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05-17-2009, 04:07 PM
Anybody grow their own vegetables? What kinds? All I grow are tomatoes, hot/sweet peppers and basil. Nothing like a home grown tomato.

05-17-2009, 06:47 PM
Every year for me is different, but I at least make sure I have a buncha tomato plants, and some basil. One of the still lingering memories I have of my Dad is when I was younger, we would go out to the garden, pick some of the ripest tomatoes, bring them back inside, quarter them up, and eat them on paper plates with salt. :heart:

To this day, I do the exact same thing, bring the tomatoes in, get out the paper plate, sprinkle with salt, and eat the tomato chunks. It brings back memories of him. He died a year ago, and I still miss him. I'll be eating tomatoes this year with him in mind.

05-18-2009, 08:34 AM
I used to have a really big garden. I grew Sweet and Hot peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, watermelon, several types of lettuce, eggplant basil and oregano. Even at one point I grew corn for two years. I also have an asparagus patch which still grows.

The past 3 years I have downsized quite a bit. I always plant some tomatoes and zucchini and peppers.

This year I am having some family problems so I don't even think that the tomatoes will be going in. I miss the past years when I had time to spend in the garden. Hopefully one day I will be able to get back to it.

Good luck to all who are planting. I'll be at the farmers markets this year.

05-18-2009, 01:29 PM
I used to grow some peppers and stuff when I lived in Jersey, but I was famous for my tomotoes. I put bluefish remains in the soil over many years, and had about the sweetest tomatoes in the neighborhood.

Moved to NC and my tomotoes sucked, so I quit growing anything at all.

I suppose I should try again some day, but my heart's not really in it.

05-19-2009, 05:59 PM
Jon look for a good soil with miracle grow for Veg in it. You might have better luck. I enjoy the garden when I'm not fishing.