View Full Version : Fishing in the Rain
04-01-2009, 08:13 PM
Do any of you fish in the rain? I don't need any handholding but I heard that fishing can be good when it is actively raining. I was thinking about going out tonight.
04-01-2009, 08:45 PM
Hi Porgy75,
I don't got out in the rain on purpose ut if I get caught out there in it,I'll stay but it will shorten my stay.
04-01-2009, 10:27 PM
Some of my best trips have been in the rain. i love a misty, fine type of rain, guaranteed to cut down on the boat traffic and you will have less competition on the shore as well. Invest in some good rain gear, it can set you back a few dollars but will add immeasurably to your comfort. Life is short. take advantage of rainy days and nights too but be VERY cautious about lightening. Get off the beach asap....I've tended to overestimate a storms distance. It's a mistake I don't make anymore.
04-02-2009, 01:46 AM
\Goin fishin now in the rain.. let ya know how we did in the morning.
04-02-2009, 08:14 AM
I'll fish the rain, not a torrential downpour, but regular rain. Had some good days in the rain. Would rather plug overcast or cloudy mornings than bright sunny ones. Like mick said, stay out of the lightening storms, they will definetely scare the doo doo outta you. Know how far you are from safety.
04-02-2009, 01:11 PM
when its warm the rain will not stop me when its time to go i go just put on the waders and a hoody for my head an i am good to go so yes i do sometimes look to fish a rainy day no crowds and that is a plus no one all on top of u tite lines and good fishin to all:fishing:
04-02-2009, 02:36 PM
i like a light rain; they seem to bite better. on lakes especially.
04-03-2009, 10:55 AM
Some of the best success I have had was fishing in the rain. Put on the right gear and head on out. You might get a winner.
04-03-2009, 12:18 PM
\Goin fishin now in the rain.. let ya know how we did in the morning.
I think what some of the guys said here makes a lotta sense. That night in the rain wasn't so great, only 2 bass after a few hours of fishin and moving around. :embarassed:
Light rain is still one of my favorite conditions, it keeps a lot of people home. Theres often a magic window where fish will go crazy on the feed right after the rain stops, provided the water isn't too muddy or the rain hasn't been too prolonged. There's also the barometric pressure to think about, and can affect the fishing.
Know those crazy summer storms that come to mind where it rains like cats and dogs for 3 hours? If you can, hit that water right after, you might have one of your best days or nights.
04-03-2009, 12:37 PM
right before a nor'easter too.
04-03-2009, 10:48 PM
Bass don't care when it's raining. Go and get yourself a good dry-top or a semi dry-top with a hood and you will be fine. With the right gear you won't even notice it is raining out.
05-18-2009, 01:41 PM
Some of my best trips have been in the rain. i love a misty, fine type of rain, guaranteed to cut down on the boat traffic and you will have less competition on the shore as well. Invest in some good rain gear, it can set you back a few dollars but will add immeasurably to your comfort. Life is short. take advantage of rainy days and nights too but be VERY cautious about lightening. Get off the beach asap....I've tended to overestimate a storms distance. It's a mistake I don't make anymore.
I agree with that you said. I like light rain the best.
05-18-2009, 06:34 PM
Fish the rain, the fish don't care if it's raining. They don't worry about getting wet and niether should we.
05-18-2009, 11:10 PM
Funny you should mention that--rain. Start of this month it seemed to do nothing but rain. I fished a whole weekend of it, and then some. Mostly a steady drizzle. Except for a couple of hefty blues, zilch.
May 5th. It cleared up a bit. High Tide: 9:30 pm. I was on the water by 8:30 casting about the neck of a river that had a couple of small coves flooding up. Figured I'd poke around there until the tide turned, then head back toward the cord grass--if bass were going to be anywhere, it would be along the edges of the grass on the ebb.
9:30 it started to rain. Trudged back to the car--fourth straight day of rain: I was done.
Or was I?
Instinct told me to dig out a rolled up nylon rain jacket I had stored away somewhere in the car--unused for god knows how many years. It creaked as I unrolled it. I had to force my fist through the sleeves to separate the material. And the stench?!!
But I was determined. I wriggled into it; eased my way out to a point at the edge of the grass (I saw the same spot a few days later--I had been one step from a night-time swim); stripped out about 40' of line (these weren't going to be long casts, best'd be right up against the embankment); and, in what was now a steady downpour, I cast out my favorite fly: a full-bodied, 1/0 black, bucktail deceiver. I pulsed a slow retreive.
I could feel the rain starting to sluice down my back. It poured and poured. But I was on a mission. By 10:30 I was into my first striper: 27". Over the next hour and a half, I took 7 more: 3 in the upper 20's and 4 well into the 30's.
A little before 12, a stiff, cold wind swept across the area from the east. The rain was noticeably colder, too. The bite suddenly stopped.
I LOVE FISHING IN THE RAIN. (But I do have to get rid of that smelly rain jacket.)
05-19-2009, 07:44 AM
paumanok- nice night. Maybe you should keep that rain jacket, could be good luck(or send it to me, I could use some good luck sometimes).
Happy Trails
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