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View Full Version : Techniques -- Fishing a Tattoo sea dog, saltwater Spook, or similar profile topwater

07-24-2008, 10:06 PM
Several of out newest members have mentioned that they appreciate coming here, but feel somewhat intimidated by our members who have years of experience, and know how to modify their fishing for different situations.

That's a good point. If you are inexperienced, you can be nearby an angler who is using the same setup as you, and outfishing you 5 to 1. I decided to set up a series of threads to help our newest members learn "How" and "Why". The "where" will be your responsibility. :learn: ;)

If we can teach you how and why, then we have accomplished our goal of helping people to become better anglers. Anyone is welcome to join in, and give their feedback on what works for them in different conditions. :thumbsup:

08-08-2008, 09:03 PM
One of the all-time great profiles. I first started fishing these in ponds and lakes, deadly for bass of all kinds.

I usually cast out as far as I can, work water in a semi-circle pattern if from the sand. Jerk it like it's a dying baitfish. Seeing a fish hit that on the surface is addictive. I have nailed fish on them in the dead of night, just slow down the retrieve. It's my go to plug, when I am not sure what works. Never bring my plug bag without one.

08-08-2008, 10:16 PM
Best all around plug, I can use these on a calm night, or when it's choppy out. Bait is around, you will catch.

08-13-2008, 04:35 PM
I start out with as violent a retrieve as possible to test the waters. If I get hits but no hookups, I slow it down, and set the hook.

11-19-2008, 01:52 PM
I fished a saltwater spook 2 weeks ago when there was small bait hanging around the rocks of an inlet. It was incredible. I thought there was just bait there, I couldn't see anything else. Soon as I started throwing that spook, big blues crashed it. I got 5, and they bent some of the hooks.:(

11-25-2008, 01:56 PM
They're good plugs for when the fish are scattered. Throw one out, think of what an injured baitfish looks like and mimic that, erratic strokes. One of my all time go to plugs. They don't get that dinner bell ringing, there might not be any fish where you are.