View Full Version : New Jersey poachers

09-01-2009, 12:34 PM
these poachers sound like real losers.:burn:

Ocean County crabbers accused of stealing from rival’s traps

By MIKE JACCARINO Staff Writer, (609) 978-2010
Press of Atlantic City

Every profession has its cardinal rules that maintain order and continuity.

Journalists cannot make up information, Marines never leave a man behind, and in the world of crabbing, one crabber never steals another crabber's crabs or traps.

Three local commercial crabbers - two lifelong practitioners of the trade - violated that rule, according to the New Jersey State Police.

Edward Lawrence Tonnesen, 68, his son Edward James Tonnesen, 41, and John Ruthven, 27, allegedly stole as many as 150 crab pots from other area commercial crabbers, the State Police said.

The alleged thefts occurred this year, but police - and crabbers - suspect the pattern predates this season.

Every commercial crabber is lawfully allowed 400 traps, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection's Fish and Wildlife unit said.

State Police said they saw all three men steal other crabbers' catch, and then return the traps to the water.

They were charged with theft and possession of stolen property in early August, Trooper Valentino Borelli said. The DEP has yet to lodge complaints, but it is expected to, authorities said.

On Monday, Larry Biersack, 60, Michael Ahearn, 42, and Richie Szelc, 40, all commercial crabbers who crab from Forked River to Little Egg Harbor and victims of the alleged thefts, discussed the feelings of betrayal that accompanied the acts.

Once, Biersack and Ahearn shared a solid friendship, but recent events changed that. Each was suspicious that the other stealing traps.

The two mostly crab near the Barnegat Inlet, while others tend traps in waters south of the spot. Neither suspected the Tonnesens.

"We were friends for years," Biersack said. "You fish next to each other and, right or wrong, he's the first one you look at."

Biersack, a Forked River resident who has commercially crabbed for 25 years, shook his head and looked at Ahearn.

Biersack, Ahearn and Szelc were at the state Fish and Wildlife station in Port Republic on Monday to identify missing equipment police recovered from the Tonnesens.

Afterward, Biersack and Ahearn spoke for the first time in two years.

Tim O'Mara, owner of Captain Mike's Marina off Great Bay Boulevard in Little Egg Harbor, a crabbing hot spot, called staying away from other people's crab traps, "the cardinal rule."

As an avid crabber and a merchant who caters to recreational crabbers, O'Mara said he both professes the rule to others and heeds it himself.

"You know, it's funny," he said. "You see the rental boat guys pick up (traps) out of curiosity ... but you just don't do that. That could be someone's livelihood. That could be someone's dinner."

Crabbers leave large traps, often called crab pots, out overnight. They typically check the traps in the pre-dawn hours.

Edward James Tonnesen and John Ruthven, his mate, left at 1 a.m., Borrelli said. The elder Tonnesen left at 4 a.m. to check their traps.

For about a month, the State Police Marine Division had the Tonnesens under surveillance. Borrelli said he woke daily at 2 a.m. and parked at the end of the numerous roads that jut into the Barnegat, Manahawkin and Little Egg Harbor bays from the mainland.

One morning, just after dawn, Borrelli said he saw the elder Tonnesen take crabs from another crabber's pot. Days later, Borelli said he observed the younger Tonnesen do the same, and take the trap.

After a check, traps are left unwatched until the next morning, making trust essential to the trade, crabbers said.

Ahearn called the sanctity of another crabber's traps, the "No. 1 rule."

Theft of traps "is always in the back of your mind ... when you start out," Biersack said. "You worry a lot."

Ahearn admitted that he was, "obsessed years ago," about the theft of his traps. Early on, the Waretown resident said he "used to watch (his traps) a lot" to prevent theft, after making his daily rounds of the traps.

Stiffer penalties and experience have lessened his fears, Ahearn said, but he still thinks about it. The typical commercial crab trap sells for about $30.

The sense of betrayal is keenly felt in Szelc's statement for The Press.

He said he once shared a strong friendship with the younger Tonnesen, who served in his wedding.

"There was a time when I considered him one of my closest friends, but now I realize that was just a ploy to steal my living away from me," Szelc wrote in his statement.

It's not the first time authorities have cited the elder Tonnesen. Since 1997, he has paid $4,240 in fines for five violations, including taking undersized crabs, using illegal traps, and, twice in 1997, tampering with another's gear, Fish and Wildlife officials reported.

Details of the 1997 incidents were not available, and the elder Tonnesen, reached at what police described as his base, Tony's Bait and Tackle Shop in Manahawkin, declined to comment. Attempts to reach the younger Tonnesen were unsuccessful.

The accused have not been arraigned, State Police said. They have resumed crabbing, Borelli added.

In his statement, Szelc wrote, "This was an act of bone deep greed and no punishment could be too severe. I hope Eddie and (Ruthven) are thrown in jail where they belong."

Hard words, he added, for crabbers who allegedly broke the trade's cardinal rule.

09-01-2009, 04:52 PM
Another example of crime doesn't pay. The older guy has already paid previous fines. Throw him in jail, then maybe he'll learn.

04-21-2013, 04:05 PM
Went bayside to fish a couple hours in the morning.
When I was leaving I saw this.
Shorts and keeper bass, somewhat (poorly) filleted.

I don't usually fish this area or areas like this/near this. Is this something that happens often?
Absolutely sucks, who the heck does stuff like this?



04-21-2013, 04:42 PM
http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon13.pngWow that's quiite a few fish. Maybe call the rangers and let them know what you saw.

04-21-2013, 05:11 PM
Was there a sandy beach nearby? Looks like the mexicans had a big bbq feast last night. They come to the beach with lighter fluid and a flat grill scrapped from an old bbq. They catch bass and eat them in the night. They can eat till they have full bellies and no one will be the wiser. They leave without any fillets.

They will tell you they have broken no laws. "Si senor no hablo english. Me no have no striper me no understand english." The COs have to let them go. You should make the call tell them how many dead fillet bass you found and they could come down at night and do a sting. They did that last fall in a bay spot and nailed a few asian guys who were keeping small bass. I think they wrote 5 tickets the night I was fishing there. Yup, I made that call and proudly watched as they came down and ticketed those thieving basstards.

04-21-2013, 05:22 PM
http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon13.pngWow that's quiite a few fish. Maybe call the rangers and let them know what you saw.

You should make the call tell them how many dead fillet bass you found and they could come down at night and do a sting.

I called and filed a report, gave them my phone number if they need any more info on the location.....Just called me as I was typing this..... co-inkie-dink....... the guy knew the area and is going to go there .

04-21-2013, 05:26 PM
Call Tom Swift or Brian Scott they are good guys and will get it done to ticket the a-holes. Keep us posted to let us know how it turns out.

04-21-2013, 05:51 PM
viva la mehico,keeps them from stealing. Have all there cell phones on speed dial including there boss. In Ocean county it's ED, Tom for Mommouth anfd last time i talked to Brain he was doing up north. Also if you see them driving away you can call in a plate# helped them catch them

04-21-2013, 06:08 PM
I called and filed a report, gave them my phone number if they need any more info on the location.....Just called me as I was typing this..... co-inkie-dink....... the guy knew the area and is going to go there .

Good karma for making the call monty. when I read a report like this on another website the guy is ranting and raving. Ask him if he made the call? Oh no I was afraid, or didn't have the number. Thanks for having the stones to do the right thing. jigfreak thank you too sir. :clapping:

04-22-2013, 10:01 AM
X2 Monty thanks for taking a stand and calling them . Did they ever call you back and let you know if they busted anyone?

04-22-2013, 01:03 PM
Good karma for making the call monty. when I read a report like this on another website the guy is ranting and raving. Ask him if he made the call? Oh no I was afraid, or didn't have the number. Thanks for having the stones to do the right thing. jigfreak thank you too sir. :clapping:

X2 Monty thanks for taking a stand and calling them . Did they ever call you back and let you know if they busted anyone?

Talked wit the guy as he was going to the location.

No big deal, just called and gave them the info. Maybe the best thing that will come of it will be that they patrol the area more often.

04-22-2013, 03:59 PM
Maybe the best thing that will come of it will be that they patrol the area more often.

Good job dude.

J Barbosa
04-23-2013, 06:55 AM
A buddy called f&g last night for a group of people that hid a 14-16" fish. They then also kept a 25-26" fish and said it was 28". They left about 10 minutes before Scott showed up. We didn't have his cell number and the hotline took 45 minutes to call him. We have his cell number now.

This picture is just disgusting.

04-23-2013, 09:10 PM
We have a different way of dealing with that here. We look for the guys car or truck. Take a dump in the dirt. pick some of it up and wipe it all over the door handles. You have a lot of places that we fish that are near bumpy or broken roads, construction sites. Sometimes tires unfortunately get nails in them as a poacher is driving to the spot. When it happens more than once they get the message. If the guy has a canal bike the tires mysteriously go flat every time he fishes. Don't need nails just take the valve stems out. Where I fish we know each other and don't like outsiders. If you can hold your own you eventually get some acceptance. You're a poacher? Many guys are willing to teach you the error of your ways. No COs needed.

04-23-2013, 10:33 PM
dogfish you sound like one cool dude! If you ever come down to jersey you can crash at my house. Fish with us for a night or a week no problem. But you will have to use the toilet, and toilet paper. And I won't shake your hand till you wash it first, lol.:laugh:

04-24-2013, 01:33 PM
Cool dude? You guys are nutz!!!!!!!!:upck:

04-24-2013, 06:41 PM
well done.

we also have problems with the amigos. they use cast nets and filet everything pronto.

we used to have lots of black bass down at the dam, but no more. just carp.


04-25-2013, 05:40 PM
Remember that poachers come in all shapes, colors and nationalities.
I can point to plenty of white guys that have been caught catching illegal blackfish in the inlets and canals, then live ferrying them over to Chinatown to be sold on the live market. Remember that when you point the finger at any ethnic group in particular. Thanks, people.

04-08-2014, 04:05 PM
I found the conservation officers site some interesting cases Ill post them up.

december 2012 to january 2013
Marine Region On 12/29/12, CO Klitz was patrolling the Point Pleasant Beach, Ocean County area and observed a commercial fishing vessel entering the Manasquan Inlet. CO Klitz followed the vessel to a dock located behind the Point Lobster Company. The vessel landed approximately 1,000 pounds of American lobster. During the inspection CO Klitz discovered that the vessel did not possess a valid New Jersey Lobster Permit. A summons was issued for failure to possess a valid New Jersey Lobster Pot Permit.

04-08-2014, 04:06 PM
On 01/13/13, CO's Klitz and Soell performed an inspection of the party boat hailing out of Brielle, Monmouth County. The vessel was on an overnight jumbo black sea bass trip. As the patrons made their way to their vehicle's the CO's performed fisheries inspections. The CO's were only able to check a small portion of the patrons at they exited the vessel. CO Soell issued a summons to a patron for possessing 5 black sea bass over the daily limit of 15 and CO Klitz issued a summons to a patron possessing 22 black sea bass over the daily limit.

05-23-2015, 02:03 PM
JB was talking about this pic....seems you and he were fishing the same areas...before you even knew each other....
Hopefully some have learned lessons since then....carcasses like this don't add to the view. Some marinas have even posted signs telling people not to do it.

05-23-2015, 03:11 PM
Any captain or boat owner who does that should have that junk dumped it their bilge so it rots. The back bay and canal waters can't take that stuff rotting it messes up the whole biosystem. When you dump it in a channel it's different it sinks to the bottom so good for the crabs. In bay areas it tends to rot in the shallows.

J Barbosa
05-24-2015, 09:39 PM
JB was talking about this pic....seems you and he were fishing the same areas...before you even knew each other....
Hopefully some have learned lessons since then....carcasses like this don't add to the view. Some marinas have even posted signs telling people not to do it.

I can't believe you dug up the thread. :HappyWave:

That spot produced me some big bass for almost two weeks that year on bunker chunks...pretty hard to forget this photo! The best thing was only a few guys were fishing there that year. Seems like the Facebook heroes caught onto the poor bite there this year and passed the word around like bass were committing suicide...

The filet racks mostly likely belonged to a surf fisherman. There were no boats in any nearby marinas at that time...the docks were still destroyed from Sandy.

12-22-2015, 12:26 AM
Was fishing tonight in moco. Got the skunk but saw a few small stripers. The conservation officers came down and were asking questions. Good to see these guys around especially in December.

12-22-2015, 09:21 AM
If you guys are out there and see anyone taking any shorts here are some numbers to call. I have the numbers on speed dial in my cell.
If I had a dollar for every time I saw someone at island beach put shorts into a 2nd auxiliary cooler I would be rich.

12-24-2015, 10:42 AM
Was fishing tonight in moco. Got the skunk but saw a few small stripers. The conservation officers came down and were asking questions. Good to see these guys around especially in December.

I was out fishing that night and saw that too. I actually saw one guy hide short bass in his car and go back to fishing. So I reached out to someone here (thanks!) for phone #.
Made the call to the COs hoping they would get him. He left before they got there. I copied down his license plate, it is R93 CAZ. Dude was driving a black nissan car. If you see this guy out there ask him why he likes to poach so much.

12-24-2015, 11:04 AM
:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping: Well done PC!

06-08-2016, 11:31 AM
Just a heads up a few weeks ago they were catching baby drum at a pier in a park in bayonne. A friend of mine was there and saw these guys filling up a cooler and made the call. The conservation officer came along and gave them tickets for the numbers of illegal fish. Don't just complain about it on the internet, make the call. It works.

06-08-2016, 11:56 AM
Heard about that, glad to see they got busted and ticketed. Drum bite was good for almost 3 weeks in the bay. I didn't keep any because I hate eating them they're very wormy.

J Barbosa
05-10-2017, 11:28 AM
Went bayside to fish a couple hours in the morning.
When I was leaving I saw this.
Shorts and keeper bass, somewhat (poorly) filleted.

I don't usually fish this area or areas like this/near this. Is this something that happens often?
Absolutely sucks, who the heck does stuff like this?



Monty, I think I found the culprits last night and they still have the same terrible filet job. Same exact spot just four years later.


05-10-2017, 08:56 PM
Monty, I think I found the culprits last night and they still have the same terrible filet job. Same exact spot just four years later.


Wow, that was crazy. Speechless.

05-10-2017, 09:28 PM
W*T*F. He was filleting the blues on the hood of his car. You can't fix stupid. Where was this the Squan inlet?

05-10-2017, 09:47 PM
"Yo Yo!! Im filaying fish out here!" lmfao reminds me of tracy morgan the way he talks. What happened to the leftovers?

05-10-2017, 09:55 PM
haha this is so entertaining. JB you should do your own comedy channel. Yeah that guy Elias cooked bunker. He really cant catch fish he gets lucky once in awhile. But he knows how to cook bunker. Those dudes didn't even know what you were talking about they never heard of Elias V!

05-10-2017, 10:10 PM
Wow. What a toolbag. Vid taken in the ghetto? Great job baiting him your running commentary is priceless.

05-12-2017, 10:00 AM
Disgusting pigs.

05-13-2017, 08:34 AM
"Yo Yo!! Im filaying fish out here!" lmfao reminds me of tracy morgan the way he talks. What happened to the leftovers?



05-19-2017, 02:13 PM
This is real news, not fake news. The office building in RB is going to put up a fence restricting access to the bulkhead by the bridge. You can thank that DB mofo that was filleting fish on the hood of his car. Straw that broke the camel's back.

05-22-2017, 05:53 PM
Fines are not large enough. In this article I read, when they catch them they take the boat.