View Full Version : NJ fishing reports for June 1-15, 2009

05-31-2009, 07:34 PM
Important when registering on our site -- use an active email address so you can activate your account to be able to post.

Please post fishing reports here.......as little or as much detail as you want to give.

Please note: NO SPOT BURNING! Posts burning spots will be Edited or DELETED!
Some veteran fishermen have put in years developing and learning about certain spots.Some of these spots can only handle a few guys at a time. We are losing enough access as it is, due to the unfortunate behavior of a few selfish people. No sense in making it worse.

For some areas, it would be wiser to say:
OutFront (Ocean) OR -- OutBack (Bay) -- if you feel too many people will figure out what you are talking about. "Spot burning" also could involve mentioning something specific only to that area. If you do this, your post may be edited, or deleted. Remember that thousands of people could potentially read these posts. You don't want to be fishing next to ALL of them at the same time!

IF you are fishing an area that is NOT residential, being vague is less critical. For example, it's acceptable to say (Any)Park, or (Any)Bay, or mention a specific state park that has loads of parking and can handle the crowds.

If you are unclear on this concept, ask yourself:

If I name this place on the internet, will it be too crowded for me to enjoy tomorrow when people hear I got 30 fish here today?

If the answer is "Yes", then you should probably not be so specific.
More discussion on this:
http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/...ead.php?t=3763 (http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/showthread.php?t=3763)

We post these reports so our community will have a sense of what is working, what is not. We want to show people how to catch fish, rather than where.Even if you struck out or got skunked, it would be helpful to hear that as well.

If you have any additional details you would like to share - weather conditions, tide (incoming, outgoing, ebb, flood) water temps, bait present, or other mention of techniques or plugs used - feel free.

Some acronyms -

SH - Sandy Hook
NoMoCo - Northern Monmouth County (below the hook to Shark River Inlet SRI)
SoMoCo - Southern Monmouth County (below SRI to Manasquan Inlet)

OC - Ocean County
IBSP - Island Beach State Park
LBI - Long Beach Island

AC - Atlantic County
AI - Absecon Inlet
CISP - Corson's Inlet State Park
CMC - Cape May County
CMR - Cape May Rips
GEI - Great Egg Inlet
TI - Townsend's Inlet

RB - Raritan Bay
BB - Barnegat Bay
CB - Chesapeake Bay
CBBT - Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel
DB - Delaware Bay

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Chas527 you won the plug in the May random drawing!:clapping: :thumbsup:

We post these reports so our community will have a sense of what is working, what is not. We want to show people how to catch fish, rather than where.

If you struck out or got skunked, it would be helpful to hear that as well. Anyone who posts a report can win a plug even if they got skunked! :skunk::D

This month we're giving out plugs from Ace Baits.
http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/...splay.php?f=83 (http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/forumdisplay.php?f=83)

PM me your info so I can send it out. Thanks for posting and helping to make this a great site! :clapping:

http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6338&thumb=1&d=1238964999 (http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6338&d=1238964999)

http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6340&thumb=1&d=1238965622 (http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6340&d=1238965622)

http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6339&thumb=1&d=1238965319 (http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6339&d=1238965319)

http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6342&thumb=1&d=1238966711 (http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6342&d=1238966711)

05-31-2009, 08:43 PM
was fishing the boat today, by the time we drove in, loaded the boat gased up we got to lavaltte at 7 30 to find over 200 boats and missed a bite which happened early (again) bunker in the area. Nothing doing, saved the day with a very good sea bass with some 3-4lbs and with a good amount of keepers and 2 short fluke.
As far the stripers go, although some are around we seem to be in between schools with some hanging from the memorial weekend action. north hot spots seem kinda quiet too but I think it will heat up to very good to gonzo again soon perhaps.

05-31-2009, 10:42 PM
I took a leisurely walk around Sandy Hook today. I decided to fish about midway, and caught 3 sea robins and one skate. On clams and bunker. It was truly a nice day even though I didn't have much success.:fishing:

06-01-2009, 10:08 AM
I fished island beach yesaterday with bunker. It was like a toxic waste dump. I did not see any fish caught except for a few skates. Myself, I caught one big skate, and one little skate. I might have to start eating skates, they are so abundant. Anyone got any skate recipes?:D

06-01-2009, 12:21 PM
tried and tried to fish this weekend moco. the bunker were movin before first light, i snagged a few. then the dooooosh boat guys came along and put the schools down. everytime i thought it would be cool they showed up, and they cant even drive a lot of times i saw them drive over the schools, what tools!:burn: shark i hope you aren't one of those boat turds who put the schools down.

06-01-2009, 02:14 PM
Outback last night slack and incoming tide... Fresh Bunker..... I landed a very long and skinny blue... My buddy June reeled in a monstrous bass that overlapped the drop net and ended up falling out and snapping the line when it fell back to the water..... He was highly pissed... He then managed to pull in a 34 Incher... His biggest to date and his 2nd keeper.... Fish was very healthy.... looked migratory by the nice shine it had

06-01-2009, 03:50 PM
:clapping:Nice fish guys looks fat and healthy.

06-01-2009, 09:04 PM
Nice catch man! The cows seem to be avoiding me this year.:(

06-01-2009, 11:14 PM
I tried a lot of places today that did not produce. I ended up at Sandy Hook where there was some nice bluefish action on metals and poppers near the end of the day. It was good to finally run into roving packs of bluefish, after the ocean has been deviod of them for a while.

06-02-2009, 07:31 AM
Went on a search for bunker and fish along the coast yesterday. Checked all the spots from OC to SH and back again. Absolutely nothing. The strong south wind in the late afternnoon did not help either.

The bluefish sure have been absent from the ocean front this spring.

Good job clamchucker in finding the blues yesterday. We have had no success in finding them.

06-02-2009, 10:30 AM
A nice fish broke my line at 6am this morning at Sandy Hook. I'm assuming it was a bluefish. I was tossing a krocodile spoon, and had the fish on for about 3 secs, then it went limp. So maybe another bluefish came by and bit the line, who knows. After that, nothing.:don't know why:

06-02-2009, 08:56 PM
moco early this morning nothing but a couple of bumps.

06-03-2009, 08:06 AM
Fished RB yesterday afternoon. Bunch of 2 to 4 pound bluefish on swimming lures.

06-03-2009, 09:26 AM
Fished yesterday from 9:30-1am off a bunch of rockpiles in Monmouth County. Was able to get to the tips pretty easily. Got a nice wakeup splash a few times. Took me 3 spots before I finally starting feeling some taps and bumps. Trying to figure out what they wanted as the tide was changing. Once the tide changed, the fish were gone. Worked all around the rocks trying to figure out where the fish went. Then I went to a different area that had a bunch of cocktail blues. Caught a bunch of them on a megabait before I decided that they were more of a nuisance than a catch, they were pretty small. Maybe they were not cocktails, bigger than snappers though but not much of a fight. Maybe if I had lighter tackle they would have been more fun.

At least I know when the fish may be there the next time I go out. http://www.stripersonline.com/surftalk/images/smilies/wink.gif

06-03-2009, 11:22 AM
Went out very early am. Got an hour in with no hits then those damn storms kept me off. Had to leave to hit the sand box.:burn:

06-03-2009, 01:50 PM
fished s.h. yesterday and this morning. got a keeper and 5 shorts yesterday. thi morning 4 shorts 5 sea robbins. got stop by rangers two times wanted to know if i had any fish.

06-03-2009, 11:42 PM
Fished 7:30pm to 9:30pm, NoMoCo caught a 38 inch bass on yellow polaris popper. school of bunker getting blitzed by bass 200 yards out. I had 2 other fish come unbutton right after hookup never got to see what they were.

06-04-2009, 09:50 AM
^ :clapping::clapping: Nice goin guys, some decent fishin is in front of us, and lately it's been pure bass in the front. :drool:

I made it down to the ocean yesterday 7:30, fished till 3am. Missed the bunker blitzes, congrats to all on the nice fish. :clapping:

I think the blitzes bring out the worst in people, and the greed and selfishness in at least some of us. For that reason, I was pleasantly surprised to see a Dad fishin with his 2 younger daughters, each with their own pole, throwin pencils. There was a Dad who put the possibility of his kids getting a large bass before his own selfish desires. Good for him! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Pencils were working earlier, then later snag n drop got the fish. It was a slow bite by the time I got there. I still picked a fishy lookin piece of real estate, went to the front of it, and plugged till 9, swimmers and divers.

Then I checked out a reliable place in the back, only one bluefish tap on a metal lip, no hits on anything else I threw, even the jointed bomber.

So before going home went to one more place, bait and wait in the back. Brought bunker and raingear, it rained on and off all night. A guy got a fat 33" around 2am, very quiet after that, nothing for us. I had to crash at 3am, no more energy left, even with 2 cups of coffee.

06-04-2009, 09:57 AM
I went to sh got two shorts. I noticed the rangers checking people. I guess when the bite is on, so are they.

Nice reports guys. Dark for all the great reports you put up your time is due again. Keep pluggin man.

06-04-2009, 07:13 PM
^ :clapping::clapping: Nice goin guys, some decent fishin is in front of us, and lately it's been pure bass in the front. :drool:

I made it down to the ocean yesterday 7:30, fished till 3am. Missed the bunker blitzes, congrats to all on the nice fish. :clapping:

I think the blitzes bring out the worst in people, and the greed and selfishness in at least some of us. For that reason, I was pleasantly surprised to see a Dad fishin with his 2 younger daughters, each with their own pole, throwin pencils. There was a Dad who put the possibility of his kids getting a large bass before his own selfish desires. Good for him! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Pencils were working earlier, then later snag n drop got the fish. It was a slow bite by the time I got there. I still picked a fishy lookin piece of real estate, went to the front of it, and plugged till 9, swimmers and divers.

Then I checked out a reliable place in the back, only one bluefish tap on a metal lip, no hits on anything else I threw, even the jointed bomber.

So before going home went to one more place, bait and wait in the back. Brought bunker and raingear, it rained on and off all night. A guy got a fat 33" around 2am, very quiet after that, nothing for us. I had to crash at 3am, no more energy left, even with 2 cups of coffee.

You forgot to mention that the 33 incher broke his pole :fishing: ... I warned the guy to loosen his drag :don't know why:

06-04-2009, 09:20 PM
Seems like more fish are outback as opposed to the ocean right now. Skunked twice in the ocean this week but picked up a few including this one outback last week. Anyone else have the same results??

06-04-2009, 09:30 PM
Not been to good for me out front.
2 nice fish last two Sundays ago and that was it for me.
Nice one ya got there, what were you using?

Seems like more fish are outback as opposed to the ocean right now. Skunked twice in the ocean this week but picked up a few including this one outback last week. Anyone else have the same results??

06-04-2009, 10:59 PM
Fished MoCo from 7:00pm to 9:40pm. It was not like the day before. I got the big :skunk:.

06-05-2009, 11:29 AM
Seems like more fish are outback as opposed to the ocean right now. Skunked twice in the ocean this week but picked up a few including this one outback last week. Anyone else have the same results??

Same results here as well.... Out front had one great weekend and then it looks like the fish went into deeper water.

06-05-2009, 03:04 PM
:clapping:Very nice fish eatonfish! Welcome to the site! Did you get that using plugs or bait? I fished last nite by an inlet out front in ocean county. The water looked fishy, but I threw bombers and shads, only for the skunk to follow me home. :don't know why:

06-05-2009, 04:39 PM
Seems like more fish are outback as opposed to the ocean right now. Skunked twice in the ocean this week but picked up a few including this one outback last week. Anyone else have the same results??

Hey Eatonfish what's up! Welcome aboard! :HappyWave: I would agree that the back is the more consistent place for producing decent fish now.

However, the big girls are here in the front when you can get a break in the weather. A 53# was caught by a kid on the beach on Wed during a bunker blitz, and Wed night there were fish in the high 30's caught by guys blind casting, over and over. I was doin that too, but unfortunately didn't stick around long anough, quit at 9pm to go somewhere else.

Sometimes with us fishermen, we think the grass looks greener on the other side, and when we get there is isn't. But that's fishin for ya! Nice fish, wtg! :clapping::thumbsup:

I fished the ocean last night, conditions were perfect. The light wind and rain were ideal when I started at 10pm, the waves washing in, and the peacefulness, made it like a paradise to me. :heart:
Theres something about fishing the ocean at night that always appeals to me, it's where I draw upon for my serenity.
I was the only one in the places I went until a guy came in to clam fish a few minutes before I left at 12:30 am.

Not even a tap as I worked some rockpiles, a few friends out had little luck also. I hope someone caught on plugs last night, though the water was a little cold, bunker/clams might have been a better choice.

06-05-2009, 04:46 PM
You forgot to mention that the 33 incher broke his pole :fishing: ... I warned the guy to loosen his drag :don't know why:

I did say it was a FAT 33". ;) Yeah I felt bad seein his pole break, his drag shouldnt have been so tight. He's a guy who fishes every day/night, and lives to fish, so I didn't want to draw attention to his mistake. He's also a guy who has no clue or interest in the internet, unlike us fools who are addicted to this modern communication. ;):laugh:

Him showing us pics that he carries around of the fish he caught, and the pics of his son with that fish, were the kinds of things that bring us all together in this crazy thing we like to do, rain or shine. :thumbsup::plastered: :fishing:

06-05-2009, 05:54 PM
I did say it was a FAT 33". ;) Yeah I felt bad seein his pole break, his drag shouldnt have been so tight. He's a guy who fishes every day/night, and lives to fish, so I didn't want to draw attention to his mistake. He's also a guy who has no clue or interest in the internet, unlike us fools who are addicted to this modern communication. ;):laugh:

Him showing us pics that he carries around of the fish he caught, and the pics of his son with that fish, were the kinds of things that bring us all together in this crazy thing we like to do, rain or shine. :thumbsup::plastered: :fishing:

I'll be back at it today... Just went and picked up 10 freshies and got them on ice.. bait shop is 4 minutes from my job :D

06-05-2009, 07:23 PM
I fished Sandy Hook with clams last night. 2 short bass to 27", 2 skates, one doggie.

06-05-2009, 08:51 PM
7 blues, 1 bass all on jig head and rubber all released

06-06-2009, 11:58 AM
got that one on small bunker chunks. Tried lures then switched. dead low tied. go figure...

06-07-2009, 05:32 PM
Hit the NJ waters out back this am 5:30-7, bait and wait with bunker. And this wasn't normal bunker, it was the "freshest" bunker on the face of the earth, packed in a salt and ice solution. I thought my hours old bunker would be ok, but noooo, someone had a better system. ;) :HappyWave:

Needless to say, it didn't matter, bite was slow, so we cleared out of there when the day shift came around.

Alex got one bass around 31" right as I got there, after fishin all night. That's all she wrote. That's fishin. :fishing:


06-07-2009, 06:07 PM
fished hard in moco this morning, got 2 bass on bunker chunks, 28", 30", and a doggie, all swam away.

06-07-2009, 06:59 PM
Threw plugs and rubber out front from 1:00 to 7:00 am.
A small star gazer and then a double (2 cocktail blues) on a pencil and teaser combo.

06-07-2009, 07:57 PM
Fished Island Beach with clams today looking for the big score. Yeah I scored big----weed and crabs. weed and crabs. I got bit by enough crabs to replenish the Chesapeake.:)

06-07-2009, 09:02 PM
I fished the park today as well, steve. Weeds are a problem, but with the crabs it's a good idea to check your bait anyway. One small bass 24" on clams.

06-08-2009, 09:45 AM
Two bass 34", one 39". Out front early today in Monmouth county, live bunker. 3 of us caught 5 fish, kept the 3 above. The other 2 were released. Biggest released one was 45", 40# on the boga. Some nice fish out there, I think some surf fishermen got into them too. There were many pods of bunker with nothing on them.

Mike O
06-08-2009, 02:44 PM
Fished SH with my son 3am til about 8am Sunday morning. 3 searobins and a fluke that hit my jig draggin the bottom. Bad season for me so far. Saw lots of bunker past casting range, boats all over the place once sun came up. But needless to say another beautiful morning on the beach fish or none.

Mike O

06-08-2009, 05:41 PM
Hit the NJ waters out back this am 5:30-7, bait and wait with bunker. And this wasn't normal bunker, it was the "freshest" bunker on the face of the earth, packed in a salt and ice solution. I thought my hours old bunker would be ok, but noooo, someone had a better system. ;) :HappyWave:

Needless to say, it didn't matter, bite was slow, so we cleared out of there when the day shift came around.

Alex got one bass around 31" right as I got there, after fishin all night. That's all she wrote. That's fishin. :fishing:

werent those fresh bunker? Got some nice footage these past couple of days.. Cameras awesome

06-08-2009, 06:07 PM
werent those fresh bunker? Got some nice footage these past couple of days.. Cameras awesome

I've seen some people bust on AA about his baitfishin ways, but the dude has it down to a science. Who else would carry fresh bunker around in a special freezer container with a saltwater and ice solution? Dude has a PHD in bait fishin, there ain't too many people as serious as that. :kooky:

Although, ya have to admit, Lou did nail that 20# 15 minutes after he tossed a chunk of 3 day old bunker!! :moon: That's gotta be a slap in a face to the guys wheo were there all night, but that's fishin! :laugh: :fishing:

Lemme tell ya somethin about those bunker, dey's the freshest around! Even fresher than the bunker and worms at Jack's B&T city Island! :ROFLMAO:


You should get someone to chow down on one of those fresh bunkers for Eddie's shop, the footage would be hilarious. I would volunteer, but I only do peanuts. Last time I ate a peanut I got into a challenge with a drunk guy from Belford, and he welched on his end of the deal to eat one. :2flip: I chowed mine down like a chocolate donut. :drool:

Maybe Mikey is available, that would be classic to film something like that. :D

6/9: Just wanted to let you guys know that Mikey died last week, according to comments left by his family on the youtube comments section. RIP Mikey, ya made me laugh, even when I didn't feel like laughing. :clapping::thumbsup: See ya on the other side, thanks for the laughs. :HappyWave:

(Post #7)

06-09-2009, 08:57 AM
Fished SH with my son 3am til about 8am Sunday morning. 3 searobins and a fluke that hit my jig draggin the bottom. Bad season for me so far. Saw lots of bunker past casting range, boats all over the place once sun came up. But needless to say another beautiful morning on the beach fish or none.

Mike O

Fish or none it was beautiful anyway. :thumbsup: Doesn't get any better than that, Mike, fishin with your son. Treasure these times, they are fleeting. Nice report.

06-09-2009, 11:07 AM
On Saturday morning, 4-8am, I got one 27-28" fish from a tip of the jetty on a 2oz RM Smith White/pink eye. Saw bunker but no fish on them. Beautiful sunrise. I never fish in the ddawn and it was really nice. Will do it again this week.

In the back last night from 11-2am. Got a couple taps on a bucktail with a twister tail and that was it.

06-10-2009, 10:01 AM
I was out this am from 4-7:30 on the jetties, 2 spots, a few diff rock piles, only one short striper to show for it on my glass ghost xrap. Threw everything in the bag.

06-10-2009, 11:40 AM
well after a long dry spell for me fished the moco area with ds the bad weather held off i was glad the bugs were a pain there were small bait fish all over had birds scuping them up we got a spot that looked fishey ds tryed plugs first top middle and bottom of the water not a tap so it was time to try bait so out came the clams not five mins in got a good run off i missed bait again cast out this time got a nice 30 inch fish by this time i pack up and move closer to were ds is fishing he now has bin dunking clams to he has a nice 29 inch fish we are both happy now the bite dies so we follow the tide with a few hit no hook ups so off we go to another spot once again bait all over but this time fish were on them blues not bass we had fish popping here and there but they were very picky had to find why they wanted ds got hits but no hook ups had to down size to a small minnow bait that did the trick got one nice big blue lost a few small metal lures that looked like what they wanted we had a good time but we call it and packed up before the boats came around so until next time tite lines and good fish to all :fishing::fishing::plastered:

06-10-2009, 11:51 AM
(G managed to say everything I said here in 1/10th the words, wonder why I can't accomplish something like that. :laugh:)

Fished out front with G last night 10-6am. We knew a noreaster makes it a good clam bite, had a window to fish, and went for it. The first hit happened about 5 minutes after setup, and came unbuttoned. Then G got a bass 30". I got one soon after, 29 1/2 ".


Fish hit aggressively, we each caught and "quick released" a few more, ;) and a few more came unbuttoned.

The fishin was good because it was the first time we had seen a decent amount of action in the area at night. Honestly, it was only a slow pick, with most of the action concentrated on the first 2hours of outgoing. Still enough to keep it interesting and use up 2 dozen clams.

Meanwhile, I tried plugging as we moved 4x with the tide to try to stay on the fish. No success though bucktails managed a few small taps, probably sea robins or fluke.

When we first got there, there was no wind. Liberal amounts of bug spray didn't help, as the bugs were eating our eyelids and inside our nostrils, the only parts of us that weren't covered up.

At one point I thought it was raining, and then realized it was just the deluge of bugs that surrounded us in the calm night. The bugs were dancing on our faces! :2flip: We were grateful when the wind finally kicked in from the S, and that there are no greenheads around yet.

There was no bait around when we first started, and then as the strong moon ebb tide got going we saw scattered groups of spearing. The coolest behavior I observed was a few birds who have a technique of fishin at night by skimming their bills imperceptibly across the calm parts of the water and snagging a spearing or 2 as they do this. Very cool to watch. :cool:

We finished up in the back, trying to pull together a few bluefish in a place where thousands of spearing had gathered. I had success with an Ace baits squid swimmer before, it's my go to plug when I hit that area. All I could get were non-committal light taps from bluefish that were not aggressive, and picky. Also struck out with various jointed swimmers of different sizes, another deadly plug for when fish are sluggish. Imagine... picky bluefish. :kooky:

Kept downsizing our presentations until we were throwing yozuri type small profile swimmers that resembled the spearing. I already know to downsize when spearing are around, and sometimes a teaser works. However, the maneuverings we had to go through to connect with one of the picky bluefish made me think that because there were so many spearing available toward the end of the ebb, that any artificial presentation still missed the mark.

Also had some luck for the first time trying the metal jigs from jrods bait and tackle as the dawn came around. We didn't hook up with them, had some hits that came unbuttoned. I'll report more on them as we catch fish on them, but for now I can confirm those things cast like a mile! :wow: :fishing:
They're aerodynamic, very compact, and cast effortlessly. When you need something to punch out into the wind, and are looking for a metal that will cover all levels of the water column, I would say it's a good idea to have some of them in your bag. :thumbsup:


In all, it was a good night out, no danger from the forecasted storms other than a few lightning flashes. Water was very clean, and the swell wasn't that bad either.

As to the daytime part of yesterday, congrats to the people I know who did well, especially the very nice fish that were caught and released. It takes some good sportsmenship to put big girls that size back and not run to the tackle shop for your 5 minutes of fame. :clapping:

We're always complaining when there is a slaughter on the beach. There was enough of that yesterday as well, but a certain contingent of surf anglers released almost every fish they caught, wtg guys. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

06-10-2009, 12:51 PM
Yesterday afternoon 4 fish to 37# all released

This morning 3 fish to 27" from the beach on plugs

06-10-2009, 02:35 PM
It takes some good sportsmenship to put big girls that size back and not run to the tackle shop for your 5 minutes of fame. :clapping:

We're always complaining when there is a slaughter on the beach. There was enough of that yesterday as well, but a certain contingent of surf anglers released almost every fish they caught, wtg guys. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Yesterday afternoon 4 fish to 37# all released

:clapping::clapping: wtg, Finchaser, one of the guys who doesn't need a tackle shop pic to thump his chest over. You must have had a blast fighting those fish!

Words of praise aren't enough to say thanks for all the fish conservation you do, you're a true sportsman, and a half-decent guy. Almost a respectable citizen. ;):laugh: :p:HappyWave:

06-10-2009, 07:11 PM
Fished in the morning got 2 one 29" and another 32" but them both back for next time. Caught them both on clams.

06-10-2009, 09:09 PM
dudes i am so mad there was a blitz in moco and i got there at the end. a bass blew up on my popper, i saw him must have been 25lbs, big tail, but no hookup. dudes were walking some nice bass off the beach, got to get there earlier tomorrow.:burn:

06-11-2009, 10:54 AM
dudes i am so mad there was a blitz in moco and i got there at the end. a bass blew up on my popper, i saw him must have been 25lbs, big tail, but no hookup. dudes were walking some nice bass off the beach, got to get there earlier tomorrow.:burn:

You'll gettum next time man. :thumbsup:

06-11-2009, 10:56 AM
Report Wed night all over, report to follow.

* So I fished the whole night again, in between a little nap in the van at 2am. Started at the place where a few big fish were caught in the ocean, fished a while after most of the people went home, except for Rickman, GreatWhiteHunter, and one or 2 others who decided, like me, that there still might be fish around anyway. That's a good strategy, because it works sometimes. That time, it didn't, but we gave it a shot anyway. :thumbsup:

I fished the front of some rocks, I love the whitewater, even when I'm not catchin. The tide was comin in and it was awesome to be out there. Water was crystal clear. Sweep was left to right. Beautiful place to be. That time of day, early evening before sundown, called out for big swimmers, but I couldn't manage anything on different ones. Switched back to an Ace medic super spook and caught the bluefish in the pic. He spit up a sandeel, so now I know to bring needlefish with me.

I left and went north to fish some more moving water. Set up with clams in the same location where we caught bass the night before, outgoing. Perfect conditions as I fished the first 2 hours of outgoing, only the bait we saw the night before was absent. Water was devoid of life, not a tap. 2 hours later as I was getting ready to leave is when all the bait came through, hundreds of spearing again, and some sandeels.

The sandeels are cool creatures. :cool: If you're wading in the water to make a cast, they will come up and circle around you, kinda neat.

Water was lower, and pea soup fog was rolling in, decided to leave for another spot. The spot I go to when I just need to catch a fish, any fish, to go home without being blanked. I started throwing these Ace squid sinking plugs with the rubber skirts which always produce in current. Got one bluefish on that, and then nothing.

I plugged hard for the next 2 hours, trying different things, and managed to land 5 bluefish up to 10#. Missed a bunch more because of the noncommittal taps. One of the bluefish spit up all the baby 1" fluke you see in the pic.

It seemed once I got a fish on one plug, that wouldn't work anymore, and I had to go to to a different presentation.

I don't know about anyone else, but that's the pattern I've been finding this year, this "lack" of a pattern. If the conditions are similar, in the past I would expect some fish to be around from one night to another, but that hasn't been the case. I think some people here have said the same thing about lack of a pattern, and Swiss mentioned the other day how even his fishing has been hit or miss. Yep, that's fishin. :kooky:

Again, I think the thousands of spearing that were around had something to do with it. So I kept changing plugs until I got one that worked, and changed again when it didn't work. Some of the plugs that worked, other than ther squid, were the bomber magnum jointed (this time only the blue chrome worked, not the yellow schoolbus), white redfin, and the black magnum bomber. The smaller profile yozuris weren't gettin any hits this time. :don't know why:

After workin for those bluefish, I took a snooze for a few hours. Decided I didn'ty want to go back without trying one more time, and hit the place again to get a fat bass under 28" on the blue chrome magnum jointed bomber.

It was nice to get a bass for once, but that was the only action in the next 1/2 hour. I decided to hit the ocean again, only had 15 minutes before time to go to work. No action at sunrise throwing metal lipped swimmers.

06-11-2009, 11:11 AM
Report Wed night all over, report to follow.

way to go Rich.. must have been fun catching a blue that size on a lure... Hey what kind of bait fish are those on the right? Look a little like peanuts but cant be... too early

06-11-2009, 11:19 AM
AA I got bluefish to 10# last night, but the one in the pic is so small I was embarassed to post it. :embarassed: Got that one in the ocean, I think I'm the only one who caught a frikkin bluefish in the ocean yesterday, "last cast" as I was leaving for another spot. A few other guys got bass 20-40, do ya think I woulda been that lucky? :laugh:

The reason I posted the pic is to show the sandeel it spit up. There are sandeels all over now, time to break out the needlefish plugs, guys.

The bottom pic is baby fluke, about 3/4 of what one bluefish spit up as I brought him in to remove the plug. Bluefish are truly eating machines, they eat any natural forage they can find.

06-11-2009, 02:27 PM
way to go rich nice blue now i wish we could get some better weather so we can get into a good bite not this hit or miss stuff the blues are the fish u turn to save a day but they are picky now its a pain but thats fishing:fishing::fishing:

06-11-2009, 07:52 PM
Nice catch ther Dark, That's a big Sandeel. I wouldn't mind catching a few blues. I haven't caught one since mid May.

06-12-2009, 07:43 AM
Vpass check yer pms. :HappyWave:

06-12-2009, 08:49 AM
All you crazy hardcore guys talking about fishing in the rain had me convinced I would catch the monster bass of all time, and I fished MoCo last night for a few hours with clams. I did catch - it was a :skunk:, and it smelled bad! Hope I can do better this weekend.

06-12-2009, 09:32 AM
Did that bluefish speak english, because those fluke aren't legal!! Should have called the warden.

06-12-2009, 11:55 AM
Did that bluefish speak english, because those fluke aren't legal!! Should have called the warden.
:laugh: :clapping:

I was visiting friends and fished a beach in ocean county NJ this morning. Bunker came in close, and we had 10 minutes of great fishing! 2 bass on a white gibbs pencil, 28" and 35", still swimming.

06-12-2009, 06:33 PM
Fished the outgoing on clams yesterday. Caught two shorts.

06-12-2009, 09:41 PM
I went to Sandy Hook after work today, one bass 26" using clams, and 2 skates. I was on the fence about going and glad to be out there. :fishing:

06-12-2009, 11:07 PM
wow are these mugggins real. Hooked into a near 20 with 3 other guys on the rocks, 2 mins later its 40 guys, where do they crawl from??? then I hooked a 30 and a guy hoped onto my rock with me, to my right too, we looked like co joined twins, i think he wanted to see if id just bail or something :kooky: I stayed and we looked silly and i couldnt cast, fish all went to the next jetty

06-13-2009, 08:26 AM
wow are these mugggins real. Hooked into a near 20 with 3 other guys on the rocks, 2 mins later its 40 guys, where do they crawl from??? then I hooked a 30 and a guy hoped onto my rock with me, to my right too, we looked like co joined twins, i think we wanted to see if id just bail or something :kooky: I stayed and we looked silly andi couldnt cast, fish all went to thenext jetty

Something like this Shark?
http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=3581&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1230034948 (http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=3581&d=1230034948)

http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=3790&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1231291733 (http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=3790&d=1231291733)

I had some friends down in Ocean county. I had to work, went down around 10pm after all the carnage. Plugged a few choice spots for awhile, some of the outgoing.:skunk: I didn't run into any of the above craziness. Most people went home by then.

06-13-2009, 09:05 AM
smaller rock :) I took a rod to my head on a miss cast from the guy who sideled in from the left.

Threfore i hoped to find them to the south on the sand in OC this am, many boats out at 5am, bunker in somewhat close, no bass, lots of guys on every set of steps. i didnt even know there were this many fisherman

06-13-2009, 10:07 AM
smaller rock :) I took a rod to my head on a miss cast from the guy who sideled in from the left.

http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=3790&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1231291733 (http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=3790&d=1231291733)

Looks too crazy for me, props to you for being in the madness.:thumbsup:

I fished clams and bunker this morning in Somoco, one short bass 24", one skate.

06-13-2009, 01:54 PM
I don't think I could stand being in that crowd. Fished outfront monmouth county and got two 25 to 28". Caught on pencil popper.

06-13-2009, 06:17 PM
smaller rock :) I took a rod to my head on a miss cast from the guy who sideled in from the left.

Threfore i hoped to find them to the south on the sand in OC this am, many boats out at 5am, bunker in somewhat close, no bass, lots of guys on every set of steps. i didnt even know there were this many fisherman

:kooky:ha ha shark weekend fishin is crazy all the googs out there. i hit it hard this morning, swimmers first, then poppers at light, one bass only 23", one small bluefish, then spent some hours looking for the big fish but the were hiding from all the boats, lol.

06-13-2009, 08:04 PM
i know kayak fishing dont count here, but i got these babies yesterday just bout 100 yards from shore.
45" 31LB and 42" 27Lb 7oz
http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/8666/dsc04044i.jpg (http://img198.imageshack.us/i/dsc04044i.jpg/)

06-13-2009, 08:21 PM
Beautiful fish Lenny! :clapping::clapping::clapping:

06-13-2009, 08:24 PM
:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping: woo hoo, my man Lenny racked em up! pencil poppers or snag and drop?

06-13-2009, 08:27 PM
:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping: woo hoo, my man Lenny racked em up! pencil poppers or snag and drop?

pencil poppers

06-13-2009, 08:29 PM
i gotta get a kayak!!!:dribble::heart:

06-13-2009, 08:53 PM
Nice Lenny, great catch :clapping::thumbsup::clapping::thumbsup:

06-14-2009, 11:26 AM
Tried out my first pair of korkers yesterday on a jetty in NoMoCo. Nothing doing but heard I missed a humongous blitz the day before. Just my luck. Nice meeting you out there SharkHart. Should be getting out of work fairly early today and will be at the same spot with a couple of new treats. Hope to see you out there.

06-14-2009, 12:40 PM
i know kayak fishing dont count here, but i got these babies yesterday just bout 100 yards from shore.
45" 31LB and 42" 27Lb 7oz
http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/8666/dsc04044i.jpg (http://img198.imageshack.us/i/dsc04044i.jpg/)

Yeah but these guys here don't know about the obsessive amounts of hours you put in out there in search of bass, finding acres of bait, getting hits, and not getting the fish, or getting skunked. You were out in RB a few weeks ago when the waves were 1-2, wind was brutal, and the other kayakers turned around and went in. And still you didn't give up, kept at it.

Finally got your 30, good deal, wtg man. :clapping::thumbsup:

06-14-2009, 01:32 PM
Nice catches Lenny D. Were those caught out front? I think I might have seen you yesterday if so. Saw a guy in an orange yak coming back in and he had to wait for the right wave to bring him into the surf. Looked pretty cool.

06-14-2009, 01:51 PM
:clapping::HappyWave: way to go

06-14-2009, 02:52 PM
Difficult fishing the last 2 days. I only managed one bluefish on a pencil popper at dawn today. I heard countless stories of slaughter and mayhem where I usually fish. I was away Friday and could not fish. I am glad some of the guys here got into big bass. However that put the fever on for the weekend. There were at least 5 times that my walking the beach looked like it was going to pay off, and an apparently new boater ran through a school of feeding bass. This put the kibosh on the bite for all of us. Same issues over and over, only magnified on the weekends. It makes me realize how fortunate I am to be able to fish weekdays.

06-14-2009, 03:12 PM
Difficult fishing the last 2 days. I only managed one bluefish on a pencil popper at dawn today. I heard countless stories of slaughter and mayhem where I usually fish. I was away Friday and could not fish. I am glad some of the guys here got into big bass. However that put the fever on for the weekend. There were at least 5 times that my walking the beach looked like it was going to pay off, and an apparently new boater ran through a school of feeding bass. This put the kibosh on the bite for all of us. Same issues over and over, only magnified on the weekends. It makes me realize how fortunate I am to be able to fish weekdays.

From what I have heard, these blitzes have been around 4 PM - 7 PM... weird hours but thats when theyre biting :naughty:

06-14-2009, 03:19 PM
Yeah but these guys here don't know about the obsessive amounts of hours you put in out there in search of bass, finding acres of bait, getting hits, and not getting the fish, or getting skunked. You were out in RB a few weeks ago when the waves were 1-2, wind was brutal, and the other kayakers turned around and went in. And still you didn't give up, kept at it.

Finally got your 30, good deal, wtg man. :clapping::thumbsup:

That's right rich! the Past 3-4 weeks i was down there 3-4 times a week, its kind of hard when u have a wife,they get :kooky: sometimes.You put everything behind and fishing becomes first priority.
Im still gonna fish that 3-4 times a week for the next 3 weeks or until this bass run is over, now cuz i got my 30 range i wanna go for the 40's or even 50's. for that i know i have to use live bunker cuz those big ones are lazy waiting on the bottom.

06-14-2009, 03:22 PM
Nice catches Lenny D. Were those caught out front? I think I might have seen you yesterday if so. Saw a guy in an orange yak coming back in and he had to wait for the right wave to bring him into the surf. Looked pretty cool.

Yap, ocean front, about 100 - 150 yards

06-14-2009, 04:50 PM
LennyD, love the pictures and happy for you on your fine catches.

Haven't been out much this week. Yesterday, 3am-9am. Plugs. Some blues on poppers and a 17" fluke that went for my teaser in the dark.

06-14-2009, 05:47 PM
nice yak bass

So i was out there again sat with Amboy Angler nothing doing, It looks like a bit of a down cycle after going off a few days in a row, lets hope it doesnt last long.

06-14-2009, 06:37 PM
Fished MoCo from 1pm to 4pm. 1 -25 inch bass on an afterdark swimmer, and had a Blowup on a Pencil poper. It looked like it would have been a nice size fish.:burn:

06-14-2009, 07:15 PM
last week searching NoMoCo for the big bass, I thought i finally got lucky as I finally saw some fish breaking in the bunker. I ran out to the beach, along with 3 other fisherman, fish still busting in front of us and took my place 4th in line.

as we were all casting plugs, I saw the 3 people to my right all hook and land bass between 15 to 20 lbs. I made a caast and finally hooked up. I had thoughts of a big bass, but landed a bass of 24 INCHES. What was he doing with the big boys. The fish then disappeared, leaving me without a fish to even bragg about.


06-14-2009, 08:49 PM
Fished a couple places between 1:30 and 7:30 AM.
Caught this one bass out front. Bass hit the sand eel teaser (thanks for the heads up Rich on the sand eels).

06-15-2009, 11:30 AM
Zig zagged all over the place last night in search of fish action. Started early in the ocean, ran into AA and crew to fish the back.

There was a decent bite from a rockpile, but Fighting Irish came between the fish and the guys on the rock. Despite being asked to back off, the fish were put down by him more than once, only 4 were caught in a short window.

Granting the Courteous Unselfish Sportsman:rolleyes: :laugh: of the week award to this guy,:clapping::clapping: no one wins when people behave like this.
I wonder if boaters and surfcasters will ever be able to fish together in harmony?:don't know why:

Back to the fishin, first part of the night was a bait brigade, I held the lead with a fat eel. :kooky: Then we started plugging as the tide came in. Nothing for me, one dropped fish and a few swings and misses for the others. First light, we went back to the ocean.

Awesome sunrise plugging as we plugged hard, and others watched us with binoculars. Plugged the end of outgoing, beginning of the incoming for 2 hrs, awesome whitewater :heart: no fish.

There were some boats around marking bait, but they eventually broke up.

Went back to the previous spot to try to redeem ourselves with at least one fish pulled in, but it was not to be. Tried our best, plugs, shads, bucktails, rubber jigs, bait, night of the skunk. :(

06-15-2009, 12:31 PM
Out front this morning 4:30 - 8:30. Two bass around 24 inches. One on a danny and the other on the rubber teaser. The water was great, lots of white water.

06-15-2009, 01:11 PM
Came down from NY and fished with a buddy of mine yesterday. MoCo out front early in the morning. Wanted to bring clams but he said we would be better of plugging. Couple of bumps, nothing brought in.:skunk:. Should have used the clams.

Dark is correct the boaters need to show more respect for the surfcasters. I bet eventually the boaters become surfcasters.

06-15-2009, 02:09 PM
Spent a total of 17 hours out on the water at numerous spots out front and in the back. Nothing at all to show for it. Started out front at around 6 oclock PM... Saw the bunker out far by the boats and it looked like they were catching. As soon as the bunker get in close enough to do something with, this prick in a boat comes and rides right over the pod and they go under. I couldn't believe my eyes. It would have been hectic on the jetty we were on anyway. There were like 50 guys on it with no elbow room and all hell would have broken loose. Night fall came and my buddy June and I headed further North and walked the beach for about 3 hours throwing every plug in the bag in every nook and cranny out there. NADA...... Met with 2 other friends and hit the back after that and tossed some clams at slack and outgoing. Tried some plugs out there too.... My buddy hooked an eel.... My other buddy had a couple of hookups on plastics but lost them every time... One came back bitten in half. Dawn came around and we hit the same jetty. This time it was just us..And a couple of guys watching. (I'm gonna be doing this next time). There was a storm passing by and it looked very prospective but nothing happened. Got hit by a couple of Rogue Waves. Felt Great. Water is much warmer right now..... I am always at the wrong place at the wrong time. Getting very discouraged with all the time I put in. Havent caught a bass since May.

06-15-2009, 05:20 PM
well aa dont feel so bad just keep fishing it will come :HappyWave::HappyWave: