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View Full Version : Techniques -- Fishing a Pencil popper or similar plug

07-24-2008, 05:27 PM
Several of out newest members have mentioned that they appreciate coming here, but feel somewhat intimidated by our members who have years of experience, and know how to modify their fishing for different situations.

That's a good point. If you are inexperienced, you can be nearby an angler who is using the same setup as you, and outfishing you 5 to 1. I decided to set up a series of threads to help our newest members learn "How" and "Why". The "where" will be your responsibility. :learn: ;)

If we can teach you how and why, then we have accomplished our goal of helping people to become better anglers. Anyone is welcome to join in, and give their feedback on what works for them in different conditions. :thumbsup:


08-08-2008, 09:24 PM
Talk to 10 different guys about this, they will give you 10 different sets of instructions. Basically, you put the butt of the pole between your legs, and want to use the tip to impart as much action as possible. If fish are actively nailing bunker, it's a no brainer, just yank and hold on.:wow:

08-08-2008, 10:39 PM
I noticed that toward the end of the day, slowing down the retrieve or varying it some will get more hits.

05-11-2009, 02:03 PM
I noticed that toward the end of the day, slowing down the retrieve or varying it some will get more hits.

Varying it works for me as well at times.

05-11-2009, 08:37 PM
I try to make as much surface commotion as possible. I work the rod tip with my right hand on the blank just below the first guide. I also hold the line between my thumb and index finger so I dont form loose loops on my reel.

05-21-2009, 03:36 PM
I also hold the line between my thumb and index finger so I dont form loose loops on my reel.

That's a good point jb, never thought of that.

05-21-2009, 05:09 PM
Jim Bob is right on the money with that.

I keep my retrieves pretty slow. Bass just will not chase a plug like a Blue would. Usually they are one and done. Keep it slow and let them catch it.

Another tip is not to set the hook until you feel the weight of the fish. It is very easy to get over excited and pull the plug away from the fish. Let them hook themselves.