View Full Version : Favorite Party Boats
03-28-2009, 11:42 PM
I used to really enjoy fishing the TEAL out of Atlantic Highlands and when the Moore family moved to part unknown, I needed to expand my horizons so I hopped on Capt. Hal's Sea Tiger. Capt. Hal was a great guy, good crew and always put me on fish. Probably my go to boat in AH. I also had good days on the Angler ( almost everyone's favorite boat) and the SeaHorse. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the Sea Hunter. I had a lot of fun on the fall bass run. Good boat and a great group fo regulars. The mates were hard working. Another thumbs up to this boat.
One of the up and coming boats is the Seahawk out of Perth Amboy. This is on my to do list for the upcoming season. I've gotten consistent good reports on this captain.
Island Current out of City Island, Bronx. Capt. Chris is a gentleman and I have had two great nights on his boat. Last May we had a slow pick of bluefish until the tide turned and then it was lights out bass fishing. The boat his the dock at about 3:30 am, just enough time to shower and go to work. I'll be on this boat again for the bass run. It can draw a rough city crowd but I've never had a problem; heck, NY is a UN city. Not all of the guys speak english but we all speak fish. Great boat and close to us NY upstaters.
More on the Captree boats next time......:)
03-28-2009, 11:57 PM
I used to really enjoy fishing the TEAL out of Atlantic Highlands and when the Moore family moved to part unknown, I needed to expand my horizons so I hopped on Capt. Hal's Sea Tiger. Capt. Hal was a great guy, good crew and always put me on fish. Probably my go to boat in AH. I also had good days on the Angler ( almost everyone's favorite boat) and the SeaHorse. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the Sea Hunter. I had a lot of fun on the fall bass run. Good boat and a great group fo regulars. The mates were hard working. Another thumbs up to this boat.
One of the up and coming boats is the Seahawk out of Perth Amboy. This is on my to do list for the upcoming season. I've gotten consistent good reports on this captain.
Island Current out of City Island, Bronx. Capt. Chris is a gentleman and I have had two great nights on his boat. Last May we had a slow pick of bluefish until the tide turned and then it was lights out bass fishing. The boat his the dock at about 3:30 am, just enough time to shower and go to work. I'll be on this boat again for the bass run. It can draw a rough city crowd but I've never had a problem; heck, NY is a UN city. Not all of the guys speak english but we all speak fish. Great boat and close to us NY upstaters.
More on the Captree boats next time......:)
Great memories on the Teal, Mick, wasn't whitey on that boat, and Chaz the mate? Great times, that was a bunch of years ago, someone passed away, I can't remember all the details, can anyone else remember?
I think I know one of the mates on the Angler, his name's Chris, they work hard to put you on fish.
City Island is ready to blow up, the April 15 startup already has a lot of guys with full trips.Guys are catching and releasing small bass in the Western sound. I love the reports that come in every year from Big John's B&T. I'll try to find the video.
03-29-2009, 09:28 AM
I like the Fishermen, Capt Ron Santee. He will be sailing April 11 for bass.
03-29-2009, 12:17 PM
I like the Fishermen, Capt Ron Santee. He will be sailing April 11 for bass.
Probably the premier boat in AH by reputation. It draws a big crowd so i initially avoided it. Maybe one day if it's not railed....
04-02-2009, 01:01 PM
mine was the nitehawk out of belmar it was a sad day when she pulled out now i have no special boat :don't know why:
04-05-2009, 10:47 PM
I have limited experience on party boats, but had a few great times on the Gambler. Also know a few people who say good things about the Gambler. Was a few years ago.
04-06-2009, 11:01 PM
Gambler is a good boat. Haven't been out on it in a number of years. On my 'to do' list. :D
04-13-2009, 10:06 AM
I had hoped to get out today for some RB bassing. Seems the bride scheduled a couple of contractors in for the day. No :fishing: for me. :embarassed:
04-21-2009, 01:53 PM
i think my go to boat will be the seahawk out of amboy it close to home so i will there for a few trips but i will have to get use to fishing rb most of the time i go south on boats out of belmar point pleasent so we will see tite lines and good fishin to all:fishing:
06-24-2009, 07:28 AM
Anyone fish the Seahawk so far this year?
08-22-2009, 10:41 AM
Just a quick update. Went out on the Gambler out of PP a couple of times; super clean, fast and a nice crew. Bob Bogan is a gentlemen and put the boat onto a good number of keepers.
The highlight of my week was going out wreck fishing on the Paramount
for seabass and ling. I boated 40-50 and kept maybe fifteen with throwbacks of some keepers toward the end of the day. The Paramount is a war wagon; Bogan goes out to fish and does not waste time getting to or from the grounds. Coming back, he was gunning it through 3-5 foot swells and some of the guys started turning green. That being said, I'd like to do another couple of trips. The mate measured and refused to clean shorts that one guy kept. The crew was all over people to measure fish. I may have made the mate nervous by watching him fillet ( I was new to the boat) but he was an artist.
Great day!
08-22-2009, 11:53 AM
Bogan goes out to fish and does not waste time getting to or from the grounds. Coming back, he was gunning it through 3-5 foot swells and some of the guys started turning green.
The mate measured and refused to clean shorts that one guy kept. The crew was all over people to measure fish.
Great day!
Imagine that, a mate who didn't want to take the risk of cutting up short fish. With seabass, there could be more leeway because the fillets are small and you don't have to keep the racks. A lot easier to stick one extra fish in each fare's bag as pieces, and no one would ever know. Yet the mate wouldn't do that. :clapping: :thumbsup:
I've been on Bogan's offshore trips before, he plows through those swells like Captain Hook. :scared: On one trip out there, about 40% of the boat was pukin. Oh the joys of an offshore trip when seas are rough! :laugh: But he works hard to get you into fish, one trip in the Spring he ran 35 miles out to get us into mackerel toward the end of the run. Good Captain. :thumbsup:
09-27-2009, 12:56 PM
Glad to know the Dorthy B is a good choice. I was thinking about hooking up with them on a trip with a few buddies of mine.
BTW- Welcome :HappyWave:
12-01-2009, 06:24 PM
Just fished the Super Speedy Express out of Captree. Great crew ready to help when needed. Not much help was needed, unfortunately. My loyal sidekick (BIL) Will earned the dogfish crown, boating about five. I got one. When you are talking about what a great fighting fish a dogfish is, well.....:eek:
I'll likely go back to this boat for a cod trip or two if i can get away before the holidays. I'd like to try one of those 12 hour trips again.....:HappyWave:
02-28-2010, 11:03 PM
I'm hearing good things about the Island Current that's smacking the cod on a near daily basis out of Snug Harbor, RI. I'm looking to make a trip. How about it, Rich? :HappyWave:
02-28-2010, 11:06 PM
Heard a lot of good things about that boat. IMO it's the way to go, drive to Rhody or MA.
The Montauk and NJ boats are great too, but they're all getting railed now that the word is out. I can't deal with fishin shoulder to shoulder, would rather pay a little more, or go on an off day for some elbow room. I sent ya a PM Mick, let me know..
Good to hear from ya! :HappyWave:
02-28-2010, 11:11 PM
Saw Will this weekend. We had a cigar and swapped Dark Skies stories. Dude, you are a legend! :d
02-28-2010, 11:55 PM
Saw Will this weekend. We had a cigar and swapped Dark Skies stories. Dude, you are a legend! :d
Mick the only time I even came close to being a legend was when I was 18, and thought I was a legend with the ladies. I thought I was so smooth I was as cool as LL CoolJ. :cool:
In reality I was way out there on a cloud of delusion. :kooky:
It's been all downhill from there, Mick. :laugh:
Now, the only legendary thing about me is I proudly carry a labeled white bucket when baitfishin that proclaims my Googanism and Effumall club membership at the same time. :rolleyes:
I'm probably the only person on the East Coast to do that.
The real legends are the people you and I know and fish with...
Will, for his legendary ability to read the water and see fish beneath the surface based on time and tide...and his flycasting ability...
Finchaser, for all the early political things he and his buddies did for the fantastic fishery we have today...his ability to pull a fish out of a rain puddle when no one else can..his abilty with his overbearing personality to stay alive and not have been poisoned yet by his girlfriend for being such a grouchy basstard....;)
The Old Farts Fishing Club, for having lived through the moratorium and hammering their stories into me so I can pass them on to others...and their ability to use common plastic lures to outfish guys half their age using expensive costom wood..
Guys here like Surfwalker, Stripercoast1/Gunny, Clamchucker, Rip-plugger, JimmyZ, and many others you and I have fished with in the fishing world whose dedication is exemplary...
Another friend of mine who can actually smell bass when he smells bunker, without spotting them first.
All the old timers like John Skinner, Vito Orlando, Willy Young, and the guys from that generation that paved the way and learned the tricks before there was an internet to teach it to them... :clapping::clapping:
And the newer generation of extreme fishermen like Rich Swiss, Crazy Alberto, Zeno, and many others who have shared their success, making it easier for the new guy to get a grasp of the fundamentals...
When I look at all the guys like that out there, and many unknown "shadows in the night" fanatic anglers I've met out there, the only legend I want to claim is the googan bucket one.. ;)
I'm just happy to be able to fish along side guys like that once in a while. :thumbsup: :lookhappy:
03-01-2010, 08:58 AM
Saw Will this weekend. We had a cigar and swapped Dark Skies stories. Dude, you are a legend! :d
I hate to tell you this but he has been a legend in his own mind for many years now. :d :HappyWave:
03-03-2010, 08:21 AM
I hate to tell you this but he has been a legend in his own mind for many years now. :d :HappyWave:
You must be a gem of a woman, Pebbles! :d
11-02-2024, 05:40 PM
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11-03-2024, 02:36 PM
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