View Full Version : The net as a fountain of misinformation
05-16-2017, 04:58 PM
So much garbage gets posted daily on the net I thought it would entertaining to start posting it. It's unreal the stuff people believe. Ill kick things off, read this the other day.
"Rod and reel fishing will never hurt the striped bass fishery":kooky:
05-16-2017, 05:05 PM
Haha. If it's posted on the internet, it must be true!
05-16-2017, 07:45 PM
Rod and reel is the culprit this time around on the wipe out
05-16-2017, 10:38 PM
"With these reductions in bag limits in NY and NJ over the past few years the striped bass population has to have increased!"
Just read this tonight. You can't fix stupid.
05-17-2017, 08:26 AM
See this one posted a lot:
The stripers are all over. If you are not finding them then you don't know how to fish.
05-17-2017, 10:32 AM
Rod and reel is the culprit this time around on the wipe out
So true. Could not agree more.
05-17-2017, 02:56 PM
"Stripers all over can't get away from them! Got two stripers in bay yesterday"
05-17-2017, 03:50 PM
^^^What happens if the guy doubles his catch and gets four stripers in one day? Is it epic? LOLOLOL
05-18-2017, 09:59 AM
Theres probably a difference in expectations when you are younger or older. The younger generation wants to fish for an hour and go home, so two fish it's probably great for them.
05-18-2017, 11:00 AM
Millenials. They won't go fishing unless there are reports on the interweb.
05-18-2017, 11:04 AM
'All you folks talking about releasing everything are people who don't catch fish.'
What a turd bag!
05-18-2017, 11:51 AM
^^^What happens if the guy doubles his catch and gets four stripers in one day? Is it epic? LOLOLOL
And if they catch 20 they crap their pants and have to immediately text all their friends about it. Yeah we crushed it. Boo yah. FB and instagram as well.
05-25-2017, 09:14 PM
I have heard this Charter Captain say this more than once and I am so sick of it I want to go to the forum and register just to tell him he is full of crap.
"Hook and line fisherman will never deplete the stocks only commercial nets killing everything in there path!"
05-25-2017, 10:28 PM
A common misconception. When you consider comms catch less bass overall than recs, with the exception of the poaching. This time if the bass fishery goes downhill it will be the fault of the recs.
05-31-2017, 04:52 AM
" If we drained the ocean out a few feet the beach would be fine. Instead of pumping the sand they should be pumping the water out."
Remark made about beach replenishment.. Pure genius, not!
06-28-2017, 05:34 PM
Another knucklehead idiot -The joker who said this just happens to be a mate on a party boat lol.
"Rod and reel fishermen can and will never be able to hurt a population of fish. It dont matter if you have 8 party boats railed with 70 people slaying the fish . What they catch in a season still won't compare to what a commercial vessel can do in a few tows."
06-29-2017, 10:30 AM
I thought I read that commercial fishermen catch less overall than the recreational guys. Maybe it was on this site somewhere?
06-29-2017, 02:48 PM
I thought I read that commercial fishermen catch less overall than the recreational guys. Maybe it was on this site somewhere?
Recs catch way more than commercial as per recent data fisherman magazine even took bass out of dream boat contest for conservation reasons
06-29-2017, 04:27 PM
^^^^^ what he said, 100% correct.
06-30-2017, 09:24 AM
Commercial fishermen are highly regulated and inspected at random. Sure there are the abuses by the cads who do their business under the cover of night. Proportionally speaking, the enforcement for recreationals is a drop in the bucket. Also as someone mentioned, recreational fishermen catch much greater numbers than commercial fishermen do. Factual information can be easily searched.
07-03-2017, 06:54 AM
I thought I read that commercial fishermen catch less overall than the recreational guys. Maybe it was on this site somewhere?
09-13-2017, 10:37 AM
I wanted to nominate this statement for the clueless DB of the year award, read it today.
"Here is my thoughts on "spot burning". In the state of New Jersey there is no such thing period. There is no secret spot."
09-13-2017, 10:40 AM
09-14-2017, 12:07 PM
Things are getting out of control. Now guys are purposely proud of spot burning.
This was posted on a local FB page.
" Fxxx the hater out there. When I have time to hit the beach I will contribute and do more spot burn."
09-14-2017, 02:57 PM
:kooky:WHAT the heck is wrong with people that someone would post that?
10-18-2017, 02:44 PM
This was posted in an allegedly serious discussion on fishing and striped bass numbers. The guy who posted it is a moderator, and claims to be an expert on stripers. Idiot.
"As in all species the MALES are larger. We should be preserving the smaller females if you really care about the future of stripers"
10-20-2017, 01:03 PM
I think I might know him. He's in a fishing club and his last big striper he caught like 8 years ago, 32 lb. Since then he just trolls the internet and finds his fish from others reports. That's the problem with social media everybody's an expert LOL. I don't know a lot about striper migration or the science, so I keep my mouth shut when I don't know something. Lmao at his comment tho. Even I know that females are bigger!
10-20-2017, 02:49 PM
lol Yeah there are lots of internet professors out there. Half of them can't even put a sentence together, yet they are experts.
10-21-2017, 04:44 PM
Self proclaimed Facebook professional as_hole
10-22-2017, 11:45 AM
This was posted in an allegedly serious discussion on fishing and striped bass numbers. The guy who posted it is a moderator, and claims to be an expert on stripers. Idiot.
"As in all species the MALES are larger. We should be preserving the smaller females if you really care about the future of stripers"
Internet professor I love it! Its a new phenomenon, half these guys put up posts as if they are the ones who are out there. Armchair quarterbacks!
10-22-2017, 11:46 AM
Self proclaimed Facebook professional as_hole
10-25-2017, 03:39 PM
I agree as well. In the past, you had to go out and learn from experience. That's how we got wisdom. It was a lot of hard work. Today, it seems like a lot of the younger folks present themselves as knowing everything because they read it on social media, and have relatively little experience in the activity.
11-27-2017, 09:35 AM
X2, totally agree.
11-27-2017, 09:37 AM
Read this yesterday. Posted by an idiot-
" There certainly doesnt seem to be a shortage of big fish around considering they keep catching them every year. The schoolies are thick as hell."
11-27-2017, 10:33 PM
Must be a newbie or dude who only fishes from a boat.
05-09-2018, 03:14 PM
Got to love the hype of the tackle shops. Especially that one in south jersey. The other day he's telling everybody the beaches are paved with fluke LOL. Today, they're saying a 36-inch blue fish weighs 20 lb. Bangin!:plastered:
05-09-2018, 03:21 PM
So glad someone else noticed this. They caught 15 or 20 blue fish, the question was asked - does that qualify as a blitz? Answer - hell yeah! Idiots.
05-09-2018, 03:36 PM
Don't want anyone to take this the wrong way. You have to realize a lot of these guys don't know what real good fishing is. They grew up chasing blitzes. That's all most of them know. For example I am out there almost every day hitting the suds. Sometimes I pick a few fish, sometimes I don't. Most modern young men won't get off the couch unless they hear there's a blitz somewhere. It is what it is.
05-09-2018, 03:50 PM
This was posted in an allegedly serious discussion on fishing and striped bass numbers. The guy who posted it is a moderator, and claims to be an expert on stripers. Idiot.
"As in all species the MALES are larger. We should be preserving the smaller females if you really care about the future of stripers"
Internet professor. Buy yourself a Vs, a Pro Staff Elite Rod, breathable waders, and make sure you always carry your role of fluoro leader material clipped and ready to make new leaders. The very picture of the cool Elite surfcaster. Throw in the internet browsing for a few months, and anyone can be an expert on striped bass. The above is sooooo off the mark I would like to meet that guy in person and see if he really knows how to fish.
05-11-2018, 09:55 AM
Internet professor. Buy yourself a Vs, a Pro Staff Elite Rod, breathable waders, and make sure you always carry your role of fluoro leader material clipped and ready to make new leaders. The very picture of the cool Elite surfcaster. Throw in the internet browsing for a few months, and anyone can be an expert on striped bass.
Expert fo sho. You can beleeeee dat!
05-11-2018, 10:40 AM
Expert fo sho. You can beleeeee dat!
What language is this. Did you learn that in school or was it a special ebonics street thug class?
05-11-2018, 10:48 AM
Dude you really need to get with the modern times and lingo. Belee dat is from a FB guy. I think his name might be Paul or something. Lives in the South. Posts up constant videos saying he is the best fisherman in the world. Ends his rants with "belee dat". The guy is like a comic book fishing character. Funny stuff.
05-11-2018, 01:38 PM
Could not imagine this dude holds a full time job
"I believe the fish that come out of the raritan have multiple layers of slime, the natural one and then the 5 or 6 layers of slime from industrial runoff, they may actually be relieved to come up onto to dry land to scrape some layers off "
05-11-2018, 01:42 PM
Love the belee dat guy. He is hilarious. They should give him his own show on outdoors network.
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