View Full Version : Stripercoast Surfcasters Club
04-02-2009, 01:15 PM
I'd like to tell you guys about another fishing club I belong to called Stripercoast Surfcasters. It's a bunch of hardcore guys who will fish insane hours and conditions to get that cow. They're fishing fanatics, totally committed, and some of the best surfcasters out there.
It's not a club for the won't find threads on their site like "How to I start out fishing?"
They occupy a select niche in the market for those guys who have learned your local area and are ready to take the next step to learn the Stripercoast.
You can't just join, there are yearly dues, which puts some people off. Let me tell you why you should consider them:
1. They are some of the most hardcore surfcasters around.
2. They fish all the key areas you have heard about in Zeno's, Alberto's, Billy the Greek's, and Doc Muller's books.
3. You won't meet a crazier or more dedicated group of hardcore surfcasters anywhere.
4. Their breadth of experience on all sides of fishing gives them good perspectives to have discussions about the state of striped bass fishing, backed up with cold hard facts. You just can't stump these guys on any striped bass issues. Try it, you won't be able to.
04-02-2009, 03:50 PM
Any hardcore surfcasters around who want to learn the Stripercoast so they can fish it with their eyes closed? :dribble:
Then go and check them out, you can use me for a reference if you want (IF I know ya & ya got good character!!!);)
Here's the link:
A little bit from their intro page:
Welcome Visitors
This is not a place for the beginner - They will be referred elsewhere where assistance is readily available. A mandatory user-field on the log in page needs to be filled with the referrers name when registering. The other fields are optional and/or private. This club is for the more advanced surfcaster, with a formal club structure and annual membership dues. Criteria for membership is through current club member invitation.
If you are interested in joining Stripercoast Surfcasters Club, but have not been referred here by a current club member, please email for membership consideration. Thank You
Don't forget to add this page to your favorites!
04-02-2009, 04:02 PM
Mostly just a bunch of regular guys who are fanatics about fishin and having a good time.
A phrase that was developed about the club is:
"We at Stripercoast are a fishing club with an eye on the issues" (credit to Mike SC4):thumbsup:
Since joining the club, Ive learned a lot about some of the political and llegislative issues regarding striped bass as they relate to fishermen all up and down the East Coast. It's a club that has challenged me to do more than just rant on the internet about something, but to get out and DO IT!!
They get involved in fishing issues at the most basic level, write letters, contact Congressmen, fight for Fishermen Access, and are positioned to do this on a large scale with the help of committed fishermen.
But don't let that scare you away. If you just wanna fish till you pass out from exhaustion from catching big cows, then you'll feel at home there.
If you're the type of surfcaster who constantly challenges himself to do better, and analyzes why or why not he was successful that night, these are the guys to know.
They are some of the most intense, and also ball busting, group of guys I have ever met. Joining the club will put you into a world of fishing spots you never dreamed about - not just Montauk, but the famed areas in Mass and Rhody that many guys drool over, and keep telling themselves.... "Yeah someday I'm gonna get up there to fish.....someday" But that "someday" never comes.
Well, what are you waiting for? ;)
These guys are doing it now, on a regular basis, and they're having a BLAST doing it! Go take a look, unless you're afraid to become the best surfcaster you can be. :rolleyes: :thumbsup:
04-02-2009, 04:18 PM
1.Why should I join this club and pay more money!!! Money's tight, I already belong to a local club?
You can still belong to your local club. Joining this club gives you access to challenge yourself by learning surfcasting in all sorts of locations, which makes you better prepared to assess any surf situation you may come across in the future.
2. I already fish these areas...why are you asking me to join an unknown club, with a paid membership at that? how do i know this isn't just a scam?
Because of the guys who are already in the club. The surfcasting world is a small one. Anyone who fishes a lot eventually runs across certain surfcasters who they look up to or consider as their peers. Stripercoast Surfcasters is such a club. Anyone who is a hardcore surfcaster will recognize the names of these guys. Also, if you are so good you think you can't learn anything from anyone else, God Bless. The day I think I know everything about surfcasting, I hope someone shoots me!!!
3. What if I join and don't like it, or find that it's not what I expected, or not for me?
My philosophy is to check out everything before I jump in. Yet, I do take chances on things that seem to have promise, because that's the kind of person I am - always ready for adventure. If that's the kind of person you are too, why not contact them and ask them any questions that you have? They'll answer.
The important focus for me it getting a chance to fish different areas. These guys know those areas well. Some of them, like Gunny, are also reputable surf guides. Joining the club is like getting the services of a guide specializing in that area, (for free) as part of your membership dues. That seems like a pretty good deal to me. :thumbsup:
If a chance to fish together with guys who know some of the best structure in Montauk, Long Island, Rhody, Mass, NJ and Connecticut appeals to you, then check them out!
04-02-2009, 04:25 PM
They are the guys from all over that we have come to meet and look up to.
Guys like Gunny from S247 (SC1) who has been helping people there for years. A retired Gunny Sergeant, he's a little rough around the edges sometimes, :laugh: but one helluva surfcaster. He's a guy who can get things done, isn't afraid to ask officials tough questions about the issues, and will tell anyone who will listen how he plans to coordinate a healthy striped bass fishery for our children and their children.
Guys like Striperjim, who many know as a fixture and founder of S247, a guy of tireless energy who doesn't know when to quit.
Guys like Jake, Mike, and others from the Mass to Rhody to the Conn area. They have legislative connections, and scientific connections, to help fishermen learn about the issues and their rights.
Regular guys, hardcore surfcasters, known by most everyone in this small community of ours:
JimmyZ, Sudsy, Franskiesurf(the next Mayor of Brookhaven, LI :ROFLMAO:), Blasko, LogCabins, Khary, Toyota, Westport mafia, Finaddict and Rocksandreds representing the Southern Stripercoast, etc, etc.
04-07-2009, 02:53 PM
2. I already fish these areas...why are you asking me to join an unknown club, with a paid membership at that? how do i know this isn't just a scam?
This was one of the questions I was thinking when I first read this, Dark. If they're a new club, as you say, don't you think it would make more sense to build up the club first and then start charging for membership? I'm not implying anything about them here, just asking.
04-07-2009, 09:42 PM
That's a reasonable question, Stripercrazy. What I know about them is that they are set up as a non-profit. This subjects them to certain gov't regulations and restrictions. They also have a pretty specific charter.
If you want to ask them any questions, just go to that link I posted and ask away.
I'm sure Gunny and the guys will answer them to your satisfaction.
As I said, joining gives you a chance to fish some of the most beautiful areas on the Stripercoast, with some of the most knowledgable fishermen out there. To, me that alone is worth the price of admission. :thumbsup: :drool:
06-17-2009, 12:26 PM
Here's your chance, ask any question you want about the club, it's philosiphy, and it's goals. What makes this club differant from all the others out there, and why it's important to have an organization like it? I'll revisit this thread and explain it in full.
1)We fish
2)We watch the politicians, and jump down their throats when they try to screw us, or reward them with our support when they do the right things.
3)We fish, and bring out of area members to our best spots, though fishing for fishings sake or club level competition.
4) we share, our knowledge, our locations, and our time to make things better for all fisherman
5)We fish
6) Did I mention we fish? Oh yeah no member of the National or State boards makes a dime from contributions gained through dues, raffles or auctions.
7) we have some of the best looking bling wear, like hats, hoodies and soon to come jackets, embroidered by our VP, that heads up the largest embroidery factory in North America, at a price you can't touch any where else.
8) We fish
06-17-2009, 01:05 PM
Stripercoast1, great tha you are posting (enjoying your posts).
Here are a few of my questions (some on the positions the club takes based on that you stated that the club is active on political issues):
How many members?
Is there anything being done regarding the boat-surfcaster issue?
Mostly a Jersey or New York or somewhere else based club?
What stand does the club have on salt water fishing licences?
Does the club have a stand on the regulations (size/qty for keepers)?
06-17-2009, 02:04 PM
Members; over 100 right now
Boat/surfcaster issue? Enlighten me?
Building chapters in all east coast states where wild Bass Migrate, many members from the New York area with a chapter in formal formation with State President and Vice President appointed. Rhode Island and Mass are also building quickly.
The salt water license is an unwanted and contentious issue. I was very active in the process in Rhodie. It was a losing battle trying to get it canceled, so we made sure that the monies were protected, the monies in excess of the registration would benefit the angler through access upgrades, and not 1 penny would be used to patch a pot hole. We also made sure that the price was kept as low as possible in order to keep it affordable for those with little if any extra money to spend for another user tax.
We are aligned with Stripers Forever, and are lobbying for Game fish status for Striped Bass. Ending commercial fishing for good on them. We are also looking to make a slot limit that would be reasonable, and several suggestions are being looked at. My personal belief, 2 fish between 26 and 35 inches, OR 1 fish over 35 inches. There are also several other issues we are working on regarding forage species, and environmental protection, such as prohibiting dragging within Narragansette Bay.
By having a National club with state chapters it allows us to transcend state boundaries and grouping voices from all chapters to support local issues in each state. Versus a local based club, with restrictions, if you will, toward local issues. It's like yelling in a megaphone when you put the group together.
06-17-2009, 02:32 PM
Wow, Rich! Awesome plug for the club! Thanks! :clapping:
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