View Full Version : NJ fishing reports june 2017
06-01-2017, 11:14 AM
Fished CMC this am 4-5:30 on the outgoing tide. Water seems to be getting better. One striper 26 incher, and 2 blues on a bottle plug.
06-01-2017, 11:18 AM
Water was too cold for summer spearing they like 60 and above
I thought that odd as well. Have fished a few areas in the surf in the last month and have not found a one.
06-01-2017, 11:43 PM
Spawn is over in the hudson. We are starting to get some decent fish in the lower bay. Lots of waiting and hoping. Should ramp up in the next few weeks.
06-02-2017, 11:03 AM
Walked some back bay sedges last night on the incoming tide. 2 short bass and a few blues different sizes, plugging.
J Barbosa
06-02-2017, 11:09 AM
It's a start, conditions sucked for crabbing (from Monday).
Raining and windy with a super high tide but very promising for next trip out...I can already tell it will be a crab slaughter.
06-02-2017, 12:29 PM
Cooler o crabs, nice haul!
06-02-2017, 03:13 PM
Nice going on the crabbing, wondering if you got them in the day or night time?
06-02-2017, 03:14 PM
Fished moco in the front 5-7-AM. 2 feisty blues on a bucktail. Got them in a 5 minute period. Nothing more before or after.
06-03-2017, 09:46 AM
2 bass and numerous blues to 12# pound this AM
06-03-2017, 02:16 PM
Nice, fished just the sunrise before all the traffic. Got a few blues in the park. End of the cast on metal. Lots of spearing in the water.
J Barbosa
06-03-2017, 10:32 PM
Went out this morning with Elias, Ken and Rick on a bass trolling trip.
We landed five bass with the smallest of the day being in the mid 30# range and biggest of the day going 54# on a boga. The other three bass were all solid 40# class fish. ALL bass were safely released!
The 54# bass along with two others came on white & chartreuse Spoon Fed bunker spoons. The other two fish were caught on Mojos.
Switched over to sea bass in the afternoon and I decided to try some spots in closer to the beach because of the high winds. Sea Bass fishing was mediocre at best. 30 to 1 keeper ratio.
Seen the triple outboard Contender who ran way up the beach at Sandy Hook - I wonder if any of the nesting piping plovers were hurt?
J Barbosa
06-03-2017, 10:33 PM
06-04-2017, 03:47 PM
Dude you are on fire your catches run circles around johnny bucktails congrats! Congrats on the releases as well.
06-04-2017, 03:48 PM
Fished near an inlet this morning. Prrfect conditions only 3 blues on metal.
06-05-2017, 10:26 AM
This AM got the blues where the water goes in and out
06-05-2017, 11:31 AM
Started at 5am in moco, got nada. Then went down to OC hit up some blues right before the park on 2 oz crocodiles. Finished at 6:30 just enough time to get to work. Lot of travelling for a few bluefish.
06-05-2017, 11:31 AM
Went out this morning with Elias, Ken and Rick on a bass trolling trip.
We landed five bass with the smallest of the day being in the mid 30# range and biggest of the day going 54# on a boga. The other three bass were all solid 40# class fish. ALL bass were safely released!
The 54# bass along with two others came on white & chartreuse Spoon Fed bunker spoons. The other two fish were caught on Mojos.
Switched over to sea bass in the afternoon and I decided to try some spots in closer to the beach because of the high winds. Sea Bass fishing was mediocre at best. 30 to 1 keeper ratio.
Seen the triple outboard Contender who ran way up the beach at Sandy Hook - I wonder if any of the nesting piping plovers were hurt?
You are absolutely crushing it congratulations on the large and the releases.
06-05-2017, 12:26 PM
Nice going guys. Cape may fishing has dried up for me other than the usual suspects trash fish. May take a ride further north closer to the weekend.
06-05-2017, 12:49 PM
Good job.
J Barbosa
06-05-2017, 12:52 PM
Went out yesterday morning looking to repeat some of Saturdays magic. Overall a slow day and we had to work hard for every bite. We ended up the day with a 26#, 31#, and 35#.
We had an absolutely savage hit on a green & white Spoon Fed bunker spoon that peeled drag for a good minute or two before coming loose. We reeled in the line to find a mangled split ring and slightly deformed hook.
The first thing I did was check the drag setting and it was perfect...and before somebody comments that it was bottom...we were fishing this spoon 25ft under the surface in 65ft of water so definitely not the bottom!
I am at a loss for words on how this happened. The Spoon Fed spoons definitely use quality hardware (I use the exact same split rings in smaller sizes on all my lures and never had an issue).
I am guessing this was a thresher (hook never penetrated through the tough skin?) or a big bass that got hooked in a strange manner and somehow managed to apply leverage to the hook.
The highlight of the day was a 35# and 26# double header on the same rod (tandem mojos).
The third fish (31#) hit the all white spoon which has been red-hot for us this year.
06-06-2017, 05:55 PM
Went out yesterday morning looking to repeat some of Saturdays magic. Overall a slow day and we had to work hard for every bite. We ended up the day with a 26#, 31#, and 35#.
We had an absolutely savage hit on a green & white Spoon Fed bunker spoon that peeled drag for a good minute or two before coming loose. We reeled in the line to find a mangled split ring and slightly deformed hook.
The first thing I did was check the drag setting and it was perfect...and before somebody comments that it was bottom...we were fishing this spoon 25ft under the surface in 65ft of water so definitely not the bottom!
I am at a loss for words on how this happened. The Spoon Fed spoons definitely use quality hardware (I use the exact same split rings in smaller sizes on all my lures and never had an issue).
I am guessing this was a thresher (hook never penetrated through the tough skin?) or a big bass that got hooked in a strange manner and somehow managed to apply leverage to the hook.
The highlight of the day was a 35# and 26# double header on the same rod (tandem mojos).
Nice going you sure do find some nice stripers. I was thinking the same thing the one that got away was maybe a shark. Do only threshers hit those spoons or do you think it could have been another type?
06-06-2017, 05:57 PM
Fished 3-5pm mon afternoon near an inlet in oc. The bluefish action was pretty good on bucktails. When it died down I went further north and stopped at a bunch of jetties fishing the left side of each (what was left of them). Couldn't hook up with any fish to save my life despite the perfect white water. Finally packed it in at 9. Oh well.
06-06-2017, 06:33 PM
Nice going. You could of had a monster shark.
06-06-2017, 06:46 PM
This morning 1/2 dozen 3 to 4 # blues finally spitting up bait
This afternoon on the incoming a 15# bass and a bunch of 10 to 12# blues all inside
06-06-2017, 07:44 PM
This morning 1/2 dozen 3 to 4 # blues finally spitting up bait
This afternoon on the incoming a 15# bass and a bunch of 10 to 12# blues all inside
Nice report Fin, a good day fishing!!
06-07-2017, 01:54 PM
Awesome catches guys it's nice to see the action might be getting a little better.
06-07-2017, 01:55 PM
For myself, not so much. Went out last night and no Moco and skunked out. That's too bad because they talk about bass water and I was standing right in front of it, but no fish for me.
06-08-2017, 10:14 AM
7 blues to 12 pounds this morning on jig head and kettle creek tails
J Barbosa
06-08-2017, 03:12 PM
Went out yesterday evening for an after-work trip. Left the dock at 6 pm and ran out front trying to catch the magic hour bite. Took a few minutes to find them and we didn't have much sunlight left but it was good fishing for an hour or so with bass to 38# until it got dark.
The main goal of the trip was to try and get a good overnight chunk bite going which hasn't been reliable so far this spring.
We setup and had to deal with small dogfish for about an hour and then finally started getting the bass bites. We put three more bass in the boat to 32# and missed two solid other hits within an hour window and then called it a night as it was getting late.
We harvested one bass to split between crew that was around 16-18#, the stomach contents are very intriguing. It had our bunker head, a chum chunk, bits of digested lobster, and what appears to be a bunch of conch without the shell.
Also, check out the bass with the busted lip. Looks like he has been caught twice before. Proof C&R works!
Another boat ended up beaching itself on the tip of Sandy Hook again last night. A 22' Grady White out of Staten Island - his conversation with the CG and the tow boat kept us entertained (he wasn't was hurt).
J Barbosa
06-08-2017, 03:13 PM
06-08-2017, 04:38 PM
Fished CM yesterday and a few times before. Seems like things are slowing down. Only managed a few small blues and skates and dogs.
06-08-2017, 04:40 PM
Went out yesterday evening for an after-work trip. Left the dock at 6 pm and ran out front trying to catch the magic hour bite. Took a few minutes to find them and we didn't have much sunlight left but it was good fishing for an hour or so with bass to 38# until it got dark.
The main goal of the trip was to try and get a good overnight chunk bite going which hasn't been reliable so far this spring.
Awesome catches thanks for sharing. I fish bunker a lot and wanted to pick your brains. Why do you think the chunk bite hasn't been that good this Spring? Thanks
06-08-2017, 04:45 PM
Good job. I was out in somoco great conditions from 5 to 6 today top of the tide and got zilch.
06-09-2017, 12:40 AM
Dude you must have the road map for all the big stripers. If there was a tournament you should enter you would crush the competition. Dont even think that johnny bucktails caught that many before he faded into the sunset. congrats on the fish and the releases.
06-09-2017, 12:41 AM
Fishing report I walked onto 2 moco beaches tonight from 6-9. Walked up and down and casted the whole bag. Managed 3 blues it was not that great. Heard of sandeels at island beach might try down closer to there next time.
06-09-2017, 12:49 AM
Hey at least you guys hooked up. I fished around those hours and caught one measly sea robin. Water looked perfect like you guys said just not a lot of fish in the wash.
06-09-2017, 12:51 AM
Nice going gentlemen. Have been out of action for awhile, grandchildren duty. Will start fishing again this weekend.
J Barbosa
06-10-2017, 11:08 PM
Yesterday we fished the SI Tuna Club's Armed Forces Invitational Striped Bass tournament.
We picked up the two Veterans assigned to our boat, Warren and Richard, from Great Kills and were released to go fishing around 8:15am.
We ran out front to where we have been catching consistently only to find that most of the bait has been pushed outside the 3 mile line where we can't legally fish and sucked the bass out with them (wind &/or full moon?)
We trolled the ocean side from Sandy Hook all the way to Deal without a tap and very few signs of life.
Around 2pm I made the choice to give up on trying to catch a big ocean bass and headed to one of our reliable back bay spots just to get these vets some bass and shake the skunk.
We had action right away but they were mostly smaller fish that kept hitting mojos but couldn't take them down.
The guys managed to pull two keeper bass out of the shorts which will give them some nice dinners.
Overall very tough fishing on this tournament day....39 boats and only 4 weigh-ins total.
Thank you to all the veterans out there who fought to keep us safe and to the SI tuna club for putting on a great event as usual.
06-11-2017, 09:50 AM
Nice job on the catching and the thing with the veterans. I hope that brings you some good mojo for the year, not that you need it LOL
06-11-2017, 09:52 AM
I fished nomoco last night on the incoming tide 7 to 9 p.m. Not much luck for me, some small fluke and blues. Seems like they were feeding on small bait in the surf maybe mole crabs.
06-11-2017, 11:08 AM
Nice going on the stripers. Have to admire your persistence jb. Good job with the Vets they deserve our respect
J Barbosa
06-12-2017, 09:04 AM
A 38# and 39# double header from yesterday evening caught casting a big spook and GRS (released).
Had to get within 100 yards of land and cast towards the beach for these. Don't worry we didn't mug any surf fisherman - they are all in the Cape Cod Canal chasing some kind of magical lunar tide.
Saturday we did a short, crew only fluke trip in the back of the bay and despite great drifting conditions the action was slow. Rui did manage his NY limit of 3 > 19"
06-12-2017, 10:42 AM
They are at the Cape cod Canal because the charters drove the NJ June fishery into the ground even though we warned em. If you caught a 3rd fish you could have done the PR "released" photo
J Barbosa
06-12-2017, 11:29 AM
They are at the Cape cod Canal because the charters drove the NJ June fishery into the ground even though we warned em. If you caught a 3rd fish you could have done the PR "released" photo
Lol, we had a 3rd fish last night. Can't grab a pic of everything when these micro "blitzes" now last 5-10 minutes at best...
