View Full Version : washed up boats on SH
10-24-2008, 09:56 PM
my friend waz fishing the rips last nite, saw a boat get washed up. some pics posted on another site, nyone see this? sux to be those guys!:scared:
10-24-2008, 10:05 PM
Heard about it, guys have to realize the structure and shape of that place changes every year. That point comes up on you real quick.
10-25-2008, 05:00 PM
Here's a pic from another site. Apparently 2 boats ran aground that night, captains should take a good look at that place during the day and see how things have changed.
10-26-2008, 07:15 PM
Some of these younger captains want to get in a boat and go, go, go. Whatever happened to learning one area at a time, and learning it well? Sandy Hook has changed significantly over the past year, and changes a little more with each storm.
Please learn the structure, guys.
10-26-2008, 07:26 PM
boats gone now,like it never happened,lol.
10-26-2008, 09:45 PM
Wow, sucks to be that guy.
10-28-2008, 07:19 PM
Apparently part of the t-top is still there, from another site:
"There were 2 boats that ran aground that night. One managed to make it back into the water relatively quickly. The one you took a pic of didn't. The ttop from this boat is still on the sand at Sandy Hook, anyone wants stainless steel go and get it, seems like the owners abandoned it.
Some guys have said their gps registers the sand as water, so if relying on GPS alone, boaters could have a repeat performance.
The owner of the boat told the state police that the green/red lights from the headlamp of the fishermen was confusing him, but anyone who surf fishes knows how small those lamps and lights are.
It's possible driver impairment was involved, nothing certain, but State police are investigating. No one should be crucufied for this without all the facts being known, however. "
06-10-2011, 06:28 PM
I found this pic on a report someone put up. It appears to be the first parking lot at Sandy Hook, and the boat ran aground. I thought the only dangerous place for boats there was at the rips because of the inconsistency of the GPS, and the sand bar out there that keeps building. How easy (or hard) is to run aground at the first beach, where this boat did? Does anyone know?
06-10-2011, 06:36 PM
Maybe the capt was looking for bunker and thought he saw the striper of his dreams under it.
06-11-2013, 07:29 PM
Some of ya's may have read the story I started to write of the rescue I was involved in at the Rips at Sandy Hook in the early morning hours of 6-7-13.
I have done some thinking about the buoy 11A since then and the potential danger having it the way it is, so close to land.
06-11-2013, 07:35 PM
I had a chance to eyeball the way the channel is situated. My assessment is that the buoy 11A could be moved further into the channel without affecting shipping. I know there may be several technical issues with this.
I also know that some of you, who are on the water in your boats, may have different reasons why or why not this might be a good idea, and have a better assessment of this than I do....
I welcome all feedback.....
06-11-2013, 07:35 PM
The purpose of this thread is to start a discussion, where some activism may be needed on our part.
After this latest mishap, I started to re-assess the way I looked at these strandings.
It seems some of us (including me) have been very judgemental when things like this happen.
I thought for sure this sailboat stranding would have ended up on the internet....this is the nature of information in modern times, and news travels at lightning speed on the internet and Facebook......
Apparently not none of my sources have contacted me to tell me this has been discussed.....
So I'm starting the discussion here......and am asking for your feedback and perhaps we can all learn from this.....and possibly get something going before a tragedy happens....
06-11-2013, 07:44 PM
Some observations,,,,feel free to add your own comments......
1. Buoy 11A (The GREEN can) defines the western most edge of the channel, which is probably SOP as far as channel markers go.
2. The problem with the way this is situated, is within that area of deep water, there is a significant sand bar slightly SW of the marker, between the marker and the physical point.
3. This sand bar is not showing up on GPS for boaters (for that matter, I have been told the whole area is not represented in GPS settings as the storms have caused many things to shift.)
4. This is well-known among local boaters, but transient boaters (not from our area) may not be aware of how close this sandbar is. It is not always visible at night, and my feeling is that eventually, sometime soon, an accident may happen again.
5. There was some risk to life and limb in the last mishap. It became very dangerous out there in the building SE swell, winds, building seas, and screaming new moon incoming tide.....this could have very well been an incident where someone drowned or got washed out to the depths of the channel.
6. As most of you know, my activism has been limited to fishermen interests, and fishing access. Helping rescue this couple has convinced me things like this need our attention as well.
06-11-2013, 07:50 PM
I also know some members here who have been exposed to danger when out fishing there and boats have almost run aground.
They can chime in on this thread with their experience, or choose to remain out of it, and I will respect their wishes. :HappyWave:
I think the difficulty for me, is that previously I have been very judgemental when this happened, thinking "How could a boater be so irresponsible?":huh:
The Capt and his wife, whom I helped rescue Fri morning, were very competent sailors, traveling all around the world. That something could happen, to folks with that level of skill, caused me to re-think my positions on this issue.....and that's what it's all about, here, folks,,,,trying to understand our place in this world, and how we can make it better.....:thumbsup:
06-11-2013, 07:52 PM
All comments are welcome...there is no right or wrong answer.......
** Caveat....I have since learned, from official sources, that something will be done with this channel, sometime within the next year....
Not at liberty to say anything about that yet, until it is revealed through the proper channels....
I do want to have this discussion, and appreciate you folks helping with your opinions....before we have a tragedy, where a life is tragically lost....
Thanks for your help, folks.....:HappyWave:
06-11-2013, 09:43 PM
That marker is very close to land in an area where the current and waves can get intense.
And I would think its a tragedy waiting to happen especially if someone is not familiar with the area.
I thought it was dangerous before Sandy for the boats, now I think it is way worse.
I'm thinking that marker is easily100 - 200 feet closer to shore (my memory may be bad), it just seems crazy close.
06-12-2013, 09:35 AM
It can't be done until the government resurveys area by ship and satellite. It is not a hazard to ships as shown in picture looks like sand filled in on the land side, channel is plenty deep at least 20'. The props on those ships keep the channels open and the major buoys are anchored well. Also buoys are on GPS charts especially the shipping lanes buoy's. If they did move the buoy all GPS charts and paper charts would have to be redone so that's not going to happen. Guess the people you rescued need to learn to sail in the channel between the markers not out side the markers and pay attention to there electronics and possibly update their charts.
06-15-2013, 10:42 AM
I think there are going to be alot of Boating accident at the FH this year. I almost got hit with a boat last October. I was so focused on fishing that I didn't see it coming. The time I noticed the boat, the boat was put in reverse as it zipped pass me about 10 feet:don't know why: in front of me. Then turn to go off shore and almost spooled my reel. I was lucky my line broke and I recovered 90 percent of my line lost my plug I think it was a bomber. this happened in the dark. I was wading I did turn around and start running.:scared:
There were many fishermen at the point, one of them yelled watchout. It was close. From that point on I'm more aware of the boats in the area and there directions.
The Friday before Sandy, I as I was walking off the fishermen trail I noticed a boat stuck on the beach just on the outside of the cove going towards the FH. SeaTow just got there, and pulled the boat free. that had to have happened in the dark. I got on the beach about 5am. I nailed 4 bass to 25 pounds on poppers that morning.:)
06-15-2013, 09:12 PM
People need to learn the rules of the road, remember if you can afford a boat they give you the keys and off you go. I agree with you but if it were so bad ships would run aground and they don't so it's not a hazard to mariners it's the captains not the channel markers. It's been like that for over 40 years there and the more they replenish beaches the worse it will get as the beaches reach out to the channels.
06-17-2013, 01:38 PM
Also buoys are on GPS charts especially the shipping lanes buoy's. If they did move the buoy all GPS charts and paper charts would have to be redone so that's not going to happen. Guess the people you rescued need to learn to sail in the channel between the markers not out side the markers and pay attention to there electronics and possibly update their charts.
Dont you think you are being a little harsh there? I don't know jersey waters well but came over there last fall after Sandy because a lot of the south shore areas were destroyed. I think you call them the false rips? We were drifting the outgoing tide for bass at night. It was a new moon so kind of dark. I did see the buoy. What did not show up on our gps was the spit of land that is just west of the bouy. We had drifted past that bug light and were fine. Drifted past the red can and no problems. Then right before the green can a bunch of land loomed up before us. My friend's shallow water alarm went off and we were able to make it away from there in time. He has 20 years of boating experience and his capts license so I thiink he knows some things about being on the water, The problem was it did not show up on our GPS. The only warning we had was the shallow water alarm, and then we got the hell out of there into deeper water with only seconds to spare. Seems to me like they could have done a better job with that marker. Why does it have to be so close to shore?
06-17-2013, 01:47 PM
Does anyone know how far it is from one marker buoy to the next there? If it is a big distance maybe you could move the buoy that is causing problems another 50' into the channel. The other option would be dredging. Don't know which would be more feasible as they both have their benefits and drawbacks. Also dredging can be dicey depending on currents and the flow of sand from storm surges. There are some inlets on the ss they have to dredge every few years.
06-17-2013, 02:32 PM
Nitestrikes not sure but I would estimate it to be about 300' from the 11a can tight to the beach out to the red one designating the other side of the channel. That is halfway to the candlesticks (range towers). The channel at the point of entry would appear to be about 300' wide.
Some big container and Navy ships are entering Sandy Hook and Raritan Bay through this channel. There may be a minimum requirement for width as these large vessels need turning room. This could be quite a complicated issue.
DS here are some resources you might want to contact if you need to start a petition. Let me know I will try to send some letters too if you are starting a letter-writing campaign.
btw thanks for all you have done for fishermen access. I don't think this one will be that easy because of the different user groups finchaser was talking about. You are right though. If boats keep getting stranded something is wrong with the way it is set up. At least someone in a position of authority should be looking at it.
From the link above it appears the DEP's bureau of Coastal Engineering is the one that maintains and moves the channel markers. Funding and placement decisions seem to originate with the DOT so you may have to contact both agencies if there is a need to look at this.
06-17-2013, 02:47 PM
I think there are going to be alot of Boating accident at the FH this year. I almost got hit with a boat last October. I was so focused on fishing that I didn't see it coming. The time I noticed the boat, the boat was put in reverse as it zipped pass me about 10 feet:don't know why: in front of me. Then turn to go off shore and almost spooled my reel. I was lucky my line broke and I recovered 90 percent of my line lost my plug I think it was a bomber. this happened in the dark. I was wading I did turn around and start running.:scared:
There were many fishermen at the point, one of them yelled watchout. It was close. From that point on I'm more aware of the boats in the area and there directions.
The Friday before Sandy, I as I was walking off the fishermen trail I noticed a boat stuck on the beach just on the outside of the cove going towards the FH. SeaTow just got there, and pulled the boat free. that had to have happened in the dark. I got on the beach about 5am. I nailed 4 bass to 25 pounds on poppers that morning.:)
That is a scary story vpass. Almost happened to me a few years ago. Glad you are ok.
06-17-2013, 04:11 PM
The rips up there I am not that familiar with other than what I have read. There is a dangerous rip at LEI. Its dangerous because of the shoaling. Seems the best solution is to dredge regularly. Nature has its own plan though and then it must be dredged again. A lucrative deal for the guy who gets the dredge contract that's for sure. Seems like that will be the best plan for your false hook grounding problem. my .02
06-17-2013, 09:26 PM
Dont you think you are being a little harsh there? I don't know jersey waters well but came over there last fall after Sandy because a lot of the south shore areas were destroyed. I think you call them the false rips? We were drifting the outgoing tide for bass at night. It was a new moon so kind of dark. I did see the buoy. What did not show up on our gps was the spit of land that is just west of the bouy. We had drifted past that bug light and were fine. Drifted past the red can and no problems. Then right before the green can a bunch of land loomed up before us. My friend's shallow water alarm went off and we were able to make it away from there in time. He has 20 years of boating experience and his capts license so I thiink he knows some things about being on the water, The problem was it did not show up on our GPS. The only warning we had was the shallow water alarm, and then we got the hell out of there into deeper water with only seconds to spare. Seems to me like they could have done a better job with that marker. Why does it have to be so close to shore?Not at all this is a major shipping lane used by container ships and oil tankers all day and night long it's not a small channel in a back bay area used by an occasional small boat
06-24-2013, 09:08 PM
Some guys have said their gps registers the sand as water, so if relying on GPS alone, boaters could have a repeat performance.
Thanks for that bababooey.
I'm just adding some thoughts to this thread, along with some additional documentation...
Since I helped rescue those sail boaters a few weeks ago the False Rips section of the Hook has been closed for plover nesting. Therefore surf fishermen don't have access.
Because I became known to them during the rescue, I have developed some contacts at the Hook, who have been able to keep me updated with the boat groundings and "Almost" groundings.,...
According to these the last 3 weeks...
1 40' sailboat has grounded itself and was managed to be freed (with much assistance) when the tide came in.
1 cabin cruiser boat grounded as well, and managed to be freed (with much assistance) when the tide came in.
1 30' sailboat almost grounded itself, but managed to avoid grounding at the last second.
These incidents all seem to indicate to me that there is an issue with the way things are set up there...
1. You could blame it all on the boaters, as Fin has so candidly pointed out...
2. Or, you could try for a more broad-based education program so more boaters would be aware of the danger....
Or, some other method of education, or changing the sandbar up there so there are less groundings...
I don't have the answers here, folks...just trying to point out...that there is a problem......
Thanks for reading....other opinions welcome.....:HappyWave:
06-24-2013, 09:10 PM
Some guys have said their gps registers the sand as water, so if relying on GPS alone, boaters could have a repeat performance.
Thanks for that bababooey.
I'm just adding some thoughts to this thread, along with some additional documentation...
Since I helped rescue those sail boaters a few weeks ago the False Rips section of the Hook has been closed for plover nesting. Therefore surf fishermen don't have access.
Because I became known to them during the rescue, I have developed some contacts at the Hook, who have been able to keep me updated with the boat groundings and "Almost" groundings.,...
According to these the last 3 weeks...
1 40' sailboat has grounded itself and was managed to be freed (with much assistance) when the tide came in.
1 cabin cruiser boat grounded as well, and managed to be freed (with much assistance) when the tide came in.
1 30' sailboat almost grounded itself, but managed to avoid grounding at the last second.
These incidents all seem to indicate to me that there is an issue with the way things are set up there...
1. You could blame it all on the boaters, as Fin has so candidly pointed out...
2. Or, you could try for a more broad-based education program so more boaters would be aware of the danger....
Or, some other method of education, or changing the sandbar up there so there are less groundings...
I don't have the answers here, folks...just trying to point out...that there is a problem......
Thanks for reading....other opinions welcome.....:HappyWave:
06-25-2013, 07:09 PM
I know this wouldn't apply to the current situation as that boat seems to of hit way up on the hook. However, I know you need to watch the tide. If you leave the bay and come around the hook at high tide, then are arriving back in and come bad during low tide you can't rely on your GPS path. The drop in water level could ground you. Just another observation.....radar comes in really handy at night.
06-25-2013, 07:15 PM
what great white hunter said if you stay in the channel and don't cut it short or follow and old tracks on your GPS you are fine. The channels are deep and haven't changed much in years do to heavy ship traffic, we stay in them and never have a problem. Issues stem when you cut it short plus you also should always pay attention to your depth finder and have a low water alarm set ,radar is a plus.
06-25-2013, 07:42 PM
in the last 3 weeks...
1 40' sailboat has grounded itself and was managed to be freed (with much assistance) when the tide came in.
1 cabin cruiser boat grounded as well, and managed to be freed (with much assistance) when the tide came in.
1 30' sailboat almost grounded itself, but managed to avoid grounding at the last second.
These incidents all seem to indicate to me that there is an issue with the way things are set up there...
1. You could blame it all on the boaters, as Fin has so candidly pointed out...
if you stay in the channel and don't cut it short or follow and old tracks on your GPS you are fine. The channels are deep and haven't changed much in years do to heavy ship traffic, we stay in them and never have a problem. Issues stem when you cut it short plus you also should always pay attention to your depth finder and have a low water alarm set.
3 boats in 3 weeks thats a pretty high amount wouldn't you say? I say we arrest them all, give them 20 years in jail, and make them walk the plank and take their pink slips away.:rolleyes:
can all these capts be idiots? If so shouldn't there be a special ed for idiots extra chapter when you take your capt license test? Seriously finchaser, should we shoot them at dawn with a firing squad? What say you?:HappyWave:
06-25-2013, 09:36 PM
People rely too much on gps. Radar and a low water alarm are better indicators of danger. I would never stake my life on a gps program. My .02
06-26-2013, 12:15 PM
3 boats in 3 weeks thats a pretty high amount wouldn't you say? I say we arrest them all, give them 20 years in jail, and make them walk the plank and take their pink slips away.:rolleyes:
can all these capts be idiots? If so shouldn't there be a special ed for idiots extra chapter when you take your capt license test? Seriously finchaser, should we shoot them at dawn with a firing squad? What say you?:HappyWave: It is stated the person running the boat is called captain, but 9 out of 10 do not have a captains license. You have enough money for a boat, you pay, they hand you the keys and off you go it is unfortunate many learn the hard way. The safe boating certificate now required is a glorified jet ski test. This was put into effect after numerous jet ski accidents.
Next will be a kayak course as many of these people take to the water clueless. Just more ways big brother tries to protect irresponsible people and make money on fees.
07-25-2013, 06:09 PM
These incidents all seem to indicate to me that there is an issue with the way things are set up there...
1. You could blame it all on the boaters, as Fin has so candidly pointed out...
2. Or, you could try for a more broad-based education program so more boaters would be aware of the danger....
Or, some other method of education, or changing the sandbar up there so there are less groundings...
I don't have the answers here, folks...just trying to point out...that there is a problem......
Thanks for reading....other opinions welcome.....:HappyWave:
Here is the latest casualty ended up beaching last night. A friend sent me this via phone. I was fishing but left early. Crazy stuff hope no one got hurt
07-25-2013, 06:14 PM
Someone is going to get killed out there one of these nights. Just a matter of time. didn't someone in this thread or another one talk about how they almost got run over?
07-25-2013, 06:16 PM
I think there are going to be alot of Boating accident at the FH this year. I almost got hit with a boat last October. I was so focused on fishing that I didn't see it coming. The time I noticed the boat, the boat was put in reverse as it zipped pass me about 10 feet:don't know why: in front of me. Then turn to go off shore and almost spooled my reel. I was lucky my line broke and I recovered 90 percent of my line lost my plug I think it was a bomber. this happened in the dark. I was wading I did turn around and start running.:scared:
There were many fishermen at the point, one of them yelled watchout. It was close. From that point on I'm more aware of the boats in the area and there directions.
The Friday before Sandy, I as I was walking off the fishermen trail I noticed a boat stuck on the beach just on the outside of the cove going towards the FH. SeaTow just got there, and pulled the boat free. that had to have happened in the dark. I got on the beach about 5am. I nailed 4 bass to 25 pounds on poppers that morning.:)
Yup I found it glad you are ok vpass.
08-24-2013, 11:54 AM
People need to learn the rules of the road, remember if you can afford a boat they give you the keys and off you go. I agree with you but if it were so bad ships would run aground and they don't so it's not a hazard to mariners it's the captains not the channel markers. It's been like that for over 40 years there and the more they replenish beaches the worse it will get as the beaches reach out to the channels.
in the last 3 weeks...
1 40' sailboat has grounded itself and was managed to be freed (with much assistance) when the tide came in.
1 cabin cruiser boat grounded as well, and managed to be freed (with much assistance) when the tide came in.
1 30' sailboat almost grounded itself, but managed to avoid grounding at the last second.
These incidents all seem to indicate to me that there is an issue with the way things are set up there...
1. You could blame it all on the boaters, as Fin has so candidly pointed out...
2. Or, you could try for a more broad-based education program so more boaters would be aware of the danger....
I don't have the answers here, folks...just trying to point out...that there is a problem......
I think there are going to be alot of Boating accident at the FH this year. I almost got hit with a boat last October.The Friday before Sandy, I as I was walking off the fishermen trail I noticed a boat stuck on the beach just on the outside of the cove going towards the FH. SeaTow just got there, and pulled the boat free. that had to have happened in the dark.
Vpass glad you escaped harm and are alive to fish another day. What a story to tell your grandkids!
I don't know what the solution is either. Maybe there needs to be more education with boaters like finchaser said. It's only a matter of time before someone gets hurt. Either a boater or a fisherman. Here is a guy that beached himself back in the spring. I had to help him push their boat back into the channel. He should have known he was getting too close but he kept fishing. I don't know how you stop folks like that from putting themselves in danger. You can't fix stupid.
08-24-2013, 02:11 PM
You can't fix stupid.
Amen steve. Some folks will never learn. Good on you for helping them get back out there. That looks like the Miss Belmar Princess in the background. They seem awfully close as well. Almost like you could touch their bow.
08-24-2013, 02:27 PM
. Some folks will never learn..
Sorry Steve. I would have not helped them because of that sentence above. If you are stupid enough to strand yourself at the point like that you deserve to figure it out to get yourself out of the situation. They probably didn't learn from that. That is just poor boating behavior. When you do that you are a danger not only to yourself but others. My .02
08-24-2013, 03:17 PM
It's a major shipping lane they are not going to move it plus the ships don't have problems. If the boaters stayed on the outside of it they wouldn't either. They refer to the fishing is good in between the channels not in between the channel and land
08-25-2013, 03:01 PM
Amen steve. Some folks will never learn. Good on you for helping them get back out there. That looks like the Miss Belmar Princess in the background. They seem awfully close as well. Almost like you could touch their bow.
It's a major shipping lane they are not going to move it plus the ships don't have problems. If the boaters stayed on the outside of it they wouldn't either. They refer to the fishing is good in between the channels not in between the channel and land
buckethead don't know if you fish up there but for a few weeks it was party boat central up there. crazy! finchaser I am not looking to dispute what you said the fishing is usually better in the channels. Especially when you are talking about weakfishing and big fluke there have been many big bruisers caught in those channels. Someone forgot to tell these party boats though. For about a month they were up there every day and they weren't exactly fishing in the middle of the channel they were so tight to the beach you could cast out and snag them if you wanted.
I don't think they were following your advice thats for sure.
08-25-2013, 03:29 PM
Holy moly! That does not look like fun.
08-25-2013, 03:41 PM
:kooky:No way I would fish that cluster eff. Looks like the saltwater version of opening day of trout season.
08-25-2013, 09:00 PM
Paco I agree with you but how come they don't run aground. All I'm saying is If your unfamiliar with an area stay in channel and watch depth finder rules of road 101. they are not going to move a major shipping lane because a few assh_les can't drive a boat and stay in 30 to 40' of water
08-26-2013, 04:31 PM
they are not going to move a major shipping lane because a few assh_les can't drive a boat and stay in 30 to 40' of water
Thank you, sir. An honest man calling the shots as they stand. No sugar coating. If you run aground you are an a-hole and should be forced to get remedial classes. Like driver ed but only for boaters.
I would never fish up there in those cluster **** conditions.
08-26-2013, 05:17 PM
11-11-2013, 11:45 PM
All comments are welcome...there is no right or wrong answer.......
** Caveat....I have since learned, from official sources, that something will be done with this channel, sometime within the next year....
Not at liberty to say anything about that yet, until it is revealed through the proper channels....
Well you called that absolutely right. I was up at the hook after work tonight and the dredger is right there. Seems they are dredging the channel like you told me. The ranger kicked everyone out and said it would be indefinite. check it out
12-28-2013, 12:25 PM
with the dredging I was wondering if the green buoy will be moved?
01-10-2014, 01:09 PM
Just reported by Finchaser, the False Hook is allegedly going under the jurisdiction of Homeland security because of the proximity to the shipping lanes.
Something about "possible exposure of cargo ships to potential terrrorist actions"
I don't have the whole story yet, but if true it's....
1. Unnecessary
2. Grandstanding
3. Completely unfair to anyone who fishes that area....that area is as key to North Jersey fishing, as Montauk, is to Long Island fishing.......
I don't know how we'll be able to fight or protest this, folks...but if there is a way to do it, we should......
Please keep us posted with updates, if anyone becomes aware of them.....thanks.....
06-21-2014, 04:33 PM
This is for all the master baiters out there. Abandoned boat from sandy. If you are a night guy you know where.
J Barbosa
10-22-2014, 10:41 AM
Got two stripers last night and a few small blues and hickories.
Small bluefish and hickories on my hammered tins and spearing teaser.
1 striper on a Redfin loaded by Monty.
1 monster striper that would have bottomed the boga.
This big striper was later rescued by the red towing company out of highlands (forgot the name?).
No hits after the boat ran aground...lots of spot lights and headlights in the water called it quits.
He was running 30-40mph and went way up the beach. 2 guys onboard and both were not hurt. About 20 minutes later another guy almost beached himself as well. Both of these idiots did not have the proper night time running lights.
10-22-2014, 11:23 AM
Its unreal how many boats do that, they must see the town is over there on electronics and just start turning.
10-22-2014, 01:33 PM
Guys rely too heavily on charts which are notoriously bad for that point.... and when you are out in a boat it is more difficult to pick out land than you would think, especially for amateurs who don't run the area often in low light.
10-23-2014, 08:51 AM
Its unreal how many boats do that, they must see the town is over there on electronics and just start turning.
Guys rely too heavily on charts which are notoriously bad for that point.... and when you are out in a boat it is more difficult to pick out land than you would think, especially for amateurs who don't run the area often in low light.
Wow I guess fishermen need to start carrying airhorns. If this keeps happening it is only a matter of time before someone gets hurt. Awesome reports fellas glad to see someone is catching. I went at night right before dark this week and got skunked. Back out this weekend hitting it hard!
10-23-2014, 05:30 PM
Wow I guess fishermen need to start carrying airhorns. If this keeps happening it is only a matter of time before someone gets hurt. Awesome reports fellas glad to see someone is catching. I went at night right before dark this week and got skunked. Back out this weekend hitting it hard!
don't need airhorns, just start shining your lights on everyone around you out there. make some friends :D
10-23-2014, 10:27 PM
Wow I guess fishermen need to start carrying airhorns. If this keeps happening it is only a matter of time before someone gets hurt.
I had a boat at the hook come as close as 10 feet in front of me with there engine on reverse. I ended up losing about 100 feet of braid after almost getting spooled. I was so focused that I didn't see the boat coming. That was about 2 years ago.
10-24-2014, 06:57 PM
^^^^^ Dude I think I remember reading that. you are way lucky. One of these days maybe someone won't be. have to be on point out there at all times. JB did these guys thank you for trying to help them or were they just out of it? did they offer any explanation why they screwed up?
03-16-2015, 05:30 PM
wondering what this year will bring
07-29-2015, 09:32 AM
Heard about this. They got stranded saturday. Looks like sea tow got them out of there OK.
J Barbosa
07-30-2015, 11:21 AM
Anyone know the story? I can't really tell where on the hook this is.
Its kind of spooky at night most GPS are way off on the point.
Its not really a problem as long as you always follow the channel markers.....ALWAYS GO RIGHT OF THE GREEN #11 CAN WHEN RETURNING! lol
07-30-2015, 07:24 PM
Some guys I know were telling the story recently. I think it happened just West of the False Hook. Right inside the bowl that starts where fishermans trail ends. They have changed that so much recently with all the dredging that it doesn't show up accurately on gps.
07-30-2015, 07:25 PM
Its not really a problem as long as you always follow the channel markers.....ALWAYS GO RIGHT OF THE GREEN #11 CAN WHEN RETURNING! lol
Yes you should always follow those markers. If in doubt stay closer to the red cans.
J Barbosa
09-07-2015, 07:23 AM
Another boat beached himself at the false hook last night. Looks to be a 20' walk around.
09-07-2015, 10:32 AM
On Saturday some friends of mine at the marina said someone had to rescue a man from a Hobie sailboat that overturned in Sandy Hook Bay. it took awhile for them to find him. A few rescue boats were involved.
09-08-2015, 02:59 PM
This must be what you were referring to JB. A friend sent me a pic of the latest. It seems a few run aground up there every year because the tip of the false hook gets bigger and bigger due to beach replenishment sand traveling.
J Barbosa
09-09-2015, 11:18 AM
Yes, turns out it was the Fishing Addiction out of highlands.
Usually you suspect its the guys who bought their boat two weeks ago......not the case this time around.
Sooo easy to loose your bearings at night. Have to be extra careful around the tip of SH.
09-09-2015, 12:42 PM
Agreed. every year same old same old.
Stupid beach replenishment. that's why I stopped fishing Sandy Hook long ago
09-10-2015, 11:34 AM
Whether you are a good captain or not that has got to be so embarassing!
09-17-2015, 11:27 AM
This is for all the master baiters out there. Abandoned boat from sandy. If you are a night guy you know where.
I can't believe after all that time that boat is still there! I guess it would cost too much to take it out and scrap it and the park service doesn't want to pay to remove a scrap boat either.
12-04-2016, 04:50 PM
Curious if you guys who fish SH are finding any more, or less, boats stranded there now that they have dug out the channel.
04-07-2017, 01:01 PM
The latest one, my buddy shared it from fb. Think it happened today.
06-03-2017, 02:18 PM
Another one at Sandy Hook. Don't you guys check your GPS?
06-05-2017, 11:28 AM
Heard had triple 300's. Sometimes its better to go a little slow if you're not sure. Hope he got towed off ok.
09-04-2017, 03:44 PM
saw this on the net. Should put a warning on the CG channel
09-05-2017, 02:53 PM
Another one from monday. Arent all boaters supposed to take a boating safety course? Where was the radio on the capsized boat?
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