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View Full Version : fisherman fear factor

12-23-2008, 02:33 PM
im bored, got a new game show :bucktooth: mix ben steins money with fear factor, fisherman fear factor....yu got a million cool cash to give away, yu keep it if the idiots in the game show can't eat 3 things you come up with, so what 3 things do you pick they won't be able to eat all of? :wheeeee:

cup of bunker chum
3 deep fried jetty rats
the stomach and insides of a 30lb bass, uncooked :upck:

12-24-2008, 12:44 AM
1. a bowl of bunker guts.:drool:.....:upck:
2. swallow a live eel.
3. swallow a live mantis shrimp

12-24-2008, 10:07 PM
drink 1 measured cup of sea turtle nectar,
swallow 4 live 5 inch fluke,
eat a handful of Tarpon scales,,,


09-06-2014, 12:15 AM
How about going one on one with a few of these giant mantis shrimp?
