View Full Version : Take a soldier hunting

04-23-2009, 10:28 PM
Mikd Nashif, one of our members here, also has a group called "Take a soldier hunting". For those guys who aren't into fishin (How could that be???? :D) he's got the site set up for guys who want to take active duty veterans hunting.

One way to raise money for this is to have a raffle for a rifle. It's a legitimate raffle, and Ive never heard any complaints in any area about Mike's operation.

He and his wife also have a Christian Ministry going for the guys coming back with PSTD and suffering from some of the stuff they've been through. While I'm not the most religious person, my dealings with Mike have lead me to believe he is a man of great faith and integrity.

For that reason I'm posting about his new venture. Anyone who hunts and can give a hand, check his site out.

Any active or retired soldiers want to fish the surf for a night out, contact me here or through his site Take a Soldier Fishing. I'm registered on there as Darkskies, and I truly believe in what he's doing. A big hand for Mike and his wife!!! :clapping::clapping:

Anyone wants to ask him any question at all, here's his e-mail:
mike@takeasoldierfishing.com (mike@takeasoldierfishing.com)

He's a fully registered 501c-3 charitable organization, all contributions are tax deductible.

The link to the take a soldier fishing site:
