View Full Version : The Boatfisherman Dislikers Thread
04-25-2017, 02:15 PM
Rofl that is such a lie! Photoshopping someone's fish out of a picture, fish that he worked hard to catch, really is about an angry guy with anger management issues.. My advice is to seek therapy quickly.
No offense, but what you are saying is inconsistent with your past posts. Stuff like-
" I hate boaters.
The only good boat is at the bottom of the ocean. All boaters suck.
Boaters are a-holes."
I think I read he offered you sometime in the past to go on his boat, and you said no. So if you're really are not a hypocrite, why not take him up on his offer?:beatin:
Rather than clutter up other threads and be off topic, let's post here, OK Baababoatie?
I said all those things word for word?
Of course I hate boat fisherman, don't think I said all, but most. And why not?
Its easier to catch fish, good for them, but most kill their limits and that sucks.
And most are ignorant of others, don't practice safety. Most are self-centered, oblivious to others. I'll come back to this later and fill in some more name calling and point out examples. And I won't wait 6 months or years like Dark does to get back to a thread he starts.
And I said most boat fisherman. Not all.
And I consider JB a friend, great fisherman. Would I go on a boat with him? No way!
Surf fishing with him? He is always welcome to join me on a trip to LI. Would even consider a meet up in NJ.......maybe.. ....likely not, but would put thought into it.
04-25-2017, 05:02 PM
I fish both there are good and bad in both categories' except for the meat men in both categories they just plain SU_K
04-25-2017, 09:08 PM
Boatfisherman dislikers sounds like the he man woman haters club. Anyone remember that?
04-25-2017, 10:03 PM
Boatfisherman dislikers sounds like the he man woman haters club. Anyone remember that?
No, did they used to drive their boats within casting distance of people fishing from the beach for absolutely no reason? Like they didn't give a **** about anyone? That's my biggest problem with them. Many are oblivious of others.
J Barbosa
04-26-2017, 12:14 PM
I fish both there are good and bad in both categories' except for the meat men in both categories they just plain SU_K
I fish both as well, the boat is much more relaxing and I find can be quite challenging at times. Too many of my surf buddies think we just go out into the bay and drop two mojos down and end up with 30 fish days.
The surf reports I rarely feel like sharing anymore and if I do it's usually way after the bite is over. I just can't take the NJ surf scene and ******** that goes on anymore.
04-26-2017, 04:53 PM
Come on gents its time to put on the big boy pants. IFish plugs a lot, hence my user name. That doesn't mean I won't snag a bunker when they're feeding on bunker or fish worms or whatever. A good fisherman is able to adapt to changing conditions. You can't look down on someone just because they don't do the type of fishing that you like to do. Just sayin.
04-26-2017, 10:35 PM
Come on gents its time to put on the big boy pants. IFish plugs a lot, hence my user name. That doesn't mean I won't snag a bunker when they're feeding on bunker or fish worms or whatever. A good fisherman is able to adapt to changing conditions. You can't look down on someone just because they don't do the type of fishing that you like to do. Just sayin.
I enjoy fishing artificials 100%, that challenge of hooking up not using bait. That's what I enjoy, different than you, of course not better than you or anyone, we just enjoy different aspects of fishing.
I'm not looking down on a person because he or her fishes different than me. I just feel the clown in the boat that just ignored the fisherman from the shore, speed-ed on by real close and caught his line and spooled him is a piece of ****.
Same for the guy in the boat that just saw me catch a fish from shore and immediately moved into the space I was fishing.
If you feel that is fine you are entitled to your opinions, I am sick of it, have been and just have no respect for most boat fisherman (not all of them). I don't dwell on it and don't let it ruin or make a trip a downer, I just don't like most of them.
If you just wave at them, good for you if that makes you happy.
I usually do most of my fishing in the dark, so I am not effected by it that much, but it happens at times in the early light hours when I am finishing up.
04-27-2017, 04:00 PM
I'm surprised at this thread. I thought we all got along pretty well here. Taking one group of people and singling them out is as offensive to me is like saying all Jewish, Irish, Italian, Spanish, Asian, Black, Mexican, or other races or cultures have nothing but bad people. I have seen my share of ignorant and inconsiderate boaters, that's for sure. I don't think it's fair to single out one group as causing all the problems though.
04-27-2017, 05:22 PM
Well unlike Monty I may not hate boaters, but there were some of them that are so bad with their behavior I have a strong intense dislike for them.
Why is it that when you are fishing an Inlet and catching fish on the sides, they have to come over and mug you?? Meanwhile they have the rest of inlet to themselves, they can fish in the channel, the ocean or in the back and they have to come and mug you!!! Not cool.
09-13-2017, 10:33 AM
Was fishing all by myself last night and some loudmouth guys in a boat came along and mugged my casting area. Drunk, loud, and stupid, came within 25 feet of me within a few times. sorely tempted to pull out the lead sinker. After about 15 mins they couldn't catch and moved on. Idiots.
09-13-2017, 11:01 AM
Was fishing all by myself last night and some loudmouth guys in a boat came along and mugged my casting area. Drunk, loud, and stupid, came within 25 feet of me within a few times. sorely tempted to pull out the lead sinker. After about 15 mins they couldn't catch and moved on. Idiots.
Sorry to hear, I have been lucky and stayed away from boaters for the most part this year, as usual.
Their reckless, careless, disrespectful behavior is incomprehensible.
I have zero respect for them, there are far to many of the @ssholes out there.
Until the other "good, respectful" boaters can get these @ssholes under control, I have intense dislike for the group, no respect for them and wish them fishless nights....and days. Been a fun year fishing the surf again :thumbsup:
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