View Full Version : Fishing the canal and the cape
07-03-2016, 11:10 PM
I'm trying not to hype this up so I was debating whether to post the thread or not. just thought I would share a little bit of my experiences this year.
Got a few fish 2 mid twenties early on. There was about 10 days of good action when they first came through. Right after that it shut off for a little while. it has been hit or miss since then and I have taken to the kayak fish some outer areas at night.
If you're a tourist and come up for the day you may have a shot at a few schoolies at the Cape. For me it has been a slow pick. There is a lot of bait but only limited shots of bigger stripers at night. Or sometimes in the daytime when they are gorging on the sandeels, baby pollock, mackerel etc.
07-04-2016, 11:43 AM
Thanks for the heads up, always wanted to go up there but a lot of guys I know have been skunked. seems like you really have to be a local to dial in to the best bites.
05-27-2017, 06:21 AM
The influx from Jersey has started. Like lemmings. I have been into some decent fish, but I'm taking the weekend off because it's getting a little crazy. Good luck everyone.
08-21-2017, 02:58 PM
To follow up, the traffic has been crazy since the comm season started. Also lots of plates from out of state. When did the canal become the only place to catch? Don't you folks have stripahs in your home waters?
08-23-2017, 05:13 PM
To all the report chasers coming up here. The striped bass have all been caught and put in coolers. Commercial quota is at 67%. Any fish left are floating down the canal by the idiots culling fish. Where are the EPOs when you need one? So there are no more stripahs, just lots of bait and peanuts. Nothing more I hate than report chasers. End of rant.:mad:
08-27-2017, 03:24 PM
I was there on fri. Caught a few stripers to about 17lbs. poppers. Some guys down from me got a much larger one. Looked like opening day of trout season. A real sh*t show!:lynchmob:
08-27-2017, 09:13 PM
Saw the carnage on fb. No way I would ever fish close enough to another man to smell his sweat.
08-27-2017, 09:35 PM
Saw the carnage on fb. No way I would ever fish close enough to another man to smell his sweat.
That type of fishing is not what I enjoy.
I like the solitude, either walking a sand beach in the early AM, fishing an inlet at 3:00 AM, hiking over rocks.
If people start showing up where I am fishing, I leave. I don't care how easy the fishing is.
I guess we each fish for a different reason. I use hot reports for other reasons, one is to not go there.
08-29-2017, 10:21 AM
Wow, crazy, agreed.
08-29-2017, 01:33 PM
Have been there a few times in the last 2 months. I think the canal b&t and facebook folks don't help anything at all by hyping it the way they do. My .02 only.
08-29-2017, 08:35 PM
What he said - S*H*I*T*S*H*O*W!!
09-01-2017, 09:46 AM
I used to fish it occasionally when I first moved here. Over the years it has changed for the worse. You can blame fb and the net for that.
09-18-2017, 03:29 PM
What he said - S*H*I*T*S*H*O*W!!
09-19-2017, 08:24 AM
The lure of the canal.21151
06-04-2018, 04:05 PM
The madness has already started. I've been catching fish for 2 weeks now near the islands and outer beaches. All of a sudden "it's on" if you go by the social media idiots lol. Here is a map of the canal, wonder what the most popular pole will be. No one wants to put the work in. Have at it, ladies and gents. I'm happy with my isolated spots where no one wants to venture.
06-04-2018, 04:06 PM
Sobering pic Charlie thanks for sharing.
06-06-2018, 08:17 PM
It's the beginning of the end.
07-10-2018, 10:16 PM
Apparently this year is not as easy. The newly minted FB sharpies are crying. Back to normal. Very happy.
07-14-2018, 04:23 PM
Starting to get a few larger ones from the yak. Out near the bay at night. Trolling xraps and t&w. Drove past some CCC action the other morning on the way home as well.
07-16-2018, 12:09 PM
I heard it was so crowded there were people lined up every 50 feet along both sides. Thanks, but no thanks!
07-19-2018, 12:05 PM
Lots of poaching going on at the Canal and that area.
Massachusetts Environmental Police Dispatch can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-800-632-8075.
Violations can also be reported online at ( 4SS5Rv9w4ecxk_zFcdMgf8XswDj9xuvxYZCEgkDH5bfSfwRtFh l35mSgKzl2LqR5gPtH9n7JqYdXEhCovaTVN2hTqE5Voo0951eV lPWYjJ7Fc8fAM6ahD49b).
A recent bust they were involved in July 17.
On the afternoon of Tuesday, July 17, 2018, Massachusetts Environmental Police Dispatch received a call from a concerned fisherman regarding individuals along the Cape Cod Canal that appeared to be harvesting striped bass over the daily recreational legal limit of one fish per person, a minimum of 28-inches in length. Information provided by the informant indicated the individuals were shuttling fish back to their vehicle, then continuing to harvest additional fish.
Based upon the descriptions provided by the caller, officers were able to locate the individuals and observe the area from a distance. During this period, officers observed one of the individuals return to his vehicle. The Officers subsequently initiated a compliance check and determined that the three individuals possessed double the legal daily catch limit of striped bass.
The three individuals were charged and issued notices to appear in court. The catch and the fishing gear were seized; the catch was donated to the Plymouth Area Coalition in Kingston.
The Massachusetts Environmental Police appreciate the stewardship exhibited by the citizen who saw something – and said something. Conservation of the environment is everyone’s responsibility, your eyes and ears can be some of our most valuable tools.
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