View Full Version : NJ Fishing pics
04-01-2012, 11:49 AM
Found this out front on Friday night during that pressure drop....
04-01-2012, 01:36 PM
Nice going, eltosoro. Welcome aboard.:thumbsup:
04-01-2012, 06:57 PM
Beautiful fish! Welcome to S&A.
04-01-2012, 08:48 PM
Pretty work el tosoro.:thumbsup:
04-05-2012, 08:25 PM
Save the bunker!!!
I'm not really trying (that hard) to make light of the save the bunker movement....I have friends in LI, Rhody, and MA who tell me all the time there are less bunker...and I really do believe that...
Saving the bunker....
will not increase the bass populatiion.....
How about this thought...
There are less bass,,,because there are less bass....we are killing more, more folks are fishing, and the biomass gets pressure from more sources than ever, even bottom fishermen, as seabass, tog, and fluke are restricted, turn to fishing for bass......
Last night I visited 3 places, found bunker in 2 of them......
Friends who fish bunker, are able to snag all they need, for every trip.....never having to get them from a tackle shop....
So do we really need to save the bunker?...or should we be focusing on the bass instead, as Finchaser has been preaching for years....
04-06-2012, 03:21 PM
Save the bunker!!!
I'm not really trying (that hard) to make light of the save the bunker movement....I have friends in LI, Rhody, and MA who tell me all the time there are less bunker...and I really do believe that...
This is true for the Sound. We don't see them like we used to. There were massive schools. Interestingly enough, this year they appear to be pretty thick in the western sound so far.
04-06-2012, 07:08 PM
^^ Eltosoro, great pic, thanks for posting. :thumbsup:
I can't remember if I gave ya the official S&A welcome :moon: :HappyWave::laugh:
Some bay pics from friends last appears that bunker are moving all around the bay,,,and where the bunker are, you might find a bass or 2 nearby.... this pic is a little bloody...
04-08-2012, 03:06 AM
There was a pretty good bait bite where I was Saturday night.....
Here's one of the fish the guys caught....36" and about 17#......
04-08-2012, 11:00 AM
04-10-2012, 06:34 PM
way to go on the fish guys i can look at the pics and hope :huh:
04-14-2012, 12:17 PM
Some more....
These fish were around 15-18#.
04-14-2012, 12:23 PM
I think these fish were between 17-27#, the biggest being 42" and 27#.
Congrats to the guys who put in the time and were out there every night, in all kinds of nasty and windy conditions, to get them.....:clapping: :HappyWave:
04-14-2012, 12:29 PM
Awesome pics, pretty work.
04-16-2012, 03:05 PM
04-17-2012, 08:19 PM
nice dudes they r sum fat bass, grats!
04-20-2012, 12:09 PM
I thought I would share
can't wait to get some under water shots
04-21-2012, 11:00 PM
That's the way to do it, madcaster. :thumbsup:
Nice shot. :HappyWave:
04-22-2012, 09:48 PM
Awesome photos guys keep them coming!
04-23-2012, 08:08 AM
great pics
05-23-2012, 09:16 PM
Hard to tell from this blurry pic...fat fish caught in RB first week of May.....sent in by Extreme, thanks!
05-23-2012, 09:25 PM
Caught in the bay on May 14 along with a mess of other larger ones....thanks bro.....
05-29-2012, 02:53 PM
Fished ocean side again this morning 4:45-9:45, real nice morning, picked up 8 Blues up to ~5 lbs. On metal, Dookster, Teaser (Double on a teaser and Redfin). Last fish caught around 8:30, lost and missed a few. No crowd, weather was to nice, fun morning, planning on trying again tomorrow morning (searching for stripes). I like the Dookster.
03-18-2013, 01:40 PM
A friend got a legal bass yesterday. Clams. Congrats. :HappyWave:
03-18-2013, 04:42 PM
Nice we should be into them soon!
03-19-2013, 01:54 AM
Someone got another keeper yesterday...sent this pic...
34" and about 13-14#....nice fish.......:HappyWave:
03-22-2013, 03:23 PM
Someone I know sent this in. Fish was caught yesterday in the back. :HappyWave:
05-11-2013, 04:55 PM
The pic below kind of symbolizes it for me.
You can tell he's having a blast. The expression on his face says it all.
BTW this is Jordan, friend of sitemember xtremeVisions.....
He's a Marine who lost his leg in the Middle East while serving our country.
thanks for your service Jordan, :clapping::thumbsup:
Thanks for sending the pic Xtreme. :HappyWave:
05-18-2013, 04:54 PM
How many of you would fish from this cliff?:scared:
06-06-2013, 01:55 AM
Bridge Kid finally gets his 50....52.2 to be exact.....
On May 26 a friend of mine caught the fish of a lifetime....he did keep it and weigh in at a tackle case anyone wants to judge him, I got nightly reports from him.....he kept 4 of the smaller fish he caught for that 6 week period....maybe 8-10lbs...perfect eating size....
The rest of the following fish, were released., in his self-imposed rigorous standards to push himself as far as possible to finally achieve the goal of the 50....a fish that wasn't caught in a blitz, but sitting and waiting, night after night,,,,,mostly catching dogfish in the 90 times he was out there...
In between that, he caught and released the following....
Maybe 2 dozen or more fish 22-27#.....
All released to swim another day.....
I can confirm this because I got a text each night he did well, and also got to hear about the miserable nights of rain and bad weather he was the only one on the beach.....He put everything in his life on hold to catch these fish....not many would sacrifice such a big part of their free time, for a chance at a trophy....or be willing to fish in all the crappy conditions he has been out in...not just the bluebird nights that everyone can handle....
All fish caught in the Cape May County area,,,,,several spots within as fish didn't always hit the same beach at night....
For anyone who thinks we are getting those fish in Monmouth or Ocean County...that bite has been over for about 10 days now and we should have seen those fish by's my belief that without more inshore forage other than bunker, many of those fish took the offshore route from Cape May to Montauk, as many others did....there is a tremendous amount of bass right now in the Northeast triangle,,,,MA, Montauk....
I honestly can't prove how many bass are still yet to come through NJ. but I think a fair estimate, is that 70% of the bass, are already past us and on to waters that contain more forage....
All pics courtesy of Bridge Kid......congrats on the fish of a lifetime...and the release of the earned it bro! :clapping::clapping: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
06-06-2013, 08:13 PM
:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping: Awesome report and story. Congrats to bridgekid!
06-06-2013, 08:21 PM
Grats on the cow dude.:thumbsup:
06-06-2013, 08:27 PM
:fishing: Way to go
06-06-2013, 09:06 PM
Beautiful fish, :drool:
That awesome. You earned it.
06-06-2013, 10:48 PM
Congrats beautiful fish!:plastered::clapping:
06-07-2013, 11:20 PM
awesome fish congrats
06-10-2013, 11:26 PM
Frank and his 48.5 lb fish....
Yes it was caught in a blitz...but the latest one lasted less than 20 minutes.....only a handful of fish were caught...and this was the biggest.....
He could have entered the Reel Seat contest with it....won a VS 200, or the CTS rod.....
He could have entered the Berkeley Spring Tourney run around the same time.....Hundreds of $$ in prizes....
There are still some tackle shops that have certificates of a few hundred $$ for the biggest Surf fish of the year....and this fish would have had a clear shot at #1......
He could have weighed it in for a video weigh in...
or several tackle shops, and paraded it around on the internet......on every website and facebook surfcaster group out there.......
But some quick pics were taken. and he decided to put this big girl back in the water quickly.......
Outstanding job, Frank..........on the fish of a lifetime.....:clapping: :clapping:
and the release........:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
06-10-2013, 11:59 PM
06-11-2013, 12:01 AM
I was there for that, they blitzed 2-3 casts out sliding north, and stopped short of a cove , he was south which i got to as he landed it, was just a 3 random blind fish which is a little better then a blitz :) he had some big time prodding to weigh it in, someone said that thing must be 40 lbs, I said I think its close to 50, i thought it was toast but he kept reviving it and off it went. it actually broke the line as he grabbed it.
06-14-2013, 10:09 PM
^ Glad to see you got in on that action, Shark......
June 13.......
Big blues to 15#.....
Bass to 14 #.....
All released......
Bass and blues on big swimmers....
06-14-2013, 10:11 PM
June 10.....Cownose ray, caught on a plug......
06-16-2013, 02:21 PM
Some more trips from June 2013.....
June 15 AM trip....
6 hour Monty mini marathon...
Fishing was very slow for most of the night.
1 short bass middle of the night on swimmer,
Some more activity around sunrise and up to 1 1/2 hours was nice because the fish were more aggressive then, than they had been. Even managed a few on topwater, SS LN popper.
1 short bass,
15 blues to 5#, blues hit swimmers and popper, would not hit metal.
06-16-2013, 02:27 PM
June 16 AM trip
5 hour Monty Mini Marathon
Got the blues....
Some bluefish activity in the dark, swimmers.
As opposed to the day before they would not hit top water....tried 3 separate times during the trip.
Best action on swimmers....Half the fish came from the OFFC plug,
which is now trashed after catching over 30 bluefish...tail hook and back part of plug broke.....:(
One of the "larger" bluefish was caught on speedy's white swimmer...
The blues that morning were so small they were not pic worthy...half the size of the blues the day before
What was interesting was how picky and sluggish they were....light hits, if you missed it they would not come back....
I missed so many fish it was embarassing. :(
When the plug bite died they hit metal at varying retrieves until slack tide. Bite was dead after that.
Also hooked and landed 2 cownose rays, 8-10#...both on metal.
14 blues to 3#.
2 cownose rays.
06-20-2013, 05:44 PM
June 18 Pm trip.
6 hour Monty Mini Marathon.....
Fished hard for most of the it had rained recently the water was discolored and I felt the bite was off. The forage available was just not there.
Managed one almost legal bass on swimmer at night.
One decent fluke, about 17", on small metal at first light
06-20-2013, 05:54 PM
June 19 PM trip,
Monty Marathon...8 hours....
This was a trip where I was targeting night bluefish...some larger ones had shown up, coming in at the end of day to crash bunker schools...
I had been to the water earlier that day...worked it for 1/2 was totally dead....
As I was leaving I noticed a few distinct pods of bunker that were "shaping up" and moving in....
I ran into California Tom aka Tom Lynch and some of his crew...Tom had come down to film some of the insane bluefish action....
They were waitiing, too, and we were all of the opinion that something would happen...we were just not sure when.....
It was a good night for monster bluefish...
If you go to Tom's site....(I think it is something like that....) you will see in May 2013 he took some real graphic shots of big blues crashing bunker. His lens captured the frenzy, with bunker flying out of the water to get away from the giant sets of teeth that were chasing them.....
That night, after work,,,I returned and fished all night.....
Got some nice fish from that Monty Marathon effort.......
(I didn't find the big blues, that time,,,,but some pesky stripers showed up..:rolleyes: I had to stay for awhile and have some fun....:wheeeee: )
Total for the 8 hour trip..
8 bass to 19#...released....
Lost 2 nicer ones.....due to googan error..
And 3 bluefish to 4#....
All on big swimmers.....
Once that sun got bright ALL ACTION ended.... even the bluefish action. :(
06-21-2013, 05:43 AM
06-21-2013, 02:19 PM
^ Yes Rob, that's the site. I had the original unedited pic sent to me after the carnage that night in May. I deleted it as I know he likes to have tight copyright control of his pics.
Feel free to browse his site. He's a great photographer, good fisherman, and nice guy. :HappyWave:
He's the one responsible for the famous (infamous? ;) ) shot of the hundreds of fishermen standing down near Barnegat Inlet in the well-known sandeel bite of 2011.
06-21-2013, 02:24 PM
June 20 2013....4 hour short trip
After the great fishing the night before I returned to the scene the next night.
Hoping for a repeat....but you know how that has been hard for me to find consistent action in the same area, for more than one night, when throwing artficials......
I was tired.
Managed 4 short bass. These bass hit tentatively, not aggressively.
2 of them were hooked in the back or head...also missed a few others...
These were fat little 27" bass probably weighed around 8#.....not sure what they were eating at the time (too small to eat bunker) but they were feeding well.
Bite died before sunup.
All fish hit a small swimmer, would not touch larger (or smaller) offerings this time.
06-22-2013, 06:40 PM
June 22 2013 - Early AM - 3 hour trip.....
Started out with good expectations...went back to the well-known bluefish and weakfish bay spot to see if I could find the bigger blues at night....
I failed at that, but did manage to land a 6# weakfish, my first of the year....she was beautiful, had not seen them in long time....quick pic and release.....
on a small swimmer...(old and ugly, see the Surfwalker thread...)
The rest of the night went downhill after bail spring broke and I was not really participating any more no matter how hard I was too much of a I cut the trip short and called it a night early, no other action for me...
06-24-2013, 07:21 PM
June 23 2013...AM trip
After the previous mis-hap the night before, I was out the next night with a flea-market $30 Fin Nor Ahab (all metal body) while I worked on fixing the bail spring of the other reel I had been using.
It appeared there were a few fish around. It also appeared I had gotten there too late in the tide to see any sustained activity, as the back bay areas are nororiously tide dependent. The best I could manage was 2 missed fish on rubber. Kind of interesting that they would hit plugs the night before and now it was a rubber only game......
**These are some of the things I talk about in being prepared to adapt as conditions change....
What worked yesterday, may not necessarily work today....and if you are not prepared to adapt you will not catch....
In this case I stubbornly held on to my desire to plug...plugging is one of the most exciting ways of catching fish for me....:headbang:
My procrastination and stubbornness in switching over probably cost me some fish.....
Despite all the years of experience I have, I can still be stubborn...
I say this about myself, to try to encourage others out there who may be doing this...that not being receptive to trying new things....may definitely cost you some fish one night.....I gladly share my mistakes here so others can learn from for thought....:learn:
I ended that trip with a :skunk:
06-24-2013, 07:38 PM
June 23 2013......PM trip
The next night I set out earlier....
Not knowing exactly when in the tide the fish were feeding strongest, I was determined to figure it out....
**This is something that typically happens when there are less fish around...when there are high numbers of fish and different types of my experience the feeding times can be patterned...IE if you find fish feeding at a particular stage of the tide one night, you can sometimes come an hour later the next, and find the same behavior again....
When you find a pattern,,,this can hold for a decent amount of time, until conditions change....
Unfortunately, with less fish around overall, even schoolies, it becomes an exercise in frustration to try to find a strong pattern....
As I have explained to some of ya's out there...if I do find what looks like it might be a pattern one the most it may last 2 nights....and then I'll have to fugure it out all over again......
This has not been a common experience for me in years past when there were more fish around., was a lot easier to figure and see fish behavior with more fish, and a lot easier to find them,, based on so much....:don't know why:
Based on the above frustration, I dedided to fish the whole tide this next night, and both slack tides, to see if it was any different....
And I did find fish this time....
By fishing the whole tide, I found that the strongest feed, was for an approximate 1/2 hour period during that tide......
I landed one short bass, and missed a few others.....all on rubber....
After that 1/2 hour period, the bite declined rapidly.....
Still, I stuck around for the whole tide,,,to see how things would end up.....
7 hour trip, just to find a half hour feeding window, at that location.....:kooky:
06-24-2013, 07:43 PM
A few of my friends have been doing exceptionally well fluking in the surf....
It ain't always a lot of fishermen are reporting short fluke and the occasional keeper...
One such friend, who puts in a lot of time....consistently nails keepers almost every trip out there.....
This is a pic of one of the nice fluke he got the other day........later weighed in at 5#. :clapping: :thumbsup:
Look at the mouth and how big it opens....there is no doubt that some of the bigger fluke are formidable predators, some even capable of swallowing bunker heads....
**(have been getting behind in posting pics...will try to post these and the previous ones when I get a chance....) :HappyWave:
J Barbosa
06-25-2013, 01:15 PM
The picture is missing.
Was this Mike's fish from Saturday? If so that was a nice looking fluke.
06-27-2013, 11:56 AM
**(have been getting behind in posting pics...will try to post these and the previous ones when I get a chance....) :HappyWave:
John...please see the post above yours.....hope you are still out there fishing.....:HappyWave: :fishing:
June 26 2013 Pics and report....
I went the next night after that previous night that was so disappointing with one fish....
I felt I had a slightly better handle on the part of the tide when the fish would be active....
Only fished 3 hours that time....
The action was a little more sustained...throughout that 3 hour period I had action for 1 1/2 hours.....
Managed 3 short bass, missed a few others...
2 of the bass hit rubber.
1 hit a swimmer, missed a few other bass on that plug as well.
07-01-2013, 05:05 PM
June 27/28 PM/AM trip:
Weather conditions forced me to re-plan my night. The wind and swell were bad, so I found an inlet where I could get a little lee and the wind wasn't so daunting.
6 bass to 10#,,,,3 small blues - 5 hour trip
All bass were fat and had been feeding well.
2 of the bass were legal, kept one to see what they were eating., released the rest.....
Mostly on on bucktail.....and then when I was getting ready to leave, one nicer fish dropped, on rubber.
07-01-2013, 05:10 PM
June 29 PM /
June 30 AM trip....
I couldn't get out the next night,,,wondering what I missed, was driving me nuts...
Made it out one night after that.....
Fished all night...Monty Marathon hours..2 missed fish...swimmers....
Finally at sunrise there was limited bluefish activity....
They were hitting very tentatively and seemed to be focused on small bait...
Threw a teaser on and started casting one of madcaster's needlefish with a black teaser tail.
The one bluefish I caught hit that black teaser tail on the madcaster needlefish....:HappyWave:
To give ya's an idea how crazy fishing seems at times, trying to figure it out....the 2 previous trips out there, I threw madcaster's needle with the black tail, not a touch.......even the bluefish had become picky as of this trip....:kooky:
07-08-2013, 11:28 AM
July 1 AM trip
Fished 5 hours, flood tide.
Most of the fish came in the first 2 1/2 hours.
Managed 3 bass to #14, released.
All on rubber.
No hits or misses other than that.
That lasted for about 45 minutes. All downhill for the rest of the trip.
07-08-2013, 11:38 AM
July 4 AM trip
Fished 4 hours, flood tide.
First 2 hours not a touch.
Fishing was so bad was getting ready to leave there.
An old timer met me on the beach. I was crabby at the effort and lack of results.
He said "Come on Rich, theres fish to catch, lets go!"
His enthusiasm was infectious.
I got up, rallied again,
within 5 minutes he had a short bass.
I started throwing again.
10 minutes later, at 4am, an army of dolphins came by, most dolphins I have seen at one time in years, over 2 dozen, could have been 3 dozen, 2 at a time, at times only 75 feet away from us. It was spectacular! :wheeeee:
Based on that, and hoping they were there because of bunker, I started throwing plugs, nailing and missing a few bass on a medium swimmer, only thing they would touch.
Fish were hitting in close, nothing out far.
I landed one, missed quite a few others, dropped 2 fish, one was a drag puller.....
one short bass, and the sight of the year for me...all those dolphins, coming by like a military procession. :cool:
07-08-2013, 12:00 PM
July 6 AM trip
** It was S/SW pattern, with colder ocean water in the high 60's and brown algae bay water up to 85 degrees.
Didn't make it out the night before. I got up late for this trip as well, knew at most I would have one hour to fish by the time I got down there.
Decided to make the trip anyway.
Fishing was fun, catching was very dismal.
There were bunker showing but not many bass on them. Only saw 2 bass blowups among hundreds of bunker.
Fish weren't interested in anything I threw. Even a snagged bunker could not make it happen. It became apparent there were very few fish following these bunker. Gave it my best anyway.
Water had gotten substantially warmer.
Finally saved from the skunk by one sea robin on metal.
July 7 AM trip
Decided to change it up a bit and seek out some cooler water. Stayed away from the inlets and tried to find water that had held some bait before. Pebbles and I had been out at the beach earlier on and seen some promising things.
2 hours of casting in the dark produced nothing.
Finally managed to raise a fish, either a short bass or bluefish, around 5:30 am on a popper. That was my only activity for the trip.
Other than that......:skunk:
Guys fishing bait in the area were only catching small dogfish.
07-11-2013, 08:44 PM
July 11 AM trip....
This was a tough trip, short but intense casting session in the pre-dawn hours.
Hadn't been out on the water in a few days....I was full of energy and hope.....
3 1/2 hours later not a tap to show for it.
Worked all levels of the water column.
Whatever feeding window there might have been, I missed it completely. :skunk:
Hey, that's fishin. :fishing:
07-22-2013, 11:37 PM
thanks Jigfreak. Well I went out today inspite of having to get up early to be in manhattan. Oh well I guess I will just take the train in and get some rest. I fished Barnegat bay from 5pm to 8:30pm on the incoming tide. managed 1 23" flounder on a white bucktail with a white curly tail grub trailer.1727317274 the fish was released.
08-03-2013, 09:20 AM
Absolutely gorgeous night out yesterday. Hit LBI with my buddy Mike. Went north up into surf city area to wait for the fresh bunker to arrive at the bait shop. While we waited we went and threw a line in. I got to use my casting egg and my new spinfisher v for a little bit. No takers. Mike landed a cocktail blue on a bucktail tipped with gulp.
Next time I am bringing my gulp! anyway- The target for tonight was shark so we headed to the baitshop got our bunker and headed about mid island. I think LBI should be renamed little wildwood. The beach is huge! although the exercise is good.
Anyway- as people have reported, the spots are thick in the surf. I tried a king rig and fishbites for the first time. I am a believer my friends. As soon as that bait would hit the water they were on it. MIke loaded up his cooler with spots. I caught a few spots and 1 king.
Something was chasing the spots because every once in a while they would jump out of the water fleeing something. I threw in some bunker. nothing. Live lined a spot, nothing.
Mike got tired after the sun went down but he hung out till 11ish. I wanted to move to a new spot but I knew if I did I would loose Mike, so I waited. Mike called it a night and I moved to another spot that used to be a hole and is now a flat area. The water is under 6" deep for about 40 yards before you hit the surf.
I have to be honest- I am chicken crap in the water after dark- so wading out in that skinny water was a little un nerving even though I knew what could possibly get me in that stuff...
Well anyway, I managed to **** it up and wade out 'close' to the breaking surf and threw my bait out the furthest I could hoping to land in some good water. About 20 minutes goes by and my reel starts screaming. The fish feels decent. He took a couple of runs straight out so I felt it must be a shark. so after I tire him out I realize- hmm, I am not sure how big he his- the water is skinny for 40 I have to go get him??? in the water???
So I keep pulling him in- I can just barely make him out with my headlamp, yup he is a shark. Not a very big one- estimated between 3 and 4 feet. probably closer to 4. I was able to pull him through the skinny water to get him up on the sand. Hook removal was easy. I took him out as far as I could in the scary skinny water afraid he was going to chase me back in, lol!
He seemed to struggle trying to get back out so I overcame my little girl fear and went in to help him out. I grabbed him by the tail and took him out to deeper water.
Don't you know that sucker came back in...just to stalk me. I did not think it was safe to go back in to cast out my next bait, lol!
OK, I know I went on way too long, but these are the things you think about to amuse yourself in the dead of night. Thanks for putting up with my ramblings!
08-04-2013, 03:16 PM
Fished this morning ocean side from 1:00 to 8:00.
Picked up a shad on a teaser, then a decent Fluke on a loaded red fin, Sea Robin also on the loaded Red Fin.
Also picked up 6 short stripers, biggest around 24 inches.
Loaded Red Fin, white Hogy and feathered teaser (2 on each).
And a double of blues (Howdy and feathered teaser).
Last fish caught around 6:15.
None of the fish were sluggish, was awesome seeing them crash the White Hogy.
Had a few bumps and misses, covered at least a mile and half of beach, great time :).
Beautiful night, saw 4 shooting stars, ocean had small chop. Water and air were cool.
08-05-2013, 05:48 PM
Monty if there was an award for best surf fishing pics on the net I would vote for you to win it. Awesome reports and pics guys!
08-05-2013, 05:49 PM
I have to be honest- I am chicken crap in the water after dark- so wading out in that skinny water was a little un nerving even though I knew what could possibly get me in that stuff...
Well anyway, I managed to **** it up and wade out 'close' to the breaking surf and threw my bait out the furthest I could hoping to land in some good water. About 20 minutes goes by and my reel starts screaming. The fish feels decent. He took a couple of runs straight out so I felt it must be a shark. so after I tire him out I realize- hmm, I am not sure how big he his- the water is skinny for 40 I have to go get him??? in the water???
So I keep pulling him in- I can just barely make him out with my headlamp, yup he is a shark. Not a very big one- estimated between 3 and 4 feet. probably closer to 4. I was able to pull him through the skinny water to get him up on the sand. Hook removal was easy. I took him out as far as I could in the scary skinny water afraid he was going to chase me back in, lol!
He seemed to struggle trying to get back out so I overcame my little girl fear and went in to help him out. I grabbed him by the tail and took him out to deeper water.
Don't you know that sucker came back in...just to stalk me. I did not think it was safe to go back in to cast out my next bait, lol!
OK, I know I went on way too long, but these are the things you think about to amuse yourself in the dead of night. Thanks for putting up with my ramblings!
Always enjoy your reports and your honesty rob. Felt like I was there as I was reading that. Thanks for sharing.
08-05-2013, 09:17 PM
Monty if there was an award for best surf fishing pics on the net I would vote for you to win it. Awesome reports and pics guys!
x2 nice sunrise pic monty.
08-05-2013, 09:49 PM
Nice going Monty, Love the Pictures also.The Fall is getting closer. Nice going Robmedina with that Shark Would love to see someone catch one of those with People swimming around. can't imagine the panic.
I went yesterday on a friends boat. We went Bluefin Tuna fishing. I haven't been on a boat like 6 years. Well I got Sea Sick and didn't fish much. We were Jigging, and Trolling the Chicken Canyon, and The atlantic Princes Wreck. We left the dock around 3am got back around 3pm. We all got :skunk: There were some fish around on the fish finder, and heard a small one caught near us on the radio.
09-20-2013, 11:20 PM
giant fluke from flynns knoll - don't know if you folks read it already in this week's Hook Line and Sinker. A guy got a 17lb fluke at the Knoll and weighed it in at the Tackle Box in Hazlet. Found these pictures on the net. Fluke of a lifetime. He got it on clams. Congrats Jesse.
09-21-2013, 07:42 AM
heard he was bass fishing still a beautiful fish, when its your day its your day
09-21-2013, 12:25 PM
Have to be careful rob those foxes may look cute but are known bait stealers. They have no fear of man will walk up to within a few feet of you if your back is turned and you have bait on the sand. Thats an outstanding fluke Capt congrats to Jesse.
09-21-2013, 01:33 PM
Awesome fluke that's a monster! Congrats
09-21-2013, 01:36 PM
Kudos to Jesse for the catch of a lifetime what a doormat.:dribble:
09-21-2013, 01:57 PM
:clapping:Awesome report on the fluke Capt nemo many congrats to the angler. That is bigger than a doormat it should be called a manhole cover.
09-27-2013, 04:24 PM
^^That's an impressive fluke....Congratulations to Jesse on the fluke of a lifetime. :thumbsup:
A friend was fishing the Raritan Bay yesterday in his friend's boat....they put a decent catch together,,,,congratulations. :HappyWave:
10-28-2013, 12:14 PM
October blackfish....some nice blackfish around right now.......Caught by a friend.....:HappyWave:
11-23-2013, 10:53 AM
^^^^^Cool madcaster. Do you go out on the jetties with that? Here's a peaceful first light shot
12-06-2013, 01:39 PM
A couple dolphins while I was fishing mid August
12-06-2013, 03:07 PM
nice pic
02-01-2014, 09:56 AM
Nice dolphin pics monty. Can't wait till these things come back. They used to come both in the spring and the fall. Does anyone remember that?
03-07-2014, 08:40 AM
Nice dolphin pics monty. Can't wait till these things come back. They used to come both in the spring and the fall. Does anyone remember that?
Yes I remember the twice yearly run of sand eels hookset. What great times those were. Fish would follow them in massive schools and there were abundant herring and shad running up and down the beach, it was absolute mayhem and so invigorating chasing those schools and the predators along the beach.
Look at me reminiscing about old times.... :rolleyes: Wait....those weren't old times...that was only a few short years ago. :(
Those of us who fish inshore and the surf, really did depend on those sand eels, and the herring as well. I'm sad to not see that twice a season migration any more.
Loved the dolphin pic as well Monty.
They came into the bay quite often last year.....chasing schools of bunker and feeding heavily at night. More than once I got startled at 5 am as they showed up all of a sudden en masse leaving the bay after a night of feeing. I never get tired of seeing dolphins. Thanks for sharing,
Here's some positivity - a pic Brian sent me of his son fishing the bay last year - :HappyWave:
03-07-2014, 09:38 AM
Thanks for sharing. I don't remember the last time it was in the teens in march. Can't wait till it gets a lil warmer!
03-14-2014, 01:15 PM
04-01-2014, 11:54 PM
Team tcb texted me this, tonight.....33", maybe 12 or 13#.........:thumbsup:
Pic courtesy of team TCB. :HappyWave:
04-01-2014, 11:54 PM
Team tcb texted me this, tonight.....33", maybe 12 or 13#.........:thumbsup:
Pic courtesy of team TCB. :HappyWave:
04-03-2014, 11:41 AM
Awesome fish congratulations to the angler!
J Barbosa
04-20-2014, 03:55 PM (
Outgoing was also key to us also last night SharkHart.
I fished last night with my dad and brother.
We had a slow and steady pick through the night but there was a good thirty minute window on the outgoing tide where the action was pretty good.
We went through a dozen bunkers with most fish being in the 30" range or smaller.
During that window a 16lber and the 23-25lber above were caught.
04-21-2014, 09:19 AM
WTG, John and crew.....:HappyWave:
It seems 4-19 to 4-20 AM was good in a few places, for anyone who found bunker schools in the bays that night....there were some decent larger bass under those schools....
Pics above are courtesy of TCB Crew......bass to 44"....they didn't have a scale with them and released some of the biggest fish. They estimated the 44" at 30lbs....a solid fish.....:thumbsup:
04-21-2014, 09:55 AM
Another fairly decent fish under the bunker last night....courtesy of TCB.....
They said this was a close to scale..38"....I would say pretty close.....high teens to 20#......:thumbsup:
04-21-2014, 10:19 AM
Wow some great catches there congrats!
04-21-2014, 10:36 AM
J Barbosa
04-21-2014, 12:03 PM
Nice fish TCB
04-21-2014, 09:54 PM
Nice fish gents
04-23-2014, 10:02 AM
Some fish from the last few nights, TCB and Crew......
04-24-2014, 08:27 AM
Another one, courtesy of TCB :HappyWave:
They said this was somewhere around the high teens...although they have been releasing a lot of fish, they kept this one.
04-24-2014, 08:45 AM
Nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats to tcb.
05-04-2014, 02:45 PM
Fished RB last night outgoing ....bunker chunks wind ...water calm flashes north of me ....2 keepers 35 and 331823018231182321823318234 both released ...still swimming .....caught them back to back ....nice fight on both of them
05-04-2014, 04:10 PM
Fished RB last night outgoing ....bunker chunks wind ...water calm flashes north of me ....2 keepers 35 and 33 both released ...still swimming .....caught them back to back ....nice fight on both of them
Congrats on the Bass MC, Awesome pics!!!!
I fished last night bayside, 1:30-8:30.
Finally got rid of the skunk (5th time out...).
Caught the top fish at 2:30 on a teaser, then at 3:30 on a 4" plastic plug I caught the short bass. Lost another shortly after on same small plug. Then around 4:30 I got the Fluke on a 5 inch plastic plug. Very nice night and felt great being out there, felt like a miracle to finally get a bend in the rod :lookhappy:.
Threw larger stuff, a lot, but nothing.
05-07-2014, 08:27 AM
Nice job Fin..Fished outfront from 4pm till 9pm last night...9 small bass biggest went 20in..7 came on a yellow teaser(glad I tied it this am )..2 on a BT with a curly tail on it...And for those who have been waiting.......Like jigfreak said...The yella eyed demons have ARRIVED!! Landed 1 that was about 5lbs he hit a mag darter....Ill admit I missed there fight a few other bass 1 was keeper sized caught and 2 or 3 other blues that were choppers!! Had to be 8+lbs!!!End of the outgoing was key and when that NW wind kicked up so did the bite...Fun night!! pic of the blue
05-13-2014, 05:10 PM
fished rb last night ...income to high...just plugs ... started at my beach ...moved to a spot on my route ....hit the next spot ....bucket of blues on the beach ....had one hit ....missed it ....saw blues caught on bunker ...them died down ...move to the next spot ......managed one chopper ...first for 2014 18284
05-14-2014, 10:40 AM
fished RB ...first stop was a bust .....second spot .....hit the mother load of blues .....hit he beach 2 other guys walked in with me ...had this section to are self .....blues every cast third cast I get the mother Fnnn wind in the spool ??? ....that I lost over 100yards of line ..... have the surf stick there to lean my rod on help a lot while I removed line if I want to make the long cast ....I'm down to the mono backing .....the knot going trough the eyes is freaking me out ....going to snap off any cast now .....I didn't have my waders so I was stuck to the beach was fine for the first 15 fish more people came in to create the picket line ...I was now the odd man out fish keep going into the guy in front of me it wasn't fun any more I packed it in ....I kept 5 for my vegie garden 182971829818299after all that I had to come home and burry them
07-28-2014, 04:02 PM
Awesome bluefish pics madcaster some of them look nice sized. How did your veggie garden grow this year with all that hi protein fertilizer?
Here is a video I saw of a possible world record fluke from spearfishing. I think it came from a south jersey inlet. 33 inches and 14.5lbs. It is a monster!
09-17-2015, 10:48 AM
here is a pretty cool one of a chub mackerel.
12-18-2016, 12:38 PM
fished RB ...first stop was a bust .....second spot .....hit the mother load of blues .....hit he beach 2 other guys walked in with me ...had this section to are self .....blues every cast third cast I get the mother Fnnn wind in the spool ??? ....that I lost over 100yards of line ..... have the surf stick there to lean my rod on help a lot while I removed line if I want to make the long cast ....I'm down to the mono backing .....the knot going trough the eyes is freaking me out ....going to snap off any cast now .....I didn't have my waders so I was stuck to the beach was fine for the first 15 fish more people came in to create the picket line ...I was now the odd man out fish keep going into the guy in front of me it wasn't fun any more I packed it in ....I kept 5 for my vegie garden 182971829818299after all that I had to come home and burry them
Great story thanks for sharing. Can't wait till the bluefish return next year in April.
12-18-2016, 12:43 PM
Yeah I think the blues stayed around almost as long as the stripers. Would love to see that happen again.
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