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View Full Version : Gear stolen from driveway

08-23-2008, 11:53 AM
Just wanted to give you all a heads up. My cousin was coming fishing with us today. He went outside to leave, and they broke into his truck, took 2 rods, and his gps. Normally he puts his stuff away, but he was set up to leave early. An expensive lesson.:burn:

08-23-2008, 11:57 AM
thats a bummer man, what kind of rods and gps was it?

09-05-2008, 01:26 PM
Man that sucks, I've been robbed a bunch of times, learned some things along the way:

This is just a "head's up" for people who frequent NYC and urban jersey areas. Mostly in NYC, but in other high crime areas as well, there are junkies who literally target people like who look like they are from out of the area. They will break into your car and do $400 worth of damage just to steal something that may be worth a few dollars. A few tips for safer trips:

1. Never have something that looks like it's pawnable visible in your car when you go to one of these areas. (this includes pocket change in the ashtray, cell phone cords, GPS cords). Even the smallest item, like a cord, will alert them that you possibly have hidden the loot somewhere in your car. These are people who need to steal at least $100/day to support their habit, and they are very smart when it comes to sizing up targets.

2. If you are attempting to secure precious items you will not bring with you (girlfriend's purse, wallet, GPS, radio, in the trunk of your car, DO NOT DO IT WHERE YOU PARK!!! . There are people who watch people in certain areas (near a club, etc), and know they will be stuffing items in their trunk. They also know a lot of people will be gone for a while, and they only need a few seconds to get in and out of your vehicle.

3. When you are going to an urban area, high crime section, try to have a second wallet, where you bring only your license, small bills, and minimal ID or credit info needed for the evening. Leave the rest at home.

4. Anticipate how you would feel if certain items of yours were stolen, and you couldn't get them back. The worst time to assess your crime prevention strategies is after you have been victimized.

5. Try to follow the same procedures when you are fishing in a questionable area. I fish Asbury and other ques. areas sometimes at night, and each time consider how it would be if my vehicle got burglarized, and prepare accordingly.

Remember, these are people who need to get high every day to survive, Your personal items mean nothing to them - they usually discard it because it's in their way when looking for valuables, and they are in a hurry. If you are ever victimized, and really want the papers, etc back, try searching in the area within 500 feet of your vehicle (park across the street, bushes, trash cans etc. )

I once was able to find my briefcase with some important notes stashed in some bushes when my car was robbed on Houston St. They only want the stuff they can pawn. Hope this helps - Dark