View Full Version : Do they feel pain?

06-04-2009, 05:32 PM
The question is always asked and many non fishermen say that they do however here is the proof that they don't really feel pain.

by: Carrie Wilson

This question is frequently asked, particularly by the non-fishing folks. Generally, many people don't think fish feel pain or they just don't know either way.

Fortunately, Dr.James D. Rose, a University of Wyoming professor of zoology, has researched this subject and recently published his findings in the "Reviews of Fishery Science (Vol. 10, No.1)." His article, "The Neurobehavioral Nature of Fishes and the Question of Awareness and Pain," discusses whether fishes are capable of experiencing pain and suffering, the detrimental effects of anthropomorphic thinking, and the differences in central nervous system structure that underlie basic neurobehavioral differences between fishes and humans.

Unlike humans, fish do not use specific areas of the brain to recognize pain. According to Rose, because the experience of fear, similar to pain, depends on the cerebral cortical structures that are absent from fish brains, awareness of fear is impossible for fishes. Although it is implausible that fishes can experience pain or emotions, they can and do display what Rose calls "robust, nonconsious, neuroendocrine, and physiological stress responses to noxious stimuli." Essentially, a fish's reaction to being hooked is an escape response, not an indication they are feeling pain.

"Although it is concluded from the foregoing analysis that the experiences of pain and emotional distress are not within the capacity of fishes, this conclusion in no way devalues fishes or diminishes our responsibility for respectful and responsible stewardship of them," Rose said.


06-05-2009, 02:41 PM
I like that conclusion, good to read this. Even so, I don't like to see fish suffer, and try to take them off the hook as quick as I can.

06-05-2009, 04:26 PM
It has gone back to the beginning of time that we fish for food. What's the big deal?

06-05-2009, 10:06 PM
The big deal is that you don't want anything to suffer. Lots of us catch and release. We want them to continue living pain free.

06-06-2009, 01:49 PM
People used to fish for food because it was necessary. These days we do it for sport. Why do you want something to suffer for you to have fun?

06-07-2009, 02:28 AM
^^Thanks for qualifying your comments people. Otherwise someone out there could mis-interpret that study and say it's ok to kick a bass back in the water instead of releasing it the right way. It's one of my biggest pet peeves when I venture into the world of daytime fishin. http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon13.gif

06-07-2009, 03:59 PM
I see that most often with Blues. It's disgusting.

Just because they may not feel pain does not mean they are immune to internal injury.