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View Full Version : Fishermen born with a VS in their hands and other elitist crap

09-24-2008, 01:48 PM
Came back from Montauk yesterday, most of the people were cool. But on another forum, I saw this thread, and I can't tell you how many times I have seen this attitude.

Don't suppose there is much that can be done about it, but maybe that person will one day see themselves on a thread like this, and recognize they are the one with the problem.

Basically, a "sharpie" talked disrespectfully to a father in front of his boy becasue the father and son didn't have the "right" equipment, and the father was asking the sharpie for advice.

I C&P this from another site, hope its ok, Joe:

Just want to comment on my last few trips out to the point. I consider my self a seasoned fisherman. I have been fishing allover Long Island for a good 35 years. I have been fishing at the point regularly for several years now. I have been totally blown away by the attitudes of many of the seasoned fishermen out there. They act like they own the place and know one but them deserve to fish out there. A person can not even say hello without getting a dirty look or a comment. It seems that if you do not own a Van Staal reel and a custom rod you don’t deserve to be their. I would be willing to bet that most of you started out with a Wal-Mart special. How soon you forget that you were a rookie once. Instead of giving someone some advice you rather comment about how they don’t know what they are doing or they got junk equipment. As I sat there waiting for the fish to come in, I over heard a conversation between an advanced fisherman and what I would say an intermediate fishermen and his son. The less experienced man asked the more experienced fishermen a question. Instead of answering the man’s question he turned around right in front of that man and his son and said what you expect when you use junk. I guess this makes you feel better about your self. To be honest that kid landed more fish then that guy did. I’m sure when you all first started out you got advice for someone that knew more then you. Maybe if you help some of the novices they could become better fishermen quicker and then they would not be in your way.

There are plenty of fish to go around. You guys should all get a grip.

09-24-2008, 01:50 PM
Some more from the same thread:

I was there too and heard the same....

I usually don't post but I happened to be there and had some conversation with that man and son you are refeering to. After that blitz was over I spoke to that man and he told me the same story you just told. It's a shame that many people forget their roots or how they started off. I remember the inconsiderate person clearly in his wetsuit. I believe he went as far as saying along the line of, "there is justice, only the people who know what they are doing are catching". From what I remember that little boy also landed about 3 bass. In a blitz condition like that all you really need to do is get your lure out there to the fish and go with the flow of what everyone is catching on. I don't think any of us would say we are a pro or a sharpie because we're catching in blitz conditions. BTW, his buddy's personality wasn't much better either but atleast he didn't say anything stupid. Time to get off your high horses people and feel tha satisfaction of actually helping a fellow fisherman. Anybody can put others down and talk down to them, but it takes a real fisherman to stop and help another.


09-27-2008, 04:45 PM
I can't afford a VS or Zeebass, maybe someday. I fish with what I can afford. That guy is definitely a **** for talking to that father in front of his little boy that way.http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon13.gif

09-28-2008, 12:23 PM
That sharpie elitist ahole just put some bad mojo on himself for the rest of the season. Karma is a *****. :beatin:

09-29-2008, 10:19 AM
. I’m sure when you all first started out you got advice for someone that knew more then you. Maybe if you help some of the novices they could become better fishermen quicker and then they would not be in your way.

There are plenty of fish to go around. You guys should all get a grip.

one word - karma:clapping:

10-26-2008, 07:23 PM
Those are the types of guys who can't have one word of conversation with anyone, unless they're stuck in the sand, and they need your help.:laugh:

10-26-2008, 07:59 PM
I am your typical goog, like Darkskies writes about "goog goes to montauk". I have never been there, but am trying to learn how to better catch fish in NJ. 3 years ago I was carrying a white bucket and fishing bait. I didn't know what plugs were, if you said plug to me, I would have thought you were talking about chewing tobacco.

Anyway, I am not as great as some of the guys on here, but I am learning. I try not to do stupid stuff like cast in fromt of or crowd other guys. And I greatly appreciate all the help guys on here have given me. I resent a guy like the one BassBuddah is talking about. We weren't all born as great fishermen. Before we all learned to walk, we all had to crawl. I thank the guys here, and especially Bunkerjoe, for making me feel welcome, and helping me to become a better fisherman.:clapping:

10-27-2008, 12:51 AM
We weren't all born as great fishermen. Before we all learned to walk, we all had to crawl. I thank the guys here, and especially Bunkerjoe, for making me feel welcome, and helping me to become a better fisherman.:clapping:

Cowherder, you're welcome. This site welcomes all people who want to learn, regardless of sex, race, religion, or political beliefs.

I started this site with the intent that people from all walks of life could learn about fishing, and raise awareness in the communities that we as outdoors people are no different than most of the other folks out there, other than our devotion to an activity we love.

You have learned from us. Hopefully some new folks will learn from you as you become a better fisherman and come back to share your experiences with us.:)

10-27-2008, 04:09 PM
Before we all learned to walk, we all had to crawl.

One of life's simple truths right there.:clapping: