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07-25-2009, 08:27 AM
One Final Point (From an NJOA E Action Alert series)

The focus of this week's NJOA E Action Alerts have been on broadening our awareness of the pervasive and continuing attempts by national and local animal extremist to eliminate our freedoms to fish, hunt, trap and live a lifestyle of our choosing. Some of us may think that these initiatives are on the fringes and that they will never impact us - but they already have and the activists continue to make headway.

NJOA readership understands the inseparable link between animal extremism, vegetarianism and how they’ve come together in the political arena. The result is the NJ DEP allowing the bear population to proliferate at the expense of the health and safety of NJ citizenry. The result was a bill created by two vegetarian/animal rights legislators that attempted to end freshwater fishing and hunting. The result is indifference towards New Jersey’s 650,000 outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen and our massive contributions to the state's economy, job creation and ecological stewardship.

Sadly, activism can not remain the domain of zealots. We all need to be activists if we are to keep the things we cherish and pass our values on to future generations. The NJOA is doing all we can to make each of you "armchair activists" by making it easy to contact your legislators from your computer (visit our website Legislative Center) and keeping you well informed about conservation issues in NJ.

I'll end this week's animal extremism coverage with a few more examples of the ties between animal extremism and vegetarianism. Below is a link to a NJ college campus and their activism in undermining our freedoms, values and lifestyles. I've also included two additional initiatives in New Jersey for your review.

Please, be an armchair activist. Tell a friend about the NJOA Legislative Action Center. Have them sign up for the NJOA E Action Alert - it's free – and do so yourself if you haven’t already.


Thank you.



New Jersey Outdoor Alliance


The College of New Jersey


Q: Being a vegetarian is a personal choice, so why should it be forced on anybody else?

A: Few people would argue that beating your dog or lighting a cat's tail on fire are personal choices, yet what happens to animals on factory farms and in slaughterhouses is every bit as gruesome and every bit as cruel. Eating meat supports these abuses. Saying that abusing animals and killing them for their flesh are private matters is the same as saying that beating our children is a personal choice. Just as child abuse involves victims who have no choice, eating meat, dairy products, and eggs also involves victims who have no choice. Just as you can choose to beat your child, you can choose to eat meat. If you do, you're hurting someone who is powerless to stop you. This should not be your "personal choice." No one has the right to hurt others under the auspices of "personal freedom."

Animal Concerns.org


Our mission is to advocate for animal-rights and to help reduce animal suffering through education and non-violent action. We also advocate conversion to a vegetarian/vegan diet to help reduce animal suffering, improve human health and to lessen damage to the environment.

Job openings at New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance


Veg Outreach Program Coordinator : Educate the public about the use of animals raised for food and the human health benefits of a plant-based diet. REQUIRED: excellent understanding of the issues, public speaking and good communication skills, computer literate, vegan. Wonderful opportunity for a compassionate person who cares about the plight of animals. Full time position, from our Englishtown office.