Their CCC fishery sucks just as bad right now. Drive 4-5 hours North and you can count the number of fish caught on a multi-day trip with one hand. I rather take my chances driving 30 minutes to my backyard fishery that "sucks".
We can sit here and blame NJ charters for everything but during the good years the weigh in lists at the shops were going two pages long from surf guys when the bass pinned the bunker into the jetties but again only 30-50# class fish killed from the surf count.
The MA charter guys do just as much damage along with their commercial fisherman. The Montauk charter crew kills 30-50# bass almost daily all summer long of their rock piles and block island. We can't forget the southern guys who hammer these fish all winter long.
Overharvesting of fish is a community issue, not a boating issue. If the meat head surf guys were still catching they would still be killing.
IMO, this will be the new norm in bass fishing. With as much free info on techniques, locations, habits and migration patterns that are out there now these fish never stand a chance of making a come back because as soon as they start to recover they will get pounded all over again. The only positive is with crappy bass fishing is everyone has switched over to fluking since opening day. We were on prime grounds last night with only 6-8 other boats bass fishing around us.
06-12-2017, 01:55 PM
Don't worry we didn't mug any surf fisherman - they are all in the Cape Cod Canal chasing some kind of magical lunar tide.
Congrats for the bass you caught. You are right on the $$ with that comment. They're only at CCC because social media told them to go. Where would all the pro staff be today if they couldn't chase reports on FB?
06-12-2017, 02:14 PM
Are there fish being caught and not posted on the book of faces? Oh the horror.:rolleyes:
06-12-2017, 02:32 PM
06-13-2017, 09:45 AM
Nice going on the stripers jb and others. There is never a need to apologize for fish that someone caught they were allowed to catch. My .02.
06-13-2017, 10:11 AM
Great news. Have only been finding fluke from the surf. Fished somoco yesterday 6-8. Got a few short fluke on gulp and one small blue.
06-15-2017, 10:02 PM
Great going gents I would give my left nut to get into some of those stripers! Seems like they are always too far out of reach, at least the big ones. Congrats though I know I will get into them one day, maybe in the fall. Tight lines.
06-15-2017, 10:06 PM
Went to moco and tried my luck. Fished from 6:30 to 9. It was pretty quiet until about 15 minutes before sundown. There was some sort of baitfish getting pushed tight to the beach. Couldn't really see what it was but the fishies were real interested. There was 2 other guys and me. We had some nice blues for a while and then it stopped like someone turned off a switch. All on bucktails for me. One guy had a popper and he was doing ok as well. Biggest blue was a 34 incher. With the lack of decent reports lately I was happy to see blues, if only for a short while.
06-16-2017, 12:09 PM
OC for an hour this morning. Incomeing tide, water was a little rough but not that dirty. Blues over the bar, metal. Hardly anyone out.
J Barbosa
06-16-2017, 12:22 PM
We fished Wednesday afternoon trying to target large ocean stripers but couldn't find any willing to cooperate. We covered a lot of water and only had one bass blow up on a live lined bunker near the boat.
Setup on the chunk after dark and the dogfish kept us busy. We landed two bass around the 32-34" range (both released) and missed/dropped at least two more.
Thanks for the bunker Jim!
06-16-2017, 08:16 PM
Cool report. Great job on the bunker transfer, love that pic.
06-17-2017, 06:07 PM
Love the last photo too JB. Would make a great screen saver. Nice job on the catching too.
06-17-2017, 06:09 PM
Me and the crew are still fishing the lower hudson. It has its moments. Overall it has slowed down a lot. Not a great year for the hudson in terms of quantity. Wish the bunker would have stayed and it might have been different.
06-17-2017, 06:25 PM
Me and the crew are still fishing the lower hudson. It has its moments. Overall it has slowed down a lot. Not a great year for the hudson in terms of quantity. Wish the bunker would have stayed and it might have been different.
Quantity days are over this time maybe for ever thanks to the bunkers
J Barbosa
06-18-2017, 11:43 AM
Wanted to do a meat trip before sea bass season closed.
Left the dock Saturday morning around 2am and chunked until 5:30am. Slow pick of bass from 31" to 45".
We caught another deformed bass, this one missing most of its gill plate and still put up a great fight.
Pickup up anchor and made the run to the sea bass grounds in the swells & fog.
We got our sea bass limit on jigs and ran back to the dock before the rain storms moved through.
Had a thresher steal one of our sea bass right next to the boat...had him hooked for a minute until he cut through the line.
Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there.
06-20-2017, 12:40 PM
Jb awesome report. Unusual catch. Never saw a striper that was that badly damaged and was still alive. Especially in the Gill plate.
06-20-2017, 12:41 PM
Quantity days are over this time maybe for ever thanks to the bunkers
I think you're right. They saved the bunker but not the stripers. And that beach replenishment just put the nail in the coffin.
06-21-2017, 09:45 AM
Thats an eerie photo of that bass. Worse than a fluke without a tail. Amazing that it survived so long.
06-22-2017, 09:04 AM
Gave it a shot from 4 to 6am today had 5 bass to 27" all on jig head and rubber tail
06-22-2017, 02:08 PM
Nice. Tried moco last night. Water was a lil dirty. Skunk was served.
06-22-2017, 10:18 PM
Good going.
06-23-2017, 10:41 AM
nice still catching stripers! jb and fc you guys are like fishing machines! I fished moco last night on the dropping tide. Perfect conditions, great water. All cleaned up from the rains. Just a few small blues. Bucktail and pork. Seemed like they were on the bottom hunting for food. Maybe all the mole crabs in the wash had something to do with that.
J Barbosa
06-24-2017, 10:49 AM
Turns out were a lot better at throwing the cast net than we are at finding Mr. Mako.
Had a cooler full of bunker with some freshwater species mixed in white perch, crappie, bluegill, sunnies, blue claws (obviously released). Heavy rain from Wednesday must have blown them out...
In retrospect, wish we had pushed out farther once seas settled down. #CaptainHindsight
Gotta post the good with the bad!
06-25-2017, 11:09 AM
^^^^ Very cool marine life cornucopia you got in that net haul. What are those small fish bottom left corner? Look a little like lafeyettes/spot?
06-25-2017, 11:12 AM
Fished cape may last night 8-11pm. Outgoing tide perfect conditions. Had clam on one pole and was plugging with the other. Only got dogs and skates. Water did seem a little colder and dirty. so maybe some of the other fish moved out into cleaner water. Whatever, still beats sitting on the couch.
06-25-2017, 02:35 PM
Fished cape may last night 8-11pm. Outgoing tide perfect conditions. Had clam on one pole and was plugging with the other. Only got dogs and skates. Water did seem a little colder and dirty. so maybe some of the other fish moved out into cleaner water. Whatever, still beats sitting on the couch.
South winds = cold dirty water and trash fish
06-27-2017, 09:48 AM
^^^^ Exact a mundo! Wind from the south, fish shut their mouths.
06-27-2017, 01:47 PM
Yeah true Would rather be fishing then sitting my a** on the couch tho. We go when we can. The bright spot is that some kings and weaks are around. Maybe croakers will show up too. Thanks for the advice I'll keep trying.
06-29-2017, 10:37 AM
Gave it a try in nomoco last night from 7-9. Incoming tide and it looked pretty promising. Lots of little bait in the wash. Tossed a bucktail. Kept getting small hits and no hookups so went with a ava007. The small hits might have been robins or small sea bass. Finally managed a few undersized fluke and robins, all went back. Good luck to everyone this weekend fishing, if you dare with the crowds.
J Barbosa
07-03-2017, 05:36 PM
Getting the NJ porgy season started right. We kept roughly 100 of the biggest ones to split between four of us...letting the smaller ones live to fight another day. Only had a handful that would have been short with most easily being over 10".
The fluking in Raritan Bay remains a struggle not that we have been giving it much effort.
Crabbing is pretty good right now too.
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