littering and crowds. If they wanted to make a mpa I would certainly fight it.