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View Full Version : Public Trust - Access issues in Long Branch, NJ

11-15-2008, 04:29 PM
Folks, the time has come to correlate some of these stories and data relating to restricted access.

The case of Brookhaven, Long Island got me to thinking. I see that some progress has being made, but the bottom line is this:

Despite petitions, respectful meetings where reasonable people had intelligent dialogues, and one encouraging statement after another.... nothing is concrete at this point.

The fishermen who were fishing that beach for years, and some for decades, still have not received access they deserve. I believe this is a violation of their Constitutional Rights. I further believe many towns are aware of this when they close access and create legitimate "concerns" to mask the true intention of keeping fishermen off the property in question.

Well, I'm mad as hell, and not about to take it anymore! Remember the movie "Network"?

It is my contention that although progress has been made, the ultimate goal is to get people back to fishing in these areas they had previous access to, and to make that happen in a timely manner.

If you look at the major Constitutional legal issues that have been resolved in this country -- many were ultimately resolved in the courts of justice.

I have some experience seeing how this has worked through the eyes and stories of others who have had some success. It is my contention that in many cases, unless the town is faced with potential legal action, they will stonewall and try to make the issue go away.

It may not be necessary to go to court, as many cases are settled beforehand. Others have said the same thing here. I am just re-phrasing it.

I am setting up a series of threads, each dedicated to a specific town or area with Public Trust Access Issues. I would encourage all who are interested to gather and deposit any information in these threads you wish. If you feel it may be relevant, please post it.

Moreover, if anyone wants to cite our sources to help another case I am not aware of, feel free. I feel all web sites and fishing organizations should work together on these issues.

Furthermore, I will offer $100 from my pocket toward a retainer for ANY legal action that is begun in any of these areas. I might ask if others would consider contributing towards an attorney retainer, but that would be entirely up to you folks.

It doesn't matter to me whether I live there or it will affect me, and I would like you folks to please consider it as well, even if you think you can live your lives without getting involved.

Please remember this caveat:
Access, once lost, is rarely if ever re-gained.

I firmly believe this, but also believe if enough people get involved, we fishermen will prevail. These are our constitutionally protected rights, folks! Please don't let others carelessly trample on them.

This thread will focus on access issues in Long Branch, NJ. The other threads will be titled for the areas they will concentrate on.

If there is any area I have omitted or merits a thread, please let me know and I will start it.

I believe in my heart that the towns in question will not respect us as fishermen unless they feel they have a chance to lose in court and lose face. I am willing to give whatever support I can, and that of the site's publicity, to act as a resource to make this happen.

Thanks in advance for whatever help you can provide, folks. You are not obligated to do so. You have every right to do nothing. All I ask is for you to consider if access in an area near to you was restricted or closed, how would you feel?http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon3.gif

Thanks again, folks! You have all been great so far. There are some good soldiers here, but we must constantly enlist others to win this battle.

11-15-2008, 04:35 PM
I have been told by some members that this was resolved. Others have said they drove by there, and access was shut even before the construction had begun.

Others have said that this issue is resolved, with promises from the town and the state.

If fishermen cannot fish that beach because they don't have access, it would seem to me the access issues are not resolved.http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon3.gif

I only know what I hear, so I would appreciate whoever is in contact with that area to keep us updated. Any pictures as documentation would always be welcome.

Contact me if you have trouble loading pictures. Our current limit is set at 75k. Please let me know if you need assistance re-sizing, or you can e-mail them to me. I will be glad to post them for you.

Thanks to all our members for their diligent efforts!:clapping:

11-16-2008, 08:19 PM
I think you guys need to keep pushing this and keep it in the spotlight. The state already said they would protect our rights. Someone should take pictures and call them.

11-16-2008, 09:28 PM
I think you guys need to keep pushing this and keep it in the spotlight. The state already said they would protect our rights. Someone should take pictures and call them.

I never trust what the state says. Get it in writing.

06-27-2010, 12:48 PM
I'll be one of the first ones to go out on a limb and predict they will shut this access off. I was there a while ago, it's one of my favorite places to visit.

I predict, that when the construction starts, that will be enough reason for the developer to shut it down to users who now enjoy it, for "safety" reasons.

There are those out there who may argue I'm jumping the gun, and why give the developer any ideas? :eek: :beatin: :burn: :don't know why:

My point: the new DEP rulings give towns and certain entities the permission to restrict access, without challenge or support from the DEP.

In this game of chess that now is our fishing public access, I predict this will be one of the first dominoes to fall.

The DEP will not protect us any more in access issues like this one.

If you're mad as hell about it, don't be mad at me. I already know people living in that area who would be happy if all access is shut to fishermen so they can fish in peace and quiet, and not worry about the guy next to them ruining it for everyone.

I truly don't feel that way. I hope this never happens. I'll be relieved if things don't go down that way, and the developers don't close this access path.

However, now IMO they have a precedent for restricting access with the new ruling once construction starts. Don't expect they won't take advantage of it.:plastered: