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03-18-2008, 07:55 PM
This POS now put out reports saying he had 3-way sex with an aide who worked for him, and his wife. (I know Pederson put the report out, but it seems like he is still a Mcgreevy pawn) I really feel McGreevy is behind it. Bad enough to slither out of office on the "I am a gay American" pretext.

Now he wants to slam his wife saying she know all along. And he's studying at a seminary? Yes sir, exactly the kind of moral character we need for a priest. What a piece of garbage truck! http://www.stripersandanglers.com/images/icons/icon13.gif

A former aide to Gov. James E. McGreevey said yesterday that he had three-way sexual trysts with McGreevey and his wife before they occupied the governor's mansion, challenging Dina Matos McGreevey's assertion that she was naive about her husband's sexual exploits.

The aide, Theodore Pedersen, said he and the couple even had a nickname for the weekly romps, from 1999 to 2001, that typically began with dinner at T.G.I. Friday's and ended with a threesome at McGreevey's condo in Woodbridge.
They called them "Friday Night Specials," according to Pedersen.

He described the encounters during an interview with The Star-Ledger. He said he wanted to refute the innocent image that Matos McGreevey has projected - both during the couple's ongoing divorce battle and in interviews she gave after New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer resigned last week in a sex scandal.

"I wanted to get this out now because it was so offensive to me that she goes on television playing the victim," Pedersen said. "She's trying to make this a payday for herself. She should have told the truth about the three of us."

Pedersen did not say if he was gay or bisexual and only described having contact with Matos McGreevey during the trysts. He also said he never knew for sure if McGreevey was gay.

03-19-2008, 01:33 AM
McGreevy is a joke. He should be the poster boy for the "blame it on anyone other than you" club.

03-19-2008, 04:56 PM
He's the luckiest politician since Kennedy. He managed to escape a prosecution of epic proportions by resigning under the gay flag. His unethical behavior and practices have never been addressed. It's like it never happened. How soon people forget.http://www.stripersandanglers.com/images/icons/icon13.gif

03-21-2008, 10:42 AM
Hey, I think his wife should share part of the blame. But it's hard to paint her as a witch when her husband's in a condo giving a bj to another guy. :upck:

03-21-2008, 11:31 PM
Or he comes home after someone made a "deposit" and tries to kiss his wife. All joking aside, he used his homosexuality speech as a smokescreen. He abused the public trust, and should be judged on that and that alone. I think he's scum.

03-22-2008, 12:04 AM
think he's studying at a seminary. Do they have semen there? :laugh: He should gain some respect, because he will then be holy.

03-22-2008, 12:07 AM
It's all about the alimony.

03-22-2008, 10:58 AM
Hey, I think his wife should share part of the blame. But it's hard to paint her as a witch when her husband's in a condo giving a bj to another guy. :upck:

Honey, you don't have to cook tonight. I already ate. Boy am I full! :whoo::laugh:

04-01-2008, 07:23 PM
Maybe it's just me, but it seems like a lot of gay bashing on this thread? :don't know why:

04-01-2008, 07:39 PM
My primary complaint about McGreevey is that he wasn't honest, and mis-represented circumstances about people who worked for him.

Then he tried to hide behind the cloak of homosexuality. That was just a smoke screen, and he should be ashamed of himself for it. But he isn't, and that's the most shameful thing. He really believes he did not violate the public trust.

I ask all reasonable people to ask themselves if any other politician hired a person such as Golan Cipel, with no qualifications, and minimal explanations about why he was hired, would they be treated differently than McGreevey was?

IMO he should still have to answer for these ethical violations. He set a bad example for others who follow, and also for kids, like his daughter, who are growing up in this world and influenced by people who justify bad choices.

Whether he likes having the hershey squirts for a week after playing wife to another man is his private business, isn't it? :whoo: