View Full Version : Sea Lions VS Salmon

03-18-2009, 09:47 PM
There has been a lot of talk in the news lately about the depletion of Salmon in some areas. I came across this article detailing how some states have approved the shooting of sea lions in the Columbia River.

Is this really the correct way to handle the problem?

Killing sea lions won't save salmon

by Scott BecksteadThursday March 12, 2009, 10:34 AM

http://blog.oregonlive.com/opinion_impact/2009/03/large_sea.jpgTHE OREGONIANA sea lion with a salmon in the Columbia River.
Oregon, Washington and Idaho have now received permission to start shooting sea lions in the Columbia River. Sea lions, lazing in the sun, scratching their heads with their hand-like back flippers, will now be in the crosshairs. They can be shot at Bonneville Dam, at Astoria or at any other place in the river or along the coast that is not a breeding colony.

The crime that merits this death sentence? Eating fish.
About 25 percent of the spring salmon migrating in the Columbia are listed under the Endangered Species Act. Because salmon are expected to return in record high numbers to the Columbia this spring, up to 13 percent of these ESA-listed fish can die as a result of human anglers - while sea lions will eat less than 4 percent.
Recent government documents acknowledge that predation by sea lions is fairly stable at about 4,000 fish. This is not true for the pressure on fish from fishermen lining the banks and plying the river with their nets. Washington and Oregon allow the percentage of mortality to the listed fish to increase when the run is larger. Rather than capping the kill at a specific, and low, level and allowing more fish to escape to spawn in years with a higher run size, fishermen are allowed to kill more -- up to 17 percent, depending on the size of the run.

If we are to save the fish, we must address the real problems facing the fish, not just address the frustration of fishermen who want the fish for themselves. Salmon recovery is hindered by a number of factors. Foremost is the inability of the fish to successfully navigate their traditional spawning rivers: dams block passage, water is taken from their rivers and pristine habitats are degraded. While they are in the ocean, they are caught in commercial fisheries. As they spawn in the spring, fishermen await them.
A government biological assessment lists the top two factors limiting recovery as poor survival of the out-migrating juvenile salmon and fish hatchery practices. Neither of these is addressed by killing sea lions, whose predation was among the least of the factors considered in the government's assessment.

It may be frustrating for anglers to watch a sea lion catch a salmon for which they were fishing. But sea lions and salmon have been in a natural cycle for decades. Salmon and other fish migrate in runs as a strategy for "swamping" their predators to assure that enough get through to survive. However, the fish can't adapt to survive the impediments that humans put in their path.
Soon the quiet of the Columbia may be disturbed by the sound of gunshots. Soon a walk along its banks may reveal a dead or injured sea lion. Killing sea lions will not save the salmon from further decline, it will just kill sea lions.

03-18-2009, 11:15 PM
seeing such stupid remarks/titles like this is such a waste of time and ink.
percentages are also a waste of time since there is so much of a variable.
ya don't need to be a scientist at all to see that the sea lions are wiping out the salmon.they wait below dams and in other ambush spots to decimate the salmon which SO much money is spent to save.studies,man hours,water samples,you name it.
the fact is that sea lions are killing the salmon,eating only a small amount of them and then going after another one.they do not get one and eat all of it,they only kill it,eat the rich part then leave the rest.
there is another dam where the steelheads gather below the dam to climb the fish ladder,WELL,the stupid government which protects these seals since 1972 don't see that theses damn seals are wiping out the sturgeon which are also protected.they chase down 8 foot sturgeon,chomp the and and eat the underbelly are then go after another one.
these huge fish can be seen thrashing about,jumping,trying to avoid these freaking wolves of the water and ultimately they lose being killed for just a small bit for their belly area.
is a waste?,,yes it is,should seals be controlled?,,**** yeah they should,like anything else.
the same goes for the sea lions,they are trying to survive but with their over populated numbers they are upsetting the balance by being waaay too many.
what will take for our lazy,nonseeing government to change this protection act??,several people being killed because they were walking along a beach and these things attacked them and caused grief.

it does not take a rocket scientist to see the truth,all takes is watching eyes seeing whats going on and we are seeing it.
what are they going to do about it,probably nothing at all ll the salmon don't show up anymore then they will allow the inuit to come south and hunt the seal/sea-loins into marginal numbers as they should be.
would I cry seeing one of the herd being culled ??,,hell no,would I be happy for them sturgeon and other fish?,,hell yeah,,can I get a Hell yeah,,,,,

we need to cull the herd to save the salmon,strugeon an all the other fish thay are being wiped out!


03-19-2009, 12:48 AM
these huge fish can be seen thrashing about,jumping,trying to avoid these freaking wolves of the water and ultimately they lose being killed for just a small bit for their belly area.
is a waste?,,yes it is,should seals be controlled?,,**** yeah they should,like anything else.
the same goes for the sea lions,they are trying to survive but with their over populated numbers they are upsetting the balance by being waaay too many.
what will take for our lazy,nonseeing government to change this protection act??,several people being killed because they were walking along a beach and these things attacked them and caused grief.

it does not take a rocket scientist to see the truth,all takes is watching eyes seeing whats going on and we are seeing it.
what are they going to do about it,probably nothing at all ll the salmon don't show up anymore then they will allow the inuit to come south and hunt the seal/sea-loins into marginal numbers as they should be.
would I cry seeing one of the herd being culled ??,,hell no,would I be happy for them sturgeon and other fish?,,hell yeah,,can I get a Hell yeah,,,,,

we need to cull the herd to save the salmon,strugeon an all the other fish thay are being wiped out!


Wow man why don't you tell us how you really feel? ;) That anger is ready to jump out of the page. I agree with you, sea lions and seals don't have enough natural predators now. Things are out of balance. Ask anyone who fishes Cape Cod and they'll tell you the same thing.

I don't have answers, but if one predator is stretching things out of whack, maybe someone shoudl look at it. I nominate Rip-plugger to be onn that committee, wherever it is. :thumbsup: :D

03-19-2009, 09:49 PM
Howdy DS,

as you can see,I am a straight shooter,I tell it like it is,no candy coatings here,,,maybe our gov should give AIG another 50 billion dollars,thats what they seem to appreciate,,,spending instead of dealin with the real problems.

I know some that would like to Cull the herd.


03-19-2009, 10:08 PM
Howdy DS,

as you can see,I am a straight shooter,I tell it like it is,no candy coatings here,,,maybe our gov should give AIG another 50 billion dollars,thats what they seem to appreciate


Hey man what's up. You definitely are a straight shooter, when they made you they broke the mold. Don't even get me started about AIG or the bank bailouts where they can't even account for the $$ spent. I could fill a whole page with that rant, trying to make my posts shorter now. ;)

03-20-2009, 01:35 PM
You guys want to see seals out of control, come on up to Mass. I have forever thought of myself as a reasonable guy, but sometimes you have these fantasies of how much better it would be if there were less seals around. It's very frustrating to be bringing in a bass only to lose it to a seal on the way in.:burn:

03-21-2009, 01:45 AM

I feel for ya my friend,around my parts thee are none and if I see one,and can get a clear one off,it's a goner.the next night the HPR or DDR and S come out for excercise,it's bad enough with poachers doing their thing,maybe we can tell a few GW's that there are seals,,uhh I mean meals up in mass.

yeah,them things pretty much suck
too many and we can't even eat the dam things.