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View Full Version : Tripletail Hunting - Fishing for Tripletail

08-18-2008, 11:01 AM
Tripletail Hunting - Fishing for Tripletail
Ron Brooks - about com

Similar to hunting for game, fishing for tripletail in the late summer is a matter of getting to where they live. If you can get to the places they frequent, you are likely to find one or more, and late summer is the time for some big ones along the southeast US coast.
Tripletails are unusual fish that are somewhat mysterious in their ways. Studies are just now being made in several states to learn more about these hard fighting, good eating fish.

The population off the Georgia barrier island beaches in the summer is apparently a breeding population. The speculation is that they congregate – school would not be a correct term, since they are basically loner type of fish – to spawn in the warm ocean waters just off the beach.

During the early summer, you can find them from the beach up to a mile off the beach, floating on their side on the surface. They seem to float along waiting for baitfish to seek shelter from the sun under their shadow. It remains to be seen whether that is truly the case.

In late summer, the larger members of the species can be found around almost any structure, from a single pole marker, to shipping channel buoys, to almost any kind of flotsam in the water.