View Full Version : bomber lures in orange packaging?

04-24-2009, 08:07 PM
anybody know anything about these? they were $2.50ea at my local wally world.


04-24-2009, 08:33 PM
The black and green one looks like the zara spook, the shad shaped one resembles a rattletrap, and the thinner ones resemble some smaller yozuris. Maybe they are trying to take over the market. That's a great price, I hope you saved some for me.:D

04-25-2009, 11:43 AM
yea its like the yo zuri crystal minnows and bombers had a baby and this is wut u get. i only bought the ones that are normal bomber sized, they had smaller ones there also.

03-15-2014, 06:08 PM
did anyone see the new bomber packages and specifically the asalt 3pack saltwater combos? I was in my local ***** sporting goods today and saw the bombers are now $10. $10 for a bomber is that inflation or what? They are also making the a-salts in these gonzo colors. Its almost like they are trying to mimic the custom plug market with the wild colors they have now. They had this one pack, a 3-pack of a-salts for $19.99. Kind of pricey for bombers I think.

03-16-2014, 12:53 AM
The world is going to hell when they are selling a standard bomber for $10. I believe those prices are for the saltwater series the upgraded ones. I rarely shop at ***** they are an overpriced big box store that is taking away business from local tackle shops.

03-16-2014, 06:48 PM
Finchaser is usually up on the "whats new with the plug industry" stuff.
Usually puts it in perspective too.

did anyone see the new bomber packages and specifically the asalt 3pack saltwater combos? I was in my local ***** sporting goods today and saw the bombers are now $10. $10 for a bomber is that inflation or what? They are also making the a-salts in these gonzo colors. Its almost like they are trying to mimic the custom plug market with the wild colors they have now. They had this one pack, a 3-pack of a-salts for $19.99. Kind of pricey for bombers I think.

The world is going to hell when they are selling a standard bomber for $10. I believe those prices are for the saltwater series the upgraded ones. I rarely shop at ***** they are an overpriced big box store that is taking away business from local tackle shops.

03-17-2014, 05:11 AM
I believe the orange packaging is the saltwater grade bomber series.

03-17-2014, 12:25 PM
I think you are all partially right. Looking at the first photo posted by zev I believe the top one on the left is the bomber saltwater grade series. That I think is what surfstix was referring to.
The rest of them are the blowout seasonal specials that bomber ships to the big box stores. They ship them in bulk tubs or cardboard crates to be displayed in those crates. I think they call them shippers or promo shippers. They are the 2.50 ones that bomber produces cheaply with cheap hardware. The saltwater series is a little better, but at $10 they are getting pricey. I must be getting old. I remember when they sold them for $1.89 and $1.99 in the tackle shops.

03-18-2014, 05:30 AM
10 bucks for a bomber is crazy they aren't worth 5