View Full Version : Stealing clams and fishermen trash in NJ

03-15-2009, 10:45 PM
So I went to the clam place tonight to load up. As I was leaving, Reno's son pulled up. He said there's too much theft and dumping and they're thinking of shutting it down.

Last year, they filled 6 dumpsters of trash out of there that people had dumped. This morning, they caught a guy dumping a refrigerator in front. He was caught on videotape, and the police went and gave him a summons.

This is why spot burning applies to things other than fishing.:burn: I only gave the intel out for that place to trusted friends. I would rather no one knew about it at all, I need to know that when the bite is hot, I can go there late night and get what I need.

Another place where I used to post had a thread about this last year. I chimed in and said it's not cool to broadcast that place all over.

The response I got was: "Well, how could we be burning it if the guy who owns the place is going up and down the beaches telling ppople where they can get his clams?" Acccording to his son, who should know, that claim was a complete fabrication. They don't neeed to sell more clams, they sell enough as it is.

Why talk about it further, you may ask? Why not keep it a secret, including the conversation I had? Because the family has had enough, and I stand to lose my clam connection. :moon: Best place around I know.

They put videocameras all around now. I'm asking guys who go there, and don't want to lose this place, to call the police if you see something suspicious there. Don't tell idiots about it who will go there and rip the guy off. In fact, please don't tell anyone you can't trust, unless you don't mind them shutting it down. http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon13.gif

For anyone who doesn't understand this rant, I apologize, but please don't mention names in this thread. This message is really only to the guys who know already, maybe we can work together to save this resource. Anyone else has specific questions, please ask me through pm's. Thanks.

I'll post pics of the new sign on the refrig tomorrow when I get a chance.


03-16-2009, 12:05 PM
My supply place as well. Everytime you go you can see all the trash that people throw there. Some people have no respect.

03-16-2009, 09:13 PM
yeah, I use the glory hole, lol. I ever see someone there robbing clams I'll kick them in the head. AZZHOLES!

03-18-2009, 12:12 PM
WOW THAT SUCKS!!!! I don't go alot but in the middle of the night where elese do you have???People are a breed of morons!!!Why would you steel from the mouth that feeds you????On top of that dumpin trash just a total AH move!!!!!I'm with you I ever see anyone doing either of these things I'll beat em like they stole my cookies!!!!!!:burn:


04-04-2009, 12:42 PM
well dudes they're giving out more tickets than the window lady at a carny, the po po says you can't fish after dark. i know it's cause of the azzholes who throw the trash and crap all over, the next dude I see littering im throwing it back on his head.:burn: be careful dudes, tickets are mad $$,, and DON"T LITTER AND YELL AT ANYONE YOU SEE DOING IT!!! ASK THEM WHAT THE F THEIR PROBLEM IS, DO THEY WANT TO RUIN IT FOR EVERYONE???:huh:

04-04-2009, 01:01 PM
W4, I was there and saw the trash this week. I was also there last night across from the main parking lot where the creek is. That place is not closed, but it is starting to have a lot of trash left around. I know they closed that small park by the middle of the rocks. I would think that's because of how small that is, only a few parking spots. As for the signs, the sign that says closed at dark has always been there, or at least it was last year.

04-04-2009, 04:52 PM

I think a part of the problem is that a lot of people don't care, or are unaware of the consequences until something bad happens.

04-04-2009, 07:06 PM
^^ You're right I don't blame the residents for complaining. You go there after a Saturday night and a lot of people have fished, it smells like the NY subways. And you know it's the fishermen that's the only people who are there every day like that. WE are the problem, but I wouldn't throw trash over someone's head W4F. It's not worth getting killed over. :kooky:

04-04-2009, 08:53 PM
I think a part of the problem is that a lot of people don't care, or are unaware of the consequences until something bad happens.

You are right. people don't care. There are fishermans who are responsible and there are "weekend" or "seasonal" fishermans who dont really care.
We (fishermans) care becuz we fish hard and we put lots of time and effort into this great sport (hobby) .+ we dont wanna lose are spots.
Can anyone tell me how hard is to throw your trash out, They have garbage cans set up almost every fishing beach.
When i walk into a beach sometime i amazed that how much trash people left behind. Its crazy.:kooky:
Sorry, but i had to let it out!

04-05-2009, 11:16 AM
Can anyone tell me how hard is to throw your trash out, They have garbage cans set up almost every fishing beach.
When i walk into a beach sometime i amazed that how much trash people left behind. Its crazy.:kooky:
Sorry, but i had to let it out!

Right on the money with your observations, Lenny. This came from another site. By restricting the parking access, they are effectively shutting off fishing access. In this case, it seems a few bad apples ruin it for everyone. I think we could all take a more pro-active stance to discourage litterers....

"Chief has issued an immediate order to issue tickets to anyone found parking on the street near the rockwall. As the story goes, a few shitbags who call themselves "fisherman" have been using the area as their own private garbage dump and toilet. The residents who live across the street have been bombarding the Aberdeen PD with phone calls complaining (and rightfully so). Another victory for the people who want to deny us access."

04-07-2009, 05:28 PM

http://img54.imageshack.us/img54/7352/sspx0207.jpg (http://img54.imageshack.us/my.php?image=sspx0207.jpg)

04-07-2009, 08:51 PM
I hear ya, Lenny. I was out 6 weeks ago before the season opened scouting the bay and taking pics. Because no fishermen had been there since the fall, these areas were pristine.

Now the difference is like night and day. Lots of people do care, but unfortunately you have the same idiots over and over thinking they don't hav to pick up after themselves. When we lose access in those spots, they will have no one to blame but themselves.

I also believe in speaking up. The other day I met a guy on the beach, if he sees people littering in front of him, he stands there and tells them to pick it up. :clapping: No confrontation needed, but if more people were to say something at the exact moment when it happens, maybe mor people could be educated.

I know you don't do that Lenny, you really do care.:thumbsup: I can't tell ya how many threads I see like this each year talking about litterers.

It's my feeling that people not speaking up when it happens don't help the problem. Being pro-active, without being aggressive or hostile, is sometimes all that's needed to turn the situation around. If not, at least you can say you tried, instead of just ranting oin the internet. http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon3.gif