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fluke fighter
03-25-2009, 07:32 PM
Hey! :HappyWave:
As a kid I started fishing at Flushing Meadow Park when
I lived in Queens.
I fished for carp but caught a lot more catfish instead. That lake still holds some big carp over 50 lbs. I caught them over 10lbs. The thing I wil never forget is that one of those bad boys took my pole and reel into the deep never to be seen again. I picked up surf fishing in the L.I.S. in the 80's for blues and stripers and eventually became a die hard fluke fanatic. Last year I caught a lot more stripers that fluke. Either I'm becoming a better striper
fisherman or losing my touch with fluke. :eek:
03-25-2009, 07:58 PM
Welcome to the site! Lots of good talk here. :HappyWave:
03-25-2009, 09:08 PM
Hi fluke fighter! Stripers rule as far as I am concerned. Fluke are next in line. Never caught a carp, I'll have to try it sometime. Welcome.
03-25-2009, 10:30 PM
Welcome to the site.:HappyWave:
03-26-2009, 11:24 AM
Hey! :HappyWave:
As a kid I started fishing at Flushing Meadow Park when
I lived in Queens.
I fished for carp but caught a lot more catfish instead. That lake still holds some big carp over 50 lbs. I caught them over 10lbs. The thing I wil never forget is that one of those bad boys took my pole and reel into the deep never to be seen again. I picked up surf fishing in the L.I.S. in the 80's for blues and stripers and eventually became a die hard fluke fanatic. Last year I caught a lot more stripers that fluke. Either I'm becoming a better striper
fisherman or losing my touch with fluke. :eek:
Hey fluke fighter what's up! :HappyWave:
Withe the regs you guys have in NY I'm surprised you caught any keeper fluke at all last year. Do you still fish the Sound? I was at Brookhaven last week, and the Captree area yesterday. Beautiful water you have up there, lots of nooks, crannies, and bridges to fish near. ;)
I never look down on fishing for carp. They can make for a good fishin trip if nothing else is happening. I used to watch guys catch them in the Passaic River up to 25 lbs, a 10 or 50lb carp is almost like fighting a small tuna! No shame in that.
So where do you fish now? Tell us more, nice to have ya here.
03-26-2009, 09:01 PM
welcome to the site fluke fighter:HappyWave:
03-26-2009, 10:03 PM
Hey! :HappyWave:
The thing I wil never forget is that one of those bad boys took my pole and reel into the deep never to be seen again. :eek:
Welcome aboard fluke fighter! I had that happen to me about 15 years ago when a gorilla blue took my rod in the water as I turned to take a leak and propped it on the boat. I grabbed it at the last second, fell down on my arse, and brought the fish in. Oh those embarrassing stories we accumulate with the years of fishing, eh?
fluke fighter
03-26-2009, 10:29 PM
Hey guys,
I was referred to the site by rip-plugger. He is a fisherman with a vast fishing knowledge and he's willing to bring it to the table.
Dark Skies I lived in N.J. for a while and I recall seeing loads of 20lbs. plus carp swimming in the Passaic with not one fisherman
chasing them. That is until one day I saw one guy going after them with a bow and arrow. I didn't see him get any but it just didn't seem right. That was one of the most polluted rivers in the country then. I haven't fished for carp in over 25 years. Big carp
are powerful fish. My biggest was a 17lbs. that took off like a runaway train and fought for 15 minutes. I sent him back, kept a nice memory. Most of my fishing for the past 30 years has been from the western sound of L.I. not from the eastern end of the Island. Little Neck Bay always produces early in the season, both April and May. If you can get access, the shoreline along New Rochelle is excellent. The last few years striper fishing has been excellent from the western sound. Some of the best shore fishing has been from Turtle Cove off City Island. Keep in mind you'lll have to walk thru some muddy bottom to get to the spot. However, I have done a good amount of fishing from Shinnecock and Captree, mainly chasing fluke. Both great loctions to explore from boat or shoreline.
03-26-2009, 10:51 PM
Hi flukefighter, I fished for carp from when I was 10 to 15 because you didn't have to go very far to catch. They're great fighters. In the winter when you are going crazy? Fish for carp, they are good for what ails you. Welcome. :HappyWave:
03-27-2009, 11:48 AM
Welcome aboard fluke fighter.:HappyWave:
03-27-2009, 12:51 PM
Hey fluke fighter! I never fished the sound, more of a south jersey fisherman. I did like that story about the carp, we catch them in drainage ditches sometime. Welcome!
03-29-2009, 06:51 PM
Fluke fighter! Sounds almost like you could have a TV show named after you! Rip plugger makes some amazing and unusual stuff, heavy wood for cows. Welcome to the site. :HappyWave:
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