View Full Version : Fishing Etiquette and Manners
09-22-2008, 09:49 PM
OK folks, this has been discussed over and over on every outdoors website. Nothing new under the sun, then why bother ranting and raving about it?
--Waste of time.
--Waste of bandwidth.
--Waste of effort.
I agree with all the above, there doesn't seem to be a point in preaching to the choir. Just like the guys who get involved and go to all the meetings, join the clubs, and do the cleanups feel. They/you folks are not part of the problem because they have a vested interest in continuing to fish at their fishing sites.
However, we are losing access all over. Every year more sites are closed or restricted so that it no longer becomes fun to try to fish there.
It's frequently convenient to point the finger at immigrant groups and those who can't speak English.
Sometimes, these specific groups have contributed to the problem, yes.
In the overall scheme of things, we all bear responsibility how we are perceived as sportsmen.
We didn't cause the problem, but we are all lumped together by the general public when issues come up.
To this end, I thought I would create (for the 1,000th time:)) a fishing etiquette thread.
I don't expect this will really change the way things are out there. However, more and more people are discovering salt water fishing each year. I thought as a website owner, I could sit passively by, agree that it is not my problem, and let things continue to deteriorate, with more access lost.
Or I could at least try to do something about it, with the help of you folks out there. :HappyWave:
Some of you seasoned anglers have reached the point in your fishing careers that you can tell the difference between someone who could use a little extra help, and someone who has no use for any helpful advice. I'm sure many of you already go out of your way to help newbie anglers who are respectful, considerate, and ask the right questions at the right time.
All I'm suggesting is that we continue to do that, without causing any confrontations or putting ourselves at risk. Again, some out there just don't care who they are inconveniencing, and are generally selfish people. There's no point in trying to reach someone like that.
But if we can reach some of the others, and maybe teach someone else the beauty of the outdoors, I think it's worth a shot.
09-22-2008, 10:26 PM
I'll start. These are all common sense, basic ideas, folks. Nothing we haven't heard or seen before.
--When fishing an area, you should always bring home any trash with you.
--Don't clean your fish where you caught them unless there is a fish cleaning station there. Do NOT throw fish parts or carcasses away where you were fishing unless permitted.
--When you get to an area and there are many people fishing, try not to crowd other people. Ask them if they mind if you fish next to them if there is no room to fish somewhere else.
09-23-2008, 08:40 AM
--When you get to an area and there are many people fishing, try not to crowd other people. Ask them if they mind if you fish next to them if there is no room to fish somewhere else.
When someone does this to me without a word, I look over and say, Hey what's up, you might say hi the next time you come close enough to eff me. Get a lot of wierd looks from people that way, but they move over a few feet and give me some space. And a few have apologized, it's usually ok after that.:D
09-23-2008, 06:15 PM
If there is a line of people casting when you get somewhere, they were there first. Do not try to cast over peoples heads if you can't manage to fit in.
09-23-2008, 06:19 PM
Appreciate what you're trying to do here Joe. I think one of the worst problems in society today is lack of respect. Younger people seem to have lost that sense of respect for others. Maybe their parents were too busy to teach them proper manners.
I try to help the new guys whenever I can, it's nice to see the few who do appreciate the advice.
09-23-2008, 06:32 PM
Do NOT attempt to fish any sets of rocks if you're not wearing korkers. It puts those around you at risk if you fall in.
09-23-2008, 06:56 PM
If you are fishing with many others around and you hook a fish, it's your job to haul that fish in as quickly as possible and try not to cross their lines.
09-24-2008, 02:52 PM
If someone is respectful enough of your knowledge to ask a question, wanting to learn, answer it as well as you can, or keep your negative comments to yourself.
10-07-2008, 05:37 PM
If you are lucly enough to get permission to fish or hunt private lands, don't make the permission-givers regret they allowed you access. Try to bring as much trash as you can home with you, even if you didn't put it there.
12-07-2008, 03:37 PM
I trace it back to parents being too easy on the kids. How hard is it to teach your kids a few phrases of respect for others? :huh:
12-08-2008, 04:35 PM
The problem is that some parents are too busy to teach their kids anything. They think it is the school's job.
12-08-2008, 09:51 PM
sometimes i will just fish in a place that is not the best just so i can getaway from the crowds of people this summer i have had more than i could take so next summer i will take no bs u tangle my lines try to fish right upunder me i will snap at them:burn:
12-10-2008, 10:44 PM
Bass Hole - The guy that horns in on the spot you are fishing
08-29-2009, 03:26 PM
Who was there first?
If I get to a spot I want to fish, I try to have at least 2 others in mind for that night, time and tide. They were there first, so they get first choice. That's the way I would want things to go down if I were there first, so I should be a good example and offer them that courtesy.
If it's unavoidable that I need to fish where they are, such as the cast with a strong localized rip current that holds fish, I will at least introduce myself, ask "Hey what's up, mind if I set up to your left/right, I want to make sure you have enough room?"
Courtesy goes a long way. Being prepared with alternate spots goes even longer.
And..... if a complete goog comes along and mugs me, even after I patiently explain that one of us will end up getting hung up, I will do my best not to throw them in the water. :D
08-29-2009, 03:27 PM
Don't be a lighthouse
If I'm fishin near anyone else, I will try to keep the use of my headlamp down to a minimum, or try to focus on using the red beam.
08-29-2009, 06:31 PM
Do unto others what you would have them do to you.
09-01-2009, 10:01 AM
Fishin etiquette and manners is doing the right thing even if you think no one can see you. You never know when someone will be watching. This weekend Pebbles and I were scouting some back bay areas. We were near an inlet, and saw a guy come in with some fluke. He cleaned them, then fired up the motor again to bring his boat out into the inlet channel, 50' outside the inlet, to dump the carcasses.
I assumed that was because the marina had regs where they didn't want boaters dumping those carcasses inside, which is exactly what that guy did, albeit 50' "outside" of the marina. :rolleyes:
A 7 year old kid was sitting with his Grandpa where we were, and even he knew what you did was wrong. He pointed that out to us, said his Mom worked at the marina. Great way to set the example for the future generation, dude.
Hey, at least the 7 year old knew the regs, we were impressed by that alone. :thumbsup:
05-12-2011, 09:13 AM
With all the insanity in jetty country lately, I thought I would bump this thread, and see if anyone had anything else to add.
05-13-2011, 10:45 AM
One of my biggest pet peeves is when people cast across your line.When they have the whole beach why do they need to do this?
05-13-2011, 11:45 AM
seamonkey, cut their line and they wont do it again. Once is ok, but if they keep doing it they need some religion.
05-17-2011, 08:12 PM
Do NOT set up 5 rods in a row on a beach pier or jetty when you know the space is small and a lot of other people will be fishing there. And when the cops come and tell you you can't fish certain areas, DONT fish those areas!!!!!
05-19-2011, 01:18 AM
^^ Can't stand selfish pigs like that. I read the other thread ledhead, so disgusted to hear they got the bridge closed down to fishing. Some people don't get it.
05-28-2011, 11:39 AM
There was a fistfight on a rockpile on Thur 5/26. We don't need any more of that for the non-fishing public to see.
05-28-2011, 02:58 PM
There was a fistfight on a rockpile on Thur 5/26. We don't need any more of that for the non-fishing public to see.
While I agree with you and that violence is not the answer, more than likely..... At some point since the people setting the regulations are clueless and do not have the public interests even remotely close to a priority, when is enough going to be enough? Dead big bass laying around, ridicules crowding and inconsideration. I don't go near this scene, but just reading about the waste of bass and poor sportsmanship makes me angry. When/how do the Sportsman get things under control, especially as you indicated they (inconsiderate **#*!*##@*'s, are considered us?
05-29-2011, 09:26 AM
When/how do the Sportsman get things under control, especially as you indicated they (inconsiderate **#*!*##@*'s, are considered us?
I hate to be pessimistic, but I don't think they will, Monty.
70% of the folks fishing today have no regard for anyone but themselves and what they will catch that day. Trying to change that is almost impossible, as it is to teach manners and consideration to that 70%.
But still, we do try, raising awareness here and there, in hopes that it will sink in and some will become more considerate.
Take the beach access issues. Lots of people won't be working at 7pm on June 2, Thur, and will be able to attend that meeting. Everyone who fishes the beaches has a vested interest in the outcome. Let's see how many believe strongly in that vested interest, and feel it's worth fighting for. :thumbsup:
05-29-2011, 11:55 AM
I hate to be pessimistic, but I don't think they will, Monty.
Please don't give up with your activism darkskies. Some of us do appreciate it!
06-03-2011, 10:58 PM
You should have seen all the guys casting sideways today. One guy I warned him 2x, then I cut his plug after we got tangled, threw in the water. He won't do that again.
06-03-2011, 11:03 PM
Good deal jigfreak. Hey you have to learn some way. Some guys don't want to learn by being told, so they need to go to the school of hard knocks!
06-20-2011, 11:27 AM
There's nothing wrong with the school of hard knocks. Once you bang your head a few times, bumps raise up, blood comes out, you learn a bit.:learn: That's the way I learned.
06-20-2011, 01:56 PM
You should have seen all the guys casting sideways today. One guy I warned him 2x, then I cut his plug after we got tangled, threw in the water. He won't do that again.
Awesome :clapping:.
12-05-2011, 09:02 AM
Fishing etiquette - apparently its not practiced in Jersey.:kicknuts:
12-05-2011, 09:31 AM
^ Hey in NJ we like to fight for our fish, according to Dark it adds to the experience.:laugh:
You will never catch me joining that lineup of the rogues gallery. Some of those club guys look like they just got out of jail or were enforcers at a go go joint.:eek:
12-05-2011, 12:19 PM
Fishing etiquette, simply put - treat others like you would want to be treated. I try to live by this, and when I run into the googs and interlopers I move elsewhere.
05-21-2014, 09:22 AM
Fishing etiquette, simply put - treat others like you would want to be treated..
Very simple concept. Wish more would do it.
05-21-2014, 12:43 PM
^ Hey in NJ we like to fight for our fish, according to Dark it adds to the experience.:laugh:
You will never catch me joining that lineup of the rogues gallery. Some of those club guys look like they just got out of jail or were enforcers at a go go joint.:eek:
DS has no fishing etiquette
05-22-2014, 01:14 PM
^ Aaah......just because of the one time I got into your SUV with stinky waders and left behind a lingering smell? :scared: :laugh: :kiss:
I used to be the most helpful guy on the block....gave out tips....was chatty and helpful to every angler I met out there.....
If we were fishing somewhere, and we were catching and others weren't, I would give unsolicited advice to help the other folks out.....
Then 2 things happened...
1. I became friends with this old grouchy basstid...crusty old salt..:moon: :HappyWave:..who started calling me "the Mayor" and kicking me in the shins every time I tried to help the poor struggling fishermen we might run into...(my shins still remember those sharp kicks from the Crusty Curmudgeon, btw.....):ROFLMAO
2. We started losing I was fighting more and more for fishermen access, and fishing rights, going to meetings, spending money on gas/tolls that could have been used to buy myself top notch gear instead.....:don't know why:
a. I began to see that only a small % of fishermen consistently get involved whenever there is a fishing access or fisheries management issue.....many will gripe about something on the internet.....but comparatively few will take the time to get involved.....
b. Or do research to keep themselves informed on an issue...and learn why it's important....
c. Further, a (small) % of those I was fighting for.....are precisely the idiots who are causing us to lose access in the first place....:kooky:
You can read several stories on this site and others about those incidents...but they are only the tip of the iceberg...Every week, I get texts and calls from folks telling me what the inconsiderates are doing out is never-ending........
Here's one example....
(Huey, Dewey, and Louie, posts 78 and 79...)
At times, Pebbles is quick to remind me.....
"You know, you're getting more like Finchaser every never used to be so crabby and grouchy!"
I think she's right......:embarassed:
I'm starting to see the futility.....of fighting for people....who won't even fight for themselves......
I am indeed......Crabby, grouchy......and....especially at Night....not that friendly any more.....:beatin:
Except in certain the other day, when I got a retired Grandfather and his 3 granddaughters into some fantastic bluefishing away from the crowds....
He's someone who knows how to keep a secret...old school..:thumbsup:..was with me when I found the torso at Sandy Hook....
It's the rare moments of sharing with folks like him....that help me to give back to the Angling Community that was so helpful to me, as I was learning and struggling.....:HappyWave:
05-22-2014, 01:59 PM
It's the rare moments of sharing with folks like him....that help me to give back to the Angling Community that was so helpful to me, as I was learning and struggling.....:HappyWave:
I don't think you need to apologize for why or why not you help someone Rich. It's your personal choice. Just the other day I gave some bucktails and grubs to this young man who I have seen out several times. I did this because even though he has seen me catch several times he has not mugged or crowded me. He is always out there by himself and has been fishing clams and not catching much. I explained to him that you can catch on clams but also will catch a lot of rays and dogs. Gave him a quick lesson and within an hour he had his first fish on bucktail. It was only 22" but the look on his face was priceless. I think that's what I get from reading your posts about helping people. We want to give back. There is nothing wrong with being selective in who we choose to teach.
As for the smelly waders part, I cannot help you. Allegedly you and smelly waders go together like America and apple pie. You may have stereotyped yourself into that reputation whether you like it or not. Tight lines and keep up the good work. Great site here. :HappyWave:
05-23-2014, 10:10 PM
Buckhead I don't shun people. I enjoy teaching and helping people who are truly deserving and want to learn like we did. I truly enjoy sharing my knowledge and resources with them. I won't help those waiting to read a report or get a phone call to come to the blitz. To them how's fishing the answer is it has it's moments. where you getting them answer depends on the day and wind they are self proclaimed experts they should be able to figure it out.
My newest rule is they must bathe on a regular basis.
I did get Dark out of telling every Tom, **** and Harry not only what to use and how to use it but WHERE and WHEN.
His awaking came when he returned to one of his favorite spots and couldn't fish there because a guy he helped who caught fish, brought 10 of his closest friends there the next night.
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