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View Full Version : Fly tying intro

07-26-2008, 05:54 PM
Using teasers more and more, and wanted to learn how to tie my own. I checked out some of these videos, it seems like it would go ok if you are patient. Is there anyone else here who can offer me some advice other than these videos? How long does it take before you are good at it? :D Thanks for any help.




07-26-2008, 05:59 PM

02-17-2010, 10:35 AM
It depends on what you want to tie with it takes some practice and patience saltwater easier than fresh my eyes can't handle those tiny things,also depends on if you will be fly fishing or just using them for teasers and tail hooks.I started when I was recovering from my 1st back surgery they were not pretty by any means but I got better I'm not no pro but I can get by.

02-17-2010, 12:53 PM
Heres a couple of pics sorry they are so crappy but I couldn't tie and take pics at the same time this is just a basic bucktail teaser.
I start mine hook side up you don't have too just my preference.

1:Leave about 1/8-1/4" from hookeye so you can finish the head now start to wrap the thread down the hook shank and build a little hump of thread this will be your tie in spot.
2 & 3:Grab a section of bucktail and cut it off
4:Now grab the cut piece all the way to the tip of the bucktail and gently pull the fluff from the other end there will be short hairs that need to be removed.
5:now hold the piece between your thumb and forefinger and clip it evenly this will help when wrapping that all the hair is even.
6:Now move that to the hook shank to the bump this where it gets a little tricky lay the tip of the material on the shank and give a couple good snug wraps try and pull up on the thread when snugging up or the hair will want to flare out some ties you want this but not this one.
To be continued

02-17-2010, 01:11 PM
Now the wraps should be holding the first piece of bucktail this is when I will hold the wrap w/ one hand and pick up the bunch gently or it all might pull out and center it over the hook so the hair is fairly even on both sides.
8: It may be hard to see but the hair is centered over the hook.
9:This is when a rotary vice is nice you just spin the hook over so the shank is facing up if you don't have one you need to remove it and turn it over.
10: This is when I like to add my flash I just use a couple of strands I find the more flash the more Blues.You don't need any it is up to you.
11:I fold the flash material in half
12:Then the loop of flash is placed under the hook right in front of where the bucktail is tied and take a couple wraps and it should lay evenly on both sides of the shank for the most part slight adjustments can be made.
A couple more and we should be done here.

02-17-2010, 01:30 PM
13:Cut another piece of bucktail and repeat the same steps as you did for the first clump of hair put that on the top of the shank and tie in w a couple of wraps you will want to secure it pretty well now then look down the shank if the hair is off center just gently move it straight along the hook shank.
14: cover all the exposed hair on the head w your thread you can whip finish if you want I just do a double half hitch hit it w/ some crazy glue let it dry a bit and cut the thread, this is when you would put your eyes on if you want them.I then let the glue dry for awhile and epoxy the head.You can make the head smaller by using less material and if you want a more pointed head such as a sandeel or spearing start your tie further back and shape it w/ the thread.Any ?'s feel free.You can also use any flytiers glues and gadgets but simplicity works for me.
This is how I do it others may disagree but it works for me.

02-18-2010, 04:19 AM
As far as I'm concerned to start all you need is a pair of cheap haircutting scissors,vice of some sort,hooks,bobbin and thread also some bucktail.If you are serious about starting get the rotary vice right from the start.You need to know what size hooks the vice will accept.Mine is a Griffin Superior 3AR cost is about $92.00 w/ a lifetime warranty and accepts up to a 8/0 hook. You can check it out at Terminaltackleco.com I don't know if mentioning a website is ok but it can be removed.

02-18-2010, 07:57 AM
Mine is a Griffin Superior 3AR cost is about $92.00 w/ a lifetime warranty and accepts up to a 8/0 hook. You can check it out at Terminaltackleco.com I don't know if mentioning a website is ok but it can be removed.

I decide that on a case by case basis here, Surfstix. We don't have a blanket policy where no mention of any other website is allowed.

It also has a lot to do with the member suggesting the link. I want people to understand that if they see I'm allowing one website to be mentioned by one member and I somehow edit that info out when another member mentions one. You're good, I have no problem with www.terminaltackleco.com (http://www.terminaltackleco.com)

That's because I try my best to be fair, and contributing members of this community get more weight when it comes to decisions like that. IMO that's real life, you get out of life what you put into it. I'd like that to be the same way here. :thumbsup:

BTW, that is a great tutorial. :clapping: Thanks for posting it. It's well written and easy to follow. It's getting to the point where I haven't edited any of your "How to" posts in months now. :don't know why: ;)

The next thing ya know, you'll be submitting articles to "On the Water" for publication. You should think about it. :HappyWave:

02-18-2010, 09:16 AM
Well you know all to well I got some time on my hands and when I'm feeling ok I don't mind sharing some knowledge w/ others if they want it, if not thats ok everyone is entitled to their own opinion and way of doing things.Fishing mission asked so I popped up a few pics, seeing and doing are two different things but if you don't try you never know.I've moved onto the plug kits I'm not 100 % but I never intended on it they look ok and the fish shouldn't mind if my epoxy isn't up to par.You get better, the more mistakes you do the quicker you learn.I wish I had some of my first teasers what a sight for sore eyes.:d You saw my first plug kit I did ooh that was bad good thing blues don't care.

02-18-2010, 11:59 AM
surfstix, thanx for the detailed answer. That was cool of you to do that.:thumbsup:

02-18-2010, 12:16 PM
No problem hope it helps out.

03-01-2010, 09:46 PM
Thanks so much for this. I'm new to the site and really want to start tying my own tail hooks. After seeing this thread today I decided to go out to Causeway and get some supplies. I'll be tying some siwash later on in the week. Again, thanks. I'll post some pics. I don't expect the first few to be all that good but we'll see.


03-03-2010, 04:32 AM
Your welcome don't go crazy at first just pick up some basics.Pretty doesn't matter to the fish.Any ?'s email me.

03-03-2010, 07:24 AM
Surf, Thanks for oyur input on this thread. I'm going to try a couple of those.

03-04-2010, 06:20 AM
Ok go for it once your hands,fingers and head get in sync its pretty easy.:d