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View Full Version : Anglers: Your Help is Urgently Needed

03-14-2009, 08:38 AM
To our angler friends: Your help is desperately needed. The New Jersey Outdoor Alliance represents the interests of anglers, hunters and trappers in Trenton.

On Monday two bills that will be voted on and national “anti” groups HSUS, Sierra, etc. have gathered their “national” powers to defeat them. They are desperate to maintain their grip over us. They don't want us to experience our rightful freedoms to fish, hunt and trap.

These “antis” are panicked and enraged and have mobilized to keep us in our place. They are calling personnel from all over the country to browbeat our legislators into defeating the bills. Make no mistake - this is a culture war. A war waged by people that need to control the way others live their lives. It is all of the ugliness of prejudice - it is a prejudice against outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen under a veneer of self-righteousness.

If we are ALL to get out from under their grip we must act NOW. We must flood our legislators with emails over the weekend and call their offices Monday morning.

The bills are A595 and A1669. They allow bow hunting on Sundays (only 14 Sundays and the other brings the bow perimeter to 150’.)

If these bills pass it will help the NJOA to pave the way for two fishing bills we are fighting for (Traps Off reefs and Hooked on Fishing Not On Drugs.)

The passage of these bills is nearly important to the fishing community as it is the hunting community.

Your help is urgently requested. Please email your assemblypersons and simple write: Please support Bills A595 and A1669. Thank you.

Here's how to email:

To email your two assemblypersons click the following link. Find for your town. Then click on your district for your assemblypersons. Then click on your assemblyperson's NAME. It will take you to their home page and there's a link that says "Contact your Legislator." Click it.


Take down their phone numbers while you are on their home page and begin calling their offices Monday morning.

Do it in the name of the mentors that introduced you to the outdoors, do it for yourselves, do it for future generations - whatever your reasons just do it! You won't get another chance!
Thank you

Anthony P. Mauro. Sr
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance

03-14-2009, 09:14 AM
On Monday two bills that will be voted on and national “anti” groups HSUS, Sierra, etc. have gathered their “national” powers to defeat them. They are desperate to maintain their grip over us. They don't want us to experience our rightful freedoms to fish, hunt and trap.

If we are ALL to get out from under their grip we must act NOW. We must flood our legislators with emails over the weekend and call their offices Monday morning.

The bills are A595 and A1669. They allow bow hunting on Sundays (only 14 Sundays and the other brings the bow perimeter to 150’.)

If these bills pass it will help the NJOA to pave the way for two fishing bills we are fighting for (Traps Off reefs and Hooked on Fishing Not On Drugs.)

Do it in the name of the mentors that introduced you to the outdoors, do it for yourselves, do it for future generations - whatever your reasons just do it! You won't get another chance!
Thank you

Anthony P. Mauro. Sr
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance

Ant, you make it so easy for us guys to follow the simple instructions you've laid out. I'll e-mail this weekend, call on Mon and try to post this on some other sites I belong to. Good work, man. :clapping:

03-14-2009, 12:20 PM

BTW - HSUS is after all of us.

(See below)


End the Mako Mania Shark Tournament, Says The HSUS
Targeted Species Face Significant Conservation Concerns

As shark populations face serious threats from overfishing along the East Coast, The Humane Society of the United States wrote a letter to the Mako Mania Shark Tournament organizers asking them to do the right thing and end the tournament for good. The tournament is scheduled to occur June 6-8 in Ocean City, Md.

John Grandy, senior vice president for wildlife and habitat protection at The Humane Society of the United States, urged organizers to discontinue the cruel and inhumane shark killing tournament for the sake of the sharks themselves and the sake of the Ocean City community.

Advocating a change in the way people view sharks, the letter asks organizers to take a leadership position on shark protection by canceling the Mako Mania Shark Tournament.

The HSUS also sent letters to all the tournament sponsors encouraging them to drop their support. Sponsors of the Mako Mania Shark Tournament include Rocky's Electric Inc.; Bahia Marina; WOCM Ocean 98.1 FM; Ocean Creek Apparel; Land Shark Lager; Black Diamond Builders Inc.; Budweiser; ABC Printers; and Phillips Seafood Restaurants.

Sharks caught by fishermen in tournaments suffer greatly. "Keeper" animals brought back to shore are hung and weighed, sometimes while still alive. The animals are then dismembered in front of crowds that frequently include children.

"Nothing could be less educational or more degrading and demeaning to sharks than the cheers and jeers that greet the display and awarding of prize money for the biggest dead shark," Grandy said.


The shark species caught in the Mako Mania tournaments have ranges that extend along the East Coast into Canada, and as far away as Europe.
The tournament focuses on mako sharks but this year has added an entry category for thresher sharks as well.
The Shark Specialist Group of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), an international scientific organization, has raised the level of concern for thresher and mako sharks to "vulnerable," which is defined as "threatened with global extinction."
The Humane Society of the United States is the nation's largest animal protection organization — backed by 10.5 million Americans, or one of every 30. For more than a half-century, The HSUS has been fighting for the protection of all animals through advocacy, education, and hands-on programs. Celebrating animals and confronting cruelty — On the web at www.humanesociety.org