View Full Version : Helping others

05-21-2009, 07:55 AM
It amazes me how there are fishermen out there who are catching and refuse to help the obvious newbie standing next to them. I always try to help those who are new to the game. Sometimes I just give them advice or sometimes I give them some tackle.

05-21-2009, 10:04 AM
CT, I agree there are a bunch of snobs out there. But there is also a very good amount of others that are very helpfull. I do the same as you, as others on this site also do (from experience). Guess its just like society in general, all sorts out there. And not getting into where I think society is currently, there are a lot of good, helpful surf fisheman out there, the snob who walks by and does not respond to a nod, or hi can keep walking. Many others make up for this persons lack of a personality and frankly they must have problems to be such misarble self center *** ****s.:HappyWave:

It amazes me how there are fishermen out there who are catching and refuse to help the obvious newbie standing next to them. I always try to help those who are new to the game. Sometimes I just give them advice or sometimes I give them some tackle.

05-21-2009, 11:13 AM
Charlie and Monty, I agree. There are more friendly people out there than idiots, but i run into them every now and then. I particularly enjoy when guys have all the latest gear, can't catch anything, yet are the rudest fishermen imaginable. I will help everyone else but them. A fishing mentor taught me a long time ago to try to give back by helping others. That's what I do, glad to see you guys do it as well.:thumbsup:

05-21-2009, 05:38 PM
I don't like to offer help, in case the other fisherman does not want it. I will say hello and if I am asked I am happy to help. I have given people plugs that were working because they diddn't have one and told them to keep it or don't worry about loosing it, it happens. When they catch a fish because I helped them it makes me hapy too.

05-21-2009, 07:29 PM
If I see someone, usually a kid or at least younger than me, I will try and help. JUst the other day was a young kid whose drag was set waaaayyy too light. On top of that he was reeling against the drag. There was nonstop gigantor bluefish action for about three hours. That is how long I fished anyway. I helped with his drag and told him that reeling against it was bad for line twist. He was very appreciative.

I ran into another kid, even though he had a Red Sox hat on, who looked clueless. I answered his questions, gave him a few tins and told him to have at it.

I have given out plugs, let guys reel in fish I caught and given either info or tackle. I really enjoy doing all of this as long as they are deserving and open to ideas. I have run into some who think they are correct no matter what happens so I don't bother with them.

If someone needs help I will do it. No questions asked. No payback required.

Doc Muller did this for me on my second time ever surf fishing. I will never forget all he has told me in that and subsequent fishing trips that I ran into him. I will pay it forward every chance I get since it was done for me.