View Full Version : Aberdeen- Police seek information on robbers

07-11-2009, 06:47 PM
What a bunch of dirtbags. I thought it was pretty safe up there.http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon13.gif


Police seek information on robbers

By Michelle Sahn (msahn@app.com) • July 10, 2009ABERDEEN — Three robbers demanded money from a fisherman last week, and one stabbed the victim in the chest, police said.

Between 8:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. July 1, the 29-year-old township man was fishing off the seawall near Beach Drive when the robbers approached him and demanded money, said Lt. Joseph Cole.
One of the robbers lunged at the man, who struck the would-be thief with his fishing pole, police said.
That robber fled, but a second man pulled out a knife and stabbed the victim in the chest.
The victim drove himself to Bayshore Community Hospital in Holmdel, where he was treated and released.
All three robbers were described as white men who were approximately 20-years-old.
One robber was about 6 feet tall, weighed about 180 pounds, had blonde hair and a crew cut, and had a tribal band tattoo on his left arm. He wore dark-colored shorts and a dark-colored tank top.
Another robber was about 5 feet 10 inches tall, weighed about 180 pounds, and had a medium build, and short, brown hair, cut in a fade style. He wore a white t-shirt, and blue jeans, with a wallet that was attached to a long chain that extended down to his knee.
The third robber weighed about 200 pounds, and had a lean, muscular build and black hair that was cut short. He had tattoo sleeves on both arms, and spider web tattoos on both elbow. On the right arm, the tattoo was of an angel and demon. He wore a tank top and also had a wallet attached to a long chain.
Officer Roger Peter handled the initial investigation. Detective Michael Lasko is continuing the investigation. Anyone with information about the case is asked to call police at 732-566-2054.

07-12-2009, 07:43 AM
Hope they catch those bastids. That's the reason to always have a small fillet knife in a sheath late at night. You never know when you need to fillet a fish. Very sharp knives are needed so you don't cut yourself.;)

07-12-2009, 11:20 AM
I was fishin that area with my girlfriend last year in the spring. Some guy just got out of lockup, was a little buzzed, and he and his friends were pretty rowdy. However there were fish around so I stayed for awhile, busting the guys balls in the process, and helpin them land a few fish. You could see he was the troubled one, it seemed logical that he just got out of lockup. :kooky:

I left that RB place sooner than I wanted that day because my girl was uncomfortable and I didn't feel happy about that.

In a questionable situation, I usually size up the craziest or biggest guy and approach them first, face it head on. I did that when I launched my kayak in sketchy areas in JBay and didn't want to come back to busted wiindows. You hang with the loonies for awhile, they see you got the stones to talk to them, and "sometimes" it turns out good. This seems to work mostly in the daytime, though.

I give the guy in this story credit for fighting back, that's probably what I would have done. :thumbsup: But it could also get you killed.

It's a different story at night. A lot of people get high and do drugs, and you have to be ready to size them up and decide which ones have criminal intent. I used to run with people like that, didn't do those robberies, but I was pretty destructive when I was messed up.

The key point I'm trying to make here is you have to be careful, and savvy about sizing people up. Some situations can turn ugly in a matter of seconds.

Some people might want to handle this with a knife or other instrument. You have to know what the law is. You can meet deadly force with deaadly force, only if you believe your life is in danger.

That being said, there is nothing wrong with carrying a sturdy fillet knife. :D But don't ever threaten someone with a knife if you're not prepared for some pain. People can tell if you're bluffing, or scared, and it can turn against you real quick.

IMO you're better off carrying a jetty gaff at night. Anything up to 6' would be ideal for helping you to land a fish. If your life does get threatened, it's long enough to defend yourself and hurt someone so they will stop or be knocked out. Using a knife is tricky because as stupid as it sounds, you could be charged with weapons violations depending on how it went down.

Again, I'm not giving legal advice here, you would have to see a lawyer to talk to a friend in LE for that. My main point is that if someone panicked and used a knife to kill someone, if somehow it was shown your life wasn't in danger you could face years of legal trouble. Who needs that over a night of fishing? I don't. :don't know why:

I almost got killed on the lower East side one time because I stood up to a kid who was tagging near my motorcycle, and before I knew it there were 10 guys there with bats and sticks intent on a beatdown. More on that story at another time, maybe.

When in doubt, especially if outnumbered, walk away, you'll live to see another day. And keep your cell phone with you. If you dial 911 right before something happens, LE might be able to trace your 20, on the newer phones. :thumbsup:

07-13-2009, 12:41 PM
^^ I can summarize that whole half-page post for ya, Dark. Speak softly, and carry a big stick.;) :laugh:

07-13-2009, 06:03 PM
I wonder if you are aloud to carry tazers in NJ?