View Full Version : Borough of Deal New Proposed Parking Permit
04-04-2017, 06:11 PM
The Borough of Deal is introducing Ordinance #1143 "Permit Parking" on Monmouth Terrace, Monmouth Drive, Hathaway, Sydney and Neptune Ave.
This is another attempt to keep people away from the newly replenished beaches, paid for with your tax money.
The borough tried to pass similar ordinances in October 2015 and June 2016. But those ordinances were tabled after they were met with fierce public opposition.
Ordinance #1143 is another slap in the face to local taxpayers, given that Deal's beaches were recently the benefactor of a $40 million taxpayer-funded beach replenishment project by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
The ordinance is on the agenda for the public meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at 7:30 PM. There will be no discussion on the ordinance when it is introduced, but members of the public will have a chance to chime in during the public comment portion at the end of the meeting.
There will be a public comment period on May 10, 2017 prior to the final vote on the Ordinance at Borough Hall, 7:30 PM.
Please review #1143, comment and share.
Read the first draft: ocx/DEAL-ORDINANCE-1143.docx?oh=629c3ba9032c4c37fb15d1dd5b67b646&oe=58E68100&dl=1
04-04-2017, 06:59 PM
That's a lot of chutzpah after taking federal dollars. They SUCK!!!!!!!
04-04-2017, 11:27 PM
They won't give up. We fishermen can't give up either. Please try to make the meeting.
04-05-2017, 10:25 AM
We have to fight this. If they gain a foothold here, that sets a precedent for any other town that wants to do it. Where is that lawyer guy Chambarry? Anyone know if he is going to be filing paperwork against it?
04-05-2017, 01:34 PM
I hate those Richie Rich people. I hope they don't get away with it.
04-06-2017, 09:11 AM
Drop by this page for news on the Permit Ordinance:
04-06-2017, 11:23 AM
Wow. You guys better fight this, you snooze you lose.
04-06-2017, 11:47 AM
The attendance at the meeting was pretty poor. We need more support.
Andrew Chambarry posted this in the COBRA page. It's pretty easy to c&p and send out.
Please do it or they will pass this without a whimper from fishermen.
"Please use this letter as a template to email/write/call the NJDEP, ACOE and Government Officials: "
To whom it may concern:
I am writing to express my concern over the Borough of Deal?s proposed Ordinance #1143. The Ordinance would require permit parking during the summer months on five streets with vital beach access points, for a cost of $100 or $50 per month.
The Ordinance will give preferential treatment to thirty-two beachfront residents living in mansions with ample parking. These residents will not have to pay for parking and have never had problems with parking in the past. This is merely another attempt to keep people away from the newly replenished beaches, paid for with my tax money. The borough tried to pass similar ordinances in October 2015 and June 2016. But those ordinances were tabled after they were met with opposition. Ordinance #1143 is another slap in the face to local taxpayers, given that Deal's beaches were recently the benefactor of a $40 million taxpayer-funded beach replenishment project by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Public use is a condition for Federal participation in hurricane, abnormal tidal or lake flood protection projects. In the case of beaches used for recreation, public use means use by all on equal terms. This means that project beaches will not be limited to a segment of the public. Additionally, lack of sufficient parking facilities for the general public (including non-resident users) located reasonably nearby, and with reasonable public access to the project, will constitute de facto restriction on public use. Generally, parking on free or reasonable terms should be available within a reasonable walking distance of the beach. ER 1165-2-130, Regulation No. 1165-2-130 (2) Parking.
The Borough has maintained that the Ordinance was never meant to restrict beach access, but rather, to address frustrations of the beachfront residents who have complained about being able to park at their residences. Yet, we have neither heard, nor will we hear, any testimony from a beachfront resident who has had difficulty parking at their residence. There are only thirty-two homes in the area where the Ordinance is set to restrict parking. Those homes have ample driveway parking spaces, some with the capability of holding over ten cars. Why do they need to park on the street? Why are they really complaining?
It is clear that the Borough has been crafting regulations to address a ?parking problem? that is non-existent. This Ordinance is not about parking. It is an attempt to keep surfers, fisherman and the local public away from the multi-million dollar mansions which happen to be next to a beach that the public paid for and have a right to access. By listening to only a small percentage of residents, the Borough is attempting to effectively block non-beachfront residents from coming to this attractive and inviting part of town. This Ordinance has a discriminatory intent and should not be passed.
__________________________________________________ _
04-06-2017, 11:51 AM
If you need a rallying cry to get you motivated, the mayor is so arrogant he publicly stated we would have to pay for public access. This was also posted on the COBRA page.
"If you want easier public access, you're going to have to pay for it!" Mayor Cohen, 4-5-17.
04-07-2017, 01:11 PM
pure arrogance and BS.
04-09-2017, 02:36 PM
They are having another meeting May 10. I will try to be there, let's show them they can't push us around.
04-10-2017, 09:34 AM
Next Deal Commissioners' meeting is May 10, 7:30 PM in the Borough Hall meeting room, Durant Square, 190 Norwood Avenue, Deal, New Jersey. If not pulled from the agenda Ordinance #1143 will be voted on.
04-10-2017, 03:33 PM
Great job njd and others. Will probably go as well. Please don't pass this by, folks.
04-12-2017, 10:31 AM
Another news piece.
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