View Full Version : Hook shots 600lb Marlin

09-25-2009, 02:19 PM
Thought this was a pretty cool video. Field and Stream is doing a video series, they got a 600lb blue marlin in this one.

"In this episode, blogger Chad Love flies East from Oklahoma to join "Hook Shots" host Joe Cermele in the blue water off New Jersey. The goal was to catch Chad his first tuna, but he got a lot more than he could have ever dreamed of when a near 600-pound blue marlin showed up behind the boat hungry. This is an epic fight you don't want to miss."


09-25-2009, 02:51 PM
My uncle caught one 500lbs one year. I was on the boat with him but too little to fight it. Although there are some bigger ones out there, a 600 pounder is a magnificent catch. great video, thanks for posting!