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View Full Version : Al Ristori gets the shaft

11-11-2008, 03:01 PM
Mixed emotions about this guy, for years his nickname was "Al fish-story" because he talked about action that happened when you were right there that day, and didn't see anything.:D

Putting that aside, he's been a respected outdoor writer for many years, and is a well-known icon in the sportfishing community,

Well, his job is getting "half-downsized". If anyone wants to help or put in a kind word or 2, here's the story and info:

"Good Morning,

It appears those of us in the fishing/boating world will soon have one less source of information available to us.

As many of you already know the Newark Star-Ledger almost went down the tubes and many concessions by represented and non-represented employees/writers had to be made under threats from management to sell or shutdown the largest newspaper in the Garden State.

One victim of this down-sizing by management at the paper was the reduction of Al Ristori’s column from several days a week to only one day a week. Al’s column is now scheduled to only appear on Friday though he will continue his daily blog on the web site.

For decades most of us have read and enjoyed Al’s column and some have also used it to promote a charter business, tournament, boat show, seminar, etc.

Some of us have also had the pleasure of knowing Al personally and fishing with him aboard our boats where he then wrote about the trip. I spoke to Al the other day and he indicated to me if there was enough outcry from the fishing/boating public, management may reconsider their action and allow Al to continue writing his column as usual.

One would think the ad revenue generated from the Friday charter/party boat ads would more than offset Al’s salary for the year. But as with most big corporations, top-level management reaps the benefits while the working-class Joe gets the short end of the stick.

I hope you’ll consider dropping a letter or fax or making a phone call to:

Tom Bergeron, Sports Editor,

The Star-Ledger, Star-Ledger Plaza,

Newark, NJ 07101.

973 392-4023.

Fax- 973 392-5845.

Tell him how important Al’s column is to not only the paper but also to the economy as well since it helps promote fishing/boating here in New Jersey.

Let’s do what we can to keep Al’s column around for as long as he wants to write it."

Thanks for looking, guys.

Mike O
11-11-2008, 04:41 PM
I'm not sure I would endorse his column. About 20yrs. ago I spoke to him personelly about some party boats I witnessed taking shorts. Guess what?
I never heard from him or saw any report in the Ledger about it. I know he is not the Striper police, but he didn't even sound interested.

Mike O

11-11-2008, 05:47 PM
Mike, I'm sure that happened, just as I'm sure his nickname is Al Fishstory for the reason I suggested. There are all sorts of other stuff guys say about the huge amount of tackle he "test" and everyone throwing free stuff and trips at him.

The sad thing is that if you reported captains violating the law to a writer well known as he is, maybe he should have said something about it, even anonymously.

You wonder on which side his allegiances lie.

It seems like it comes with the territory if you are in the position he is. I'm not saying it's right, but it reminds me of politicians and how they sometimes have to make deals or keep silent about things to get things done.

On the other hand, I think he has done a lot for sportsmen, especially in the earlier days of his career.

I think of him being as much a part of NJ as our phrases "what exit", and overpriced beer and hotdogs at baseball games. I'm sad to see one of the only reasons I read the newspapers anymore, besides the sports coverage, downsized. My .02.

11-11-2008, 06:10 PM
Heard all the "fish- story" rumors, and have seen it in action. I can't tell you how many times I was fishing the same areas as he was, even saw his boat, and the next day I hear that they killed them at.... when I know no one else killed them at ...:burn: I was also told never to give him specific info, all intel is fair game for him to publish. I kinda feel disappointed about that, but what can you do, it's his job to publish fishing info.

The thing that sticks out in my mind is whenI was a little kid, I remember him being involved in the 200 mile limit. I don't remember specifics, maybe someone with more history can fill us in, but I remember him as testifying, and being in the spotlight in Congress when they passed that thing. That's one of the most significant pieces of fishing legislation in this era for fishermen.

So Al gets a free pass from me, I may badmouth and make fun of him from time to time, but at one time he was one of my heros. That's gotta count for something.:clapping:

As for his job, the newspaper industry as a whole is consolidating, everyone is on the internet now. I don't see that as too promising.

11-11-2008, 07:45 PM
He'll always be Al fishstori. He can't escape it, its his legacy.

11-12-2008, 04:22 PM
I don't like Al. I think he's two faced. Some friends of mine told him some private info about where they were getting fish, and the next week he burns it in his column after saying he wouldn't. I don't know anything about the newspaper or that stuff, but personally I don't trust him.

11-12-2008, 05:16 PM
He'll always be Al fishstori.

That's the only name my friends used to refer to him by.:D