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09-08-2008, 01:42 PM
The following was posted as a Tip of the Month on another website forum. I am posting it here in case there are those that might find it if value.

"The Benefits of Unity"

September - Tip of the Month

A strong alliance of anglers, hunters, trappers and conservationists shouldn`t be difficult; if one considers that the common thread is an ardent love of the outdoors and a commitment to the conservation of natural resources. But such a thing is possible only if the major partners in the alliance set aside their minor and major differences and center on their commonalities.

The integrity of an outdoor alliance must be the primary concern if the advancement of outdoor issues is the main goal. However, this requires that the individual delay the pressing urge to focus on the interests of him or her and instead turn their focus to the interests that advance the greater good of the community.

Unfortunately, today we find ourselves in the midst of “Generation Me” – where it is taken for granted that the self comes first. “Generation Me” has little experience in a world that puts duty before self – the very world where an alliance receives its strength. It is said that there is power in numbers so isn’t the effectiveness of an alliance challenged by an environment where the masses are focused on the one and not the many? The answer is self evident.

But all is not lost. We have a first-hand example to learn from – our love of family. Our love of family transcends the love of self. We make many sacrifices so that our children have the opportunities that have passed us by. We work for the greater good of our families and selflessly set aside our own needs.

We accept the different interests and personalities in our families and focus our attention on keeping the family whole. However, while our efforts may be dedicated to the greater good of the family we still manage to find moments to turn our attention to ourselves.

It may take some practice to transpose the practices that emphasize the greater good of our immediate family to that of our outdoor family, though the alternative is plainly dire for ourselves and the future generations we hold so dear.

We have good reason for optimism - the most influential group of people is today gathering on New Jersey’s political landscape. It is being formed by the slow awakening of the nearly 1,000,000 anglers, hunters, trappers and conservationists that reside in the Garden State.

The potential of such a force is three to five times larger than one of the most powerful political groups in NJ – New Jersey Education Association. Our potential ranks make up nearly 1/8 of the entire population of our state and we even surprised ourselves by the flexing our first political muscle when we removed two politicians from office in 2007.

So please join us in an undertaking that is greater than the sum of our parts. You are vital to the future of angling, hunting, trapping and conservation in NJ. You have the opportunity to be an example of the benefits of unity for “Generation Me.” Just remember the strength of our alliance is found by checking our egos as we fill our ranks.

As Rudyard Kipling so aptly said, “For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.”

Anthony P. Mauro, Sr
Chair, New Jersey Outdoor Alliance