View Full Version : Shorebound saltwater anglers face $7.50 license
05-23-2009, 10:13 AM
Shorebound saltwater anglers face $7.50 license
by Willie Howard
At long last, Florida’s shoreline exemption appears to be going the way of the dinosaur.
The what? The shoreline exemption is the saltwater fishing license loophole that allows a Florida resident fishing from land or a structure attached to land, such as a bridge, to do so without buying a saltwater license.
Florida legislators moved to abolish the exemption this spring. If the legislation (HB 1423 and SB 1742) is signed by Gov. Charlie Crist, it will mean residents have to pay $7.50 for a shoreline license or simply purchase a full-blown saltwater fishing license for $17.
Yes, it’s a fee increase. But it beats the alternative — a $25 federal license that NOAA Fisheries Service would have required Florida anglers to buy if legislators had not taken action to eliminate the exemption for one group of saltwater anglers.
“It’s going to save almost a million anglers almost $20 million from federal fishing license fees,” said Ted Forsgren, executive director of CCA/Florida, the recreational fishing group.
The federal government is simply trying to build a data base of saltwater anglers so it can do more precise surveys of recreational fishing.
Another advantage: The saltwater license money will go to Tallahassee, not Washington.
A third advantage: Additional licenses sold will bring more federal matching money to Florida.
The Florida Wildlife Federation, the Snook Foundation and CCA/Florida all supported the elimination of the shoreline exemption, as they have in the past, and are urging Crist to sign House Bill 1423 and Senate Bill 1742.
Of course, residents who already pay $17 a year for a saltwater license won’t have to worry about buying a shoreline license. And any Florida resident who is under 16, over 65 or otherwise exempt will continue to be exempt from having to purchase a license.
07-21-2009, 07:05 PM
It goes into effect on August 1st.
New rules for shore fishing start Aug. 1
License will be required on beaches, piers, bridges
Starting next month, Florida residents fishing from beaches or bridges will have to buy a fishing license before dropping a line.
Since 1989, Florida residents have been exempt from license requirements if they were fishing from shore, or structures attached to shore, such as docks, piers or bridges. But a law signed by Gov. Charlie Crist last month approved a new license that will be required for shoreline anglers starting Aug. 1.
"A lot of people who tend to fish from bridges are not too happy with it," said Steve Graham, owner of Dizzy Lizzy's Bait & Tackle on East Cervantes Street. "In the times that we're in when everyone's trying to find some source of leisure, or even a way to put some food on the table, they're having to pay another fee."
The new license, which will go on sale July 15 and is good for one year, will cost $7.50 plus a $1.50 administrative fee. Residents also have the option of buying a regular saltwater fishing license, which costs $17 and covers shoreline fishing as well as fishing from boats.
In a June 26 statement, Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission Chairman Rodney Barreto said the National Marine Fisheries Service was going to implement its own $25 license if the state didn't come into line with federal fishing license requirements.
"Had the Florida Legislature and the Governor's Office done nothing, the federal license fee would have gone into federal coffers and brought no return to Florida," Barreto said.
Federal regulators said the shoreline exemption prevented fisheries managers from accurately keeping tabs on fishing pressure in Florida waters.
Graham said fishermen and bait shops have been left largely in the dark about the change, and many are unaware of the new requirements.
"There are a lot of questions that go along with it, but it's just kind of quietly crept up," Graham said.
Some residents still will be exempt from the shoreline license requirement, including senior citizens, children younger than 16 and people drawing food stamps, Barreto said. Out-of-state residents 16 and older always have needed a license, Barreto said.
Pensacola fisherman Willie Wilkerson, 27, said after years of fishing for free, the new fee is hard to swallow.
"There's so much water and rivers and stuff in Florida, I don't think you should have to have a license to fish off bridges," Wilkerson said.
"It's worth it, but once you're used to doing something one way ... some people aren't going to want to go through the time of going in and getting a license," Wilkerson said.
Ryan Overall, manager of Reel Fun One Stop Bait-Tackle on Pace Boulevard, said he didn't mind the new license because the money would go back into Florida fisheries.
"I think it's an excellent idea," Overall said. "People that fish off of a boat have to pay $17 every year. In my opinion, if people that fish off of a boat have to pay, everyone should have to pay."
"It's for a good cause, and at $7.50 a year, it's not like it's breaking anybody's bank," Overall said.
08-05-2009, 07:52 PM
I think it's ok if they use the fees for fishermens benefits. Otherwise it's just another unfair tax. Time to use the cane poles.
New shoreline fishing fee takes effect Aug. 1
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July 23, 2009 12:01:00 AM
PANAMA CITY — Get state Rep. Jimmy Patronis talking about the new shoreline fishing fee going into effect Aug. 1 and he gets a little hot under the collar. There are some things that just ought to be free, he said.
Ricky George of Panama City agreed. The 15-year-old was wetting a line off the dock of the Panama City Marina on Wednesday, the late sun beginning to paint his face a slight red.
Although he won’t be required to purchase a fishing license for another year, George said he will miss the lack of restrictions.
"I don’t really like that. I think it ought to be free," said George, who recently graduated the eighth grade at Jinks Middle School. "Personally, it’s always been free. And to just change it like that, it shouldn’t happen."
Florida shoreline anglers and those fishing from structures attached to a shoreline, such as bridges, docks and piers, will have to pay $9 for the new license by Aug. 1. This includes a $7.50 fee plus handling and administration charges.
State Fishing and Wildlife Conservation Commission officials said the move was needed to fend off a separate federal license that would have added up to $25 to current saltwater fishing fees.
Patronis, R-Panama City, said removing the current exemption for shoreline fishing and instituting a new state license requirement was nothing more than "a revenue grab by the FWC."
"They were taking advantage of the current budget crisis," Patronis said. "We had a real battle" just protecting cane pole fishing and poorer anglers from the new fee, which was approved during the 2009 legislative session.
The rules
Under the new rules, a shoreline license will not be required if an angler purchases a regular $17 recreational saltwater license, which includes shoreline, boating and pier fishing, said FWC spokesman Henry Cabbage. The new shoreline license does not impact non-Florida residents, who already pay an out-of-state fishing fee.
"We are really hoping anglers will get into the spirit of this thing," Cabbage said, noting that he was hopeful fishermen would see the new fee as a way of contributing to the protection of Florida’s natural resources.
Wallace Watson, 49, of Tallahassee, also was fishing at the marina Wednesday while in town visiting friends. Although he wets most of his hooks in fresh water, he said he was willing to pay the extra money for a saltwater license because it helps protect fishing resources. "I’m all for that," he said.
Cabbage said the FWC estimates the new license will bring in about $900,000 per year, money earmarked for research, resource management and law enforcement, good news for boat captain Brian Beighey, of Panama City Beach.
Beighey, who was in Half Hitch Tackle on Tuesday picking up gear, said he endorsed the new fee as long as the money went into protecting marine resources, a view echoed by Scotty Thompson of Panama City.
"I think it’s a great way to fund the state conservation effort," said Thompson, a Florida State University senior also in Half Hitch Tackle. He said he hopes to work for the FWC after graduation.
The new shoreline license went on sale July 15 and includes the regular exemptions, such as seniors, children, the disabled, military personnel home on leave and fishing from a licensed pier, such as the new 1,500-foot Russell-Fields Pier on Front Beach Road.
Panama City Beach public works director Paul Casto said the city already paid the necessary fees allowing anglers to fish from the new city pier.
The city does charge a $6 daily fishing fee for pier anglers, but that money goes for general maintenance and upkeep and to create a contingency fund for pier repair, Casto said.
Others exempted from the new shoreline license include fishermen using gear that does not employ mechanical retrieval, such as an old-fashioned cane pole, and those on food stamps, temporary cash assistance or Medicaid, new exemptions Patronis said he worked hard to include.
"I had a real problem with this and the average working guy," Patronis said. "I think it was too far of a reach by the FWC."
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