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08-18-2009, 10:08 AM
Fishing Ethics?

By Dave Langston

Right now I am going to tell you how I feel about slob sportsmen and disruptive boaters. I don’t like them. Simply put, unethical outdoorsmen have no business in the woods or on the water. Why am I writing this article and sounding so disturbed? Here is an example.

Last year I was fishing at Twin Lake reservoir and kept my eye on a particular boat that was pulling a skier. After a few passes the boat kept getting closer and closer to a party of fishermen that were well out of the way from the middle of the lake. Finally, the boat came within 10 feet of the anglers and the skier got wrapped up in fishing line. Did I feel sorry for the skier? Not one bit. They new what they were doing but didn’t seem to care. They had the entire middle to themselves but thought they would ruin the day for everyone…and they did.

How about this one, we were fishing an area that was filled with bass but it was small and only had enough room for one boat comfortably. But another party of anglers noticed we were landing fish after fish and decided they wanted in on the action. Instead of waiting until we moved on they simply started up their engine and shot over to our honey hole and you guessed it, they started fishing neck-to-neck and arm-to-arm with us.

Now, I don’t own any of the water or the land surrounding the reservoir but I can tell you this, these were selfish acts and simply rude. I see these same acts every time I venture onto the water. If you are one of these people, now you know how we feel and what we are thinking every time you venture out. But hey, keep reading on and I’ll tell you how to become a better outdoors person that we all respect.

First, keep to yourself. Sportsmen are tight grouped individuals and most carefully choose whom they fish with or hunt. If you aren’t part of their group your not invited. A simple “Hey, how’s the fishing?” is good enough and move on.

Don’t stop with motor rumbling and ask if they have an extra sandwich because your wife forgot to pack you one. Sounds rude, but this is the rule on the water and you are expected to know this. One exception, if you have a hole in the bottom of your boat. But knowing how some die-hard anglers react, I may choose to swim to shore. But, that’s me.

Next, respect another’s space. This could be part of the keep to your self-rule, but it includes a bit more. If someone found a honey hole and fish are jumping into their boat like frogs on a hot skillet then stay away. They were their first, and they have first right. Look at it as if your older brother had a sports car and you were next in line to get it when he moves away. It’s not yours until he’s gone and don’t bother to even ask.

Don’t offer your catch to someone. Ok, here is the deal; I go fishing to catch fish...my own! Sometimes I catch fish and sometimes I don’t. The last thing I want is to have a bad day on the water getting skunked (no fish) and some ten year old comes up to me with a stringer full of 5 pound trout and ask if I want them and I also have to clean them to boot. I DIDN”T CATCH THEM! Don’t send your child offering me fish you don’t want to clean. I feel bad enough…how much can I take.

Now you have just insulted my hunter, gather, fisherman persona and I feel even worse than getting skunked if that’s possible. Although, I might take them if I have co-workers or even my wife to impress, but I would get caught in a lie and I would feel even worse. Don’t tempt us; it’s not a good thing. Bad things happen when we lie, or should I say when we get caught.

Bring enough bait. Ok, everyone on the lake is catching fish. They are all using worms and you didn’t bring any. Don’t ask me for bait. I don’t have enough. I new exactly how much to bring and how many fishermen were going and you were not part of the head count. I didn’t bring extra and I don’t know you so you’re out of luck on this one. I might barter though, how about six worms for that new rod and reel combo and did your wife happen to pack an extra sandwich and soda? No, you’re going to lose, better to run back the 20 miles and get your own.

It’s all fun and that is what the outdoors is about, but if you read through the fine lines there are lessons to be learned and we have all broke ethics before. Maybe not on purpose but still we have. And any outdoorsmen that says he hasn’t, well is simply not telling the truth. We all crave to have time to ourselves and with the ones we love and care about. The outdoors offers that to us but sometimes we forget and intrude on others private time.

If you have any doubts whether you should or shouldn’t then just don’t. Have respect for others and they will likewise; treat others like you want to be treated. Have fun, be safe and I’ll see you on the water.


08-18-2009, 11:45 AM
Fishing Ethics?

By Dave Langston

Right now I am going to tell you how I feel about slob sportsmen and disruptive boaters. I don’t like them. Simply put, unethical outdoorsmen have no business in the woods or on the water. Why am I writing this article and sounding so disturbed? Here is an example.

. Finally, the boat came within 10 feet of the anglers and the skier got wrapped up in fishing line. Did I feel sorry for the skier? Not one bit. They new what they were doing but didn’t seem to care. They had the entire middle to themselves but thought they would ruin the day for everyone…and they did.


Anyone who would do anything like that wouldn't care about ethics, they're just too idiotic, shouldn't be allowed to own a boat.http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon13.gif

08-18-2009, 02:47 PM
Fishing Ethics?

1. Next, respect another’s space. This could be part of the keep to your self-rule, but it includes a bit more. If someone found a honey hole and fish are jumping into their boat like frogs on a hot skillet then stay away. They were their first, and they have first right. Look at it as if your older brother had a sports car and you were next in line to get it when he moves away. It’s not yours until he’s gone and don’t bother to even ask.

2. If you have any doubts whether you should or shouldn’t then just don’t. Have respect for others and they will likewise; treat others like you want to be treated.

My 2 favorite ones. Don't crowd me, I don't crowd you, why is that so hard to grasp?:huh:

#2, should be on the front door of every tackle shop and marina, and on a neon sign at the entrance to every parking lot where you go to fish. Even after all that, I bet some people still would not get it.

08-18-2009, 06:05 PM
I fish from only from the beach.
Witnissing the boaters total disregard for other fieherman so often is disgusting. The other thing I can't stand is all the dead fish *ss h*l*s leave littering the beach.

08-18-2009, 09:26 PM
My 2 favorite ones. Don't crowd me, I don't crowd you, why is that so hard to grasp?:huh:

#2, should be on the front door of every tackle shop and marina, and on a neon sign at the entrance to every parking lot where you go to fish. Even after all that, I bet some people still would not get it.

I run into a lot of different people out there. I think that most of them want to do the right thing. Some have only to be reminded gently with the right words, and they appreciate the head's up from a fellow angler.

There will always be others who no matter what is said, they don't care. You could hit them over the head with a brick, and they still wouldn't get it. You can't save everybody from themselves. http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon3.gif

08-18-2009, 10:14 PM
And what's wrong with hitting people over the head with a brick, or a sinker? Sometimes it helps them to see the light, or so I have been told.;)

08-18-2009, 10:43 PM
I fish from only from the beach.
Witnissing the boaters total disregard for other fieherman so often is disgusting. The other thing I can't stand is all the dead fish *ss h*l*s leave littering the beach.

I don't know about you, but I think it gets worse every year. You would swear some of these people were raised in the favelas of Brazil.

08-18-2009, 10:47 PM
If people used common sense and respected others like they would wish to be respected, we wouldn't need to have threads about fishing ethics. I guess that's a big "if":rolleyes:

08-19-2009, 09:55 AM
I am with you on all fronts, I think it gets worse every year and that "if all the people had common sense/respect" issue, its a shame so many do not.
Fortunatly fishing in the dark eliminates being involved with most of this stuff, but its still out there (big time):burn:.

If people used common sense and respected others like they would wish to be respected, we wouldn't need to have threads about fishing ethics. I guess that's a big "if":rolleyes:

I don't know about you, but I think it gets worse every year. You would swear some of these people were raised in the favelas of Brazil.

08-19-2009, 10:26 AM
raised in the favelas of Brazil.

I learned a new word today!

The majority of people who need to learn ethics could care less about ethics. They don't listen and never learn.

08-20-2009, 10:01 AM
I fish from only from the beach.
Witnissing the boaters total disregard for other fieherman so often is disgusting. The other thing I can't stand is all the dead fish *ss h*l*s leave littering the beach.

Monty, I fish mostly from a boat, but understand exactly what you are saying. There is no excuse for the idiocy out there. Just this year 2 guys have accidently sunk their trucks into the water at the Atlantic Highlands marina. Although you feel bad when you see something like that, on some level I feel they deserve it. The only barriers to owning a boat are having the place to store it. Boat dealers will finance any boat to a guy as long as he has a job.

For the most part, the guys I fish with are respectful and careful of other boaters and surf fishermen alike. Yet every time I am out there I see another yahoo hot-dogging, running hard through a no-wake zone, or coming too close to another group of boats. You surf guys are not the only ones who get "mugged". These simple ideals of courtesy end etiquette I grew up with are ignored by a lot of the new crowd coming onto the water. I strongly feel that when any newbie has to take the boater safety course, they should devote one additional day to proper behavior and handling your boat when you are around others, not just for safety, but for all of our general well-being. I feel there are too many newbies who don't have a clue, yet they are operating a craft that can potentially kill someone. You can't assume these folks will suddenly be more responsible. The best way is through adding more mandatory courses. Just my .02.

08-20-2009, 08:39 PM
This would be a great start. Makes sense, so in today's society more than likely has no chance of happening.
I know there are guys like you who "get it". But I just cannot for the life of me believe the high percentage of boaters who have ZERO respect for others (surfcasters and other boaters). I agree completely with everything you said:thumbsup:.

I strongly feel that when any newbie has to take the boater safety course, they should devote one additional day to proper behavior and handling your boat when you are around others, not just for safety, but for all of our general well-being. I feel there are too many newbies who don't have a clue, yet they are operating a craft that can potentially kill someone. You can't assume these folks will suddenly be more responsible. The best way is through adding more mandatory courses. Just my .02.

08-21-2009, 09:54 AM
We always complain about this. I get sick and tired of minding my own business and all of a sudden just because I pulled in some fish there are 10 guys near me. I am not the best caster and inevitably wind up getting tangled into one of those losers lines.

I never feel bad about it because I far as I am concerned they deserve it for crowding me.

11-05-2009, 03:13 PM
I know there are guys like you who "get it". But I just cannot for the life of me believe the high percentage of boaters who have ZERO respect for others (surfcasters and other boaters). I agree completely with everything you said:thumbsup:.

Why SHOULD boaters respect surfcasters? If there is an argument, all the boater has to do is drive away and be safe. There's nothing to be lost by confrontation, imo that's why many boaters act like a-holes.

Did you ever take the subway to a city regularly? The people there are feining civility to each other, the thin smiles on their faces. What happens when there is a delay, or a rain breaks down due to bad weather, and there are less trains? People turn into instant animals, because they know you will never see them again. The psychology of mob behavior. I see the same thing on the beach, and also with surf guys treating each other that way as well, because they figure "Hey I'll never see that guy again, who cares?":don't know why: