View Full Version : Fish for Brooke Delaware River shad tourney

04-15-2016, 10:40 AM
Hey guys hope this is OK to post. I was reading a shad report and saw this story. His daughter has a rare disease for which there is no cure. Here is his post-

I have fished with some of you before and post here occasionally, I am also a lifetime member of the DRSFA. In February my 18 month old daughter was diagnosed with an extremely rare metabolic disease for which there is no cure. The disease is called cystinosis. Since all I know how to do is fish for shad, I've rounded up a couple friends and we're hosting a "Fishing for a Cure" fundraiser where the four of us will fish for one full day and are asking friends to make a pledge per shad caught (mostly hickory). I figured I would post it here since I know a few of you, and at least some of you get a kick out of it. You can at least go to the website and see some photos of shad. Thanks!

Web Site:
www.hopeforbrooke.com/event1 (http://www.hopeforbrooke.com/event1)


04-15-2016, 10:41 AM
They are trying to raise $5k to give to the research people to help find a cure. That doesn't seem like an unreasonable goal. Here is the blog for his daughter it is really touching. The Dad's name is Clay you can contact him there or at the e-mail listed.

04-15-2016, 11:49 AM
I clicked on the link for Brooke's blog and saw pics of that little girl. That was heartbreaking to read about her treatment regime. I will send them some $$. Thank you for posting.

04-15-2016, 09:05 PM
Very nice gesture to post this. Going to check them out and contribute too.