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02-04-2009, 12:36 PM
Tackle industry wants ladies to go fishing

By Jim Robey
Staff Writer

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Old heavy rods with stiff action and bulky reels that hold three times as much line as necessary are on the way out.
They are being replaced with lighter rods and faster reels. Among those who will benefit most are lady anglers. The ladies also may be pleased to see fishing equipment that is more colorful.
This year, the new matching rods and reels come in a wide variety of colors. What's your preference: red, green, purple, yellow or something in between? You probably will find it at the better tackle stores.

The 2009 tackle was viewed at the recent Outdoor Products Trade Show sponsored by Outdoor Sports Headquarters in Dayton. Many of the rods and reels at the show will be at local tackle stores soon, if they have not already arrived.

I attended the show as a guest of Tom Zobrist and Chris Hochwalt, managers of Fisherman's Quarters at Fourth and Keowee streets in Dayton. Reporters usually don't get invited to these events because wholesalers know their time is better spent talking to dealers who actually sell their products, not the writers who ask questions.

Nonetheless, I was glad to be in attendance and welcomed the opportunity to see the new tackle for 2009. Moreover, I was impressed with the appearance of the new rods, reels and other tackle items.

The improvement in the appearance of tackle probably extends to better performance of the fishing rods, reels, lines and lures.
It's hard to believe lure makers could produce more baits in an even greater range of colors, but they have. That is especially true for anglers into trout and salmon fishing.

Not only are the salmon and trout spoons more colorful, so are the flashers designed to attract fish.

A greater number of fishing lines are offered in 2009. Power Pro microfilament is among the new lines, and it would appear to be something anglers will welcome. Power Pro is advertised as being "rounder, smoother, thinner and stronger" than traditional lines.
As an example, the 40-pound Power Pro microfilament line is the same diameter as the old 10-pound monofilament. And the 10-pound Power Pro is the same diameter as the old two-pound monofilament.

Yes, there appears to be no question fishing lines, rods and reels are better than ever. And the new tackle should help make this a better year than ever for the guys and gals who go fishing.


02-04-2009, 10:03 PM
Great time of the year for tackle shows. All my local trout streams are frozen over and the surf temp, two hours away, is in the 40's on a good day. Nice article to pull me through until March! :HappyWave:

02-05-2009, 11:17 AM
Tackle industry wants ladies to go fishing

By Jim Robey
Staff Writer

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Old heavy rods with stiff action and bulky reels that hold three times as much line as necessary are on the way out.
They are being replaced with lighter rods and faster reels. Among those who will benefit most are lady anglers. The ladies also may be pleased to see fishing equipment that is more colorful.
This year, the new matching rods and reels come in a wide variety of colors. What's your preference: red, green, purple, yellow or something in between? You probably will find it at the better tackle stores.

Yes, there appears to be no question fishing lines, rods and reels are better than ever. And the new tackle should help make this a better year than ever for the guys and gals who go fishing.


I am glad to have the ladies out there fishing alongside us. One less bullet of ammunition for the PETA freaks. There are some women sharpies who could teach us a thing or 2, if we would only be willing to listen. :)