View Full Version : Anyone ever have any fishing gear stolen?

08-07-2009, 12:38 PM
Well this guy got lucky, he got his stuff back. Great story. :clapping::clapping:


Undercover Sting Recovers Fishing Gear

Fri, Aug 07, 2009. 03:41 AM http://www.whiznews.com/images/medaugh.jpg
By: Nichole Medaugh An undercover sting leads the Cambridge Police Department in recovering thousands of dollars worth of high priced fishing equipment, stolen from a Cambridge Residence.

According to a police report authorities received a call about a man selling fishing gear at Columbia Court Apartments that appeared to be stolen.

A special deputy and retired Guernsey County Detective also received a tip about the equipment and agreed to go undercover to buy some of the fishing gear.

The report states that officer were able to tape the special deputy making the purchase.

Another set of officers pulled over the suspect and recovered the money from the recent undercover sale.

The man told officers his cousin had originally stolen the items and he had a agreed to sell them at a lower rate.

Over $2,000 worth of fishing equipment was recovered.

The victim of the robbery was able to identify two fish-pole combos, he's still missing seven rod and reel combinations, along with other items.

Anyone with information about this case should contact Captain LePage or Detective Abel at the Cambridge Police Department (740) 439-4431.

08-07-2009, 03:08 PM
Oh he is definitely lucky all right. Unless it's a ZB or VS, it's almost impossible to recover that stuff. In most cases the police won't even try. I give that local PD some great props for setting that sting up. it's good to see justice in a case like this.:clapping::clapping:

08-07-2009, 04:27 PM
I had a reel and rod stolen once. I had 3 of them on a rod rack in front, and went into a 7-11 to get a coffee. I didn't realize it was gone until I was halfway home. Backtracked to the store, and no one was around that might have looked suspicious. Be careful with your gear guys, you never know what scumbag might decide to give themself a new "present".:burn:

08-10-2009, 10:36 AM
Once when I first started surf fishing I had a couple of rods and reels on my roof rack. When I came back they were gone. :burn: I never did that again.

08-10-2009, 10:59 AM
I was fishing a SS beach late last summer. I will admit to having a white bucket, I was bait fishing for some bluefish.:embarassed: I had some sinkers, some Gami hooks, and an old pair of pliers in that bucket. Went to use the toilet and left the bucket there marking my spot. When I came back the bucket was gone. The way I was raised we would never touch something like that that didn't belong to us.