View Full Version : NJ 2017 fluke regulations
11-28-2016, 04:38 PM
From very reliable source
2 fish at 19" and 6/1 to 9 /1/17 a 90 day season thanks to JCAA pushing for a regional quota and never supporting the SSSFF once again NY went over dragging us down
11-28-2016, 09:26 PM
I don't fish for Fluke, but the short season and only two fish limit seems terrible for the angler.
This should put a real hurting on the party and charter boats plus possibly more pressure on Striped Bass (which I believe really needs the tighter restrictions).
Is this in any way payback for Jerseys Striped Bass limits being out of kilter with other states?
11-29-2016, 12:22 AM
Terrible regs. A lot of party boat captains will suffer.
11-29-2016, 07:42 AM
I guess that eliminates the small 2 fluke provision they had for Island Beach.
12-18-2016, 11:21 AM
:burn: I can't believe it. Two fish at 19 inches it's going to keep a lot of boats at the dock. anyone have any updates?
12-18-2016, 12:09 PM
This is the ssfff position. I agree it really doesn't make sense to keep killing larger females-
Dear Fellow Fishermen
As you know the proposed 40% fluke and additional black sea bass cuts are going to be terrible and will most certainly put lots of small operators out of business!
The timing of these drastic cuts couldn’t be worse; the new SSFFF commissioned onboard sex and length study and Dr Sullivan's new stock model will not be implemented for at least 2 years!**The process takes that long between the NMFS* Scientific committee's schedule and then the “peer review” process that follows the next year.
The Speed [or lack of] of government is never rapid in responding to crises such as this!
The two posts below from The Fisherman Magazine need to be passed on; all saltwater fishermen, both the private anglers and professionals in for-hire industry must quickly mobilize and pack the house at the upcoming meeting of the Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Council in Baltimore, MD.*
Same for those in the coastal marine trades and the fishing tackle business!
All stakeholders should plan to attend and voice their concerns.* The Board of SSFFF typically never suggests attending these hearings as the deck is already stacked and your public comment will not sway the Council as they can only follow the law as it’s written.* But it's a lot harder to vote on ruining a person's recreational passion or a small businessman’s livelihood when that person is looking at you in the eye from a packed room!****
IMPORTANT:* the incoming administration needs to see just how outraged the public is and WE must make it clear that we will not stand by and allow many of our favorite party and charter boats as well as local tackle shops go out of business because of these unwarranted cuts; how dare they cripple our fishery with data collection that we all know is nothing more than hogwash!
The system is a mess, and the recreational data is “fatally flawed” at very best; we need Congress’ help in incorporating some reasonable flexibility!* But that of course is a heavy lift; and as we’ve seen during the past 8 years of letter writing campaigns, rallies and unified protest, a very long term goal that with a new administration we hope to accomplish!
But for now, our only real hope is for the new Trump Administration to intervene and implement status quo until such time as we get better data collection, better stock assessments and a federal fisheries service that actually cares as much about the lives of fishermen as they do their own job security!*
First step that everyone can do right now is visit the federal e-rulemaking portal (https://www.regulati...-NMFS-2016-0138) to put your official comments onto the public record.* The deadline for adding your comments on the proposed summer flounder public comment portal is Wednesday, November 30, although RFA has petitioned NMFS to extend that time frame. Sending a copy of your comments to your states United States Senator and your local Congress man or woman is advised as it’s important that these elected officials in the loop. In your written comments please specifically ask for a 16.26 million pound ABC in 2017 and 2018.* Granting this request would simply give us status quo until such time as we are able to base our regulations on a new benchmark stock assessment in 2018
The next step for those who are able is to attend the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council's December 2016 meeting in Baltimore, MD on December 14.* A full day of summer flounder discussion kicks off at 9 a.m. with progress review and action plan for the proposed summer flounder amendment.* The Council meeting is being held at the Royal Sonesta Harbor Court at 550 Light Street in Baltimore, MD.* Go to the following link for details.*
12-30-2016, 09:17 AM
I do not spend a lot of time fishing for fluke. Those regulations seem like they will hurt people needlessly though.
01-06-2017, 10:44 PM
Seems like the fishermen and lobbyists will only accept status quo. Great!
from Ristoris column tonight
"Anglers were up in arms about the fluke season options provided by the ASMFC at Thursday evening's Public Hearing in Galloway Township Library, but the crowd was orderly and everyone had their say. Tom Fote, N.J. Governor's Appointee to the ASMFC ran the meeting which drew a standing room crowd of about 140 fishermen He gave everyone two minutes to express their opinion, and stayed there to after 9 p.m. There wasn't a single person who spoke in favor of any option, as all wanted status quo until a new baseline stock assessment is completed. As noted in yesterday's blog, several N.J. congressmen are supporting that position in the closing days of the Obama administration -- and there are high hopes that the Trump administration with its emphasis on economic growth will take a friendly approach to the status quo proposal.
Prior to the hearing, the Marine Fisheries Council noted 9-1 for a proposal by Bob Rusch to adopt status quo fluke regulations for 2017. Unfortunately, that decision is largely symbolic as NOAA Fisheries has the power to close our fishery if the ASMFC doesn't adopt status quo.
All of the recreational fishing groups are united in support of status quo, and are mounting a social media campaign spurred by The Fisherman magazine."
01-13-2017, 08:19 AM
another vote for status quo obile_index
01-13-2017, 09:16 PM
Was at a meeting last night doesn't look good if NJ goes out of compliance like they have threatened the feds could close down the 2017 season
By the way you guys do know Al moved to Florida permanently just before Christmas
01-25-2017, 10:37 PM
rally on fri in case anyone can go. obile_index
01-26-2017, 06:06 AM
Good deal. They have so many restrictions pretty soon sea robbins and skates will be the only things we can keep.
01-26-2017, 08:43 AM
Those are shitty regs why bother with that short of a season and a **** limit like that.Especially from a boat by the time you fuel up get bait then sort through searobins,and shorts along with a few skates.
01-26-2017, 06:54 PM
I agree. Its going to encourage a lot of us to be pirates.
01-26-2017, 07:42 PM
Filet and release:fishing::devil:
01-28-2017, 10:47 AM
At least this time someone is listening. Crazy regs put more pressure on stripers.
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