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View Full Version : Cliffwood Beach/ Aberdeen clean up 4-25-09

04-25-2009, 05:36 PM
A cross section of people came together this morning to clean up Aberdeen's Cliffwood area at Whale creek.

From residents to environmental groups to regular people and families who heard about it and wanted to help, to the various members from different fishing sites, town administrators and the rep from On the Water Magazine. Everyone came together and pulled together to make that beach sparkling clean. It should also be noted this was coordinated with Clean Ocean Action's effort to stage massive beach cleanups today. There were quite a few others as well all throughout Monmouth and Middlesex counties.

The pile was impressive. Some of the environmental people were classifying and tabulating results, I would bet the bulk of it came from careless fishermen.

Also got to meet Alec from Raritan bay Riverkeepers, some town administrators, Frank Huza the Aberdeen Environmental Resources Chief, and the lovely Adeline Albright, retired Aberdeen Environmental Resources Chief, (who nevertheless still wanted to come down and help). :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Everyone pitched in and did their part, maybe 30+ people in all. :clapping::clapping:

It was good to put the names to some of the faces, or meet people I had lost touch with...

Sudsy, Shipwreck (who was there with the whole Shipwreck family, I hope ya bought them ice cream afterwards :HappyWave:), JMB, Deebee, Mantra, the infamous Scooby Doo :kooky::laugh::thumbsup:, and a host of others who just came and did their thing.

Don't want to forget FishinCrazy, who it must be said was one of the biggest rallyers for this thing to get going. I just got off the phone with him, he was hittin it hard on the Susky flats, he'll tell ya's how he did. Lotta guys asked about ya, FC, your efforts made an impression on quite a few people. :clapping::clapping::clapping:

Great Job EVERYONE!!! :clapping::clapping::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Some better thinkers than I wondered if this would make a difference long term? I wonder the same things, but do agree that having alliances with people who live in those areas can never hurt on and can only help as access becomes tighter and more places are restricted.

The local people got a chance to meet some nice friendly fishermen. We got a chance to walk and work together with them. Some of the guys fishing the beach, who were unaware of the cleanup, jumped in and helped out as well.

I think if we can get more of these things going on a regular basis, and get some different people to jump in each time instead of the same group of guys, progress would be made.

Good to meet all of ya's. I think for one day, we did make a difference. :HappyWave: :thumbsup::thumbsup:

04-25-2009, 05:49 PM
Some pics:





04-25-2009, 05:52 PM


04-25-2009, 05:53 PM



04-25-2009, 05:55 PM


04-25-2009, 05:56 PM



04-25-2009, 09:02 PM
now if some of the other spots can get cleaned up that would be great take care of our bay:fishing::fishing:

04-25-2009, 09:04 PM
Sorry I missed the clean-up. I'll have to take some bags with me next time I go out and do my share.

It looks as if there was a great turn out and lots of trash collected. It's a shame that people can not pick up after themselves. How hard is it to carry out your own trash?

Nice pics dark!:HappyWave:

04-26-2009, 09:16 AM
It is good to see that people care. You picked up a lot of trash that day. I never leave home without a bag to bring trash home in. Everyone should go around and pick up trash were they are fishing before they leave.

Great Job guys!:clapping:

04-26-2009, 01:42 PM
Good job, bravo to all.:thumbsup: