View Full Version : He'd Give You The Shirt Off His Back

07-05-2009, 01:02 PM
I recently fished with a guy some of us know, I won't mention his name to avoid embarrassing him. Anyway, I had fished hard for two days and was fighting a virus but Montauk is not to be missed, if at all possible. If any of you are familiar with it, if you don't have the 4WD, you are going to log a lot of miles. After a period of time, I slogged back to the truck, having separated from my friends and walking the north side hoping to spy one of them in the distance (we had left our cells in the truck). I had just enough energy to get back to the truck and catch some shut eye. Not having seen me for a couple of hours, one of the guys I was with makes the walk up from turtle cove to check on me. We fished for awhile more but eventually cut the trip short due to my illness.

After some time to think about it, this is the type of guy we need to look out for as he was a friend when I needed one. You know who you are and thanks. :HappyWave:

07-05-2009, 01:42 PM
I think this is spam, might have to delete it. ;) Feelin better, bro? :HappyWave:

07-06-2009, 12:22 PM
I guessed that one right off the bat.

07-09-2009, 04:46 PM
This sounds like someone I have known for a long time. Always looking out for the other guy, generous with his time and assistance. Jumps in with both hands to lighten the load of others. I am glad some of you folks think the same